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Prompt Team Event Stories Due Tuesday! ×

Prompt 792 and Prompt 793

Well, we are half way through the month and we have made it to another Friday. Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for candy and scary movies? Are you set to enjoy the creepy and the outlandish? Hopefully, this week's prompts might inspire you to write.

Prompt 792 - Creative

Tag - First Line

"Damn, I can never get blood out of a silk shirt!"

Prompt 793 - Creative

Tag - The Great Pumpkin

You'd heard the rumor in school when you were a kid. The farm at the edge of town always grew pumpkins for Halloween and Thanksgiving. At the farm, it was said if you were a good person the Great Pumpkin showed up and rewarded you. However, if you were bad then the Pumpkin King showed up and punished you. You never believed it and couldn't be bothered to go see if either rumor was true. Now home to visit your parents, your car dies. As you begin to walk you pass the pumpkin patch. You hear a loud crackling noise and turn to see something rising from the pumpkin patch. Is it the Great Pumpkin, the Pumpkin King, or something else? 

Remember any prompt short story should be part of a collection. If you link it to prompt page it might be featured here next week. Until next time remember to read, write, like, and review. Stay safe everyone. 

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