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I'm back!



Yep, after altogether too long, I'm back. Woohoo! Or, y'know, something like that.


Anyway, time now presents itself, at least a little, which is cool. And in bits and pieces on the train, but still... one takes what one can get.


And yes, this does mean I've finished a first draft. Just need to get it properly savaged edited and it may well be good to go. It's kind of weird, but just having something done, even in draft, is kind of nice.


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Ditto, but I hope you don't think that a new chapter is the price of admission around here. Man, I'd be banned for life. :nuke: :P

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Heh. Nah, I don't think I've gotta make an offering to hang around. The two just coincide -- if I've got time and the inclination to hang around here, it means time and inclination to write, too. (Which feels really good to do, even if it does drive me nuts sometimes)

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