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One week and counting!

One week from right now, I'll be on a big ass plane, flying over a big ass ocean ... I just hope I don't have a stomach bug on the plane like I did when I flew back to the States from mainland China back in '98 ... that was a horrible experience, and one that I shall not go into details about! :P


Anyway, today had to be one of the most tiring days of my life, plus it is FRIGGIN' HOT here in Taiwan right now. Today was my last day of work, and after work, all of the staff in our division went out for a big traditional Chinese banquet as my "farewell dinner" (or lunch, rather). I don't drink (it's a Buddhist thing), but Chinese people SWEAR that beer does not count as "alcohol" (I've been told that in China and Taiwan, including my Taijiquan/Qigong master in China) ... so, they coerced me into drinking way more beer than I probably should have. They got a picture of me sitting at the big table, surrounded by all of the really lovely looking dishes of exotic food, and holding up a big 'ol bottle of Taiwan Beer, and drunk off my white butt. Perhaps I'll share that some day! :lol:


So ... once I was thoroughly stuffed and drunk, I had to go to school to turn in the bound copies of my thesis and start my official graduation stuff. No problems, thankfully, and I'll finish the rest of that next Wednesday, which is basically just going to two more offices to get my form stamped, then pick up my diplomas and transcripts. Now I'm home, just had a lovely cold shower, and am thinking about taking a nice, long nap. I'm gonna need the rest, because next week is going to be the busiest of all, and this weekend, I have to get the rest of my packing, pitching, and cleaning done ... plus, I still have some more writing to do.


Kitty has already finished the first edit of my Summer Anthology story, and I've sent Ch. 22 of SOOTB off to her. It should be ready to post on Saturday, July 8th, provided that the wireless Internet connection my parents are setting me up with doesn't have any problems. I've also started on Ch. 23, and would like to have that finished before I leave Ihla Formosa.


Anywho, that's it for now. Oh, and the current pic in my profile (and on my blog) is of Jay Chou, a famous Taiwanese pop star ... he is soooooo F-I-N-E ... like that boy I saw in the doctor's office, I'll refrain from describing exactly what I would like to do to him ... but I'm sure y'all can use your imaginations! :P


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Hey David!


Good luck with the move and everything! It sounds like you had a really good time at the lunch, it was sweet of them to take you! LOL I'd definitely like to see the picture! :boy:


lol and that is a hot pic in your blog ;) . Anyway take care and have a great day!





I hate flying. I have this horrible fear... well, I guess I shouldn't tell you. I hope you have a good trip and you make it through the flight without any inconveniences hehe. *waits impatiently for chapter 22*



I think Mr. Popstar would look nice in speedos haha :P



Have a safe trip LilBuddha and welcome home!


I hope the US treats you well.

C James


Anyway, today had to be one of the most tiring days of my life, plus it is FRIGGIN' HOT here in Taiwan right now. Today was my last day of work, and after work, all of the staff in our division went out for a big traditional Chinese banquet as my "farewell dinner" (or lunch, rather). I don't drink (it's a Buddhist thing), but Chinese people SWEAR that beer does not count as "alcohol" (I've been told that in China and Taiwan, including my Taijiquan/Qigong master in China) ... so, they coerced me into drinking way more beer than I probably should have. They got a picture of me sitting at the big table, surrounded by all of the really lovely looking dishes of exotic food, and holding up a big 'ol bottle of Taiwan Beer, and drunk off my white butt. Perhaps I'll share that some day!


ROFL!! That's definitely a must-see picture! :D


That going away party was sure a nice thing for your co-workers to do!!


Mine threw one to celebrate me leaving a job a few years ago. I hear it was pretty good, too. (I wasn't invited). :whistle:


Have a safe journey home, LB!!!

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