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Devil Cats



My cats are absolutely incorrigible, and I'm about at my wits' end. Every morning when I wake up, and every evening when I get home from work, they have somehow managed to open all of the lower level cabinets in the kitchen and strewn everything (including cat food) all over the kitchen floor. I can't leave toilet paper or paper towels around anywhere, because they shred them and scatter the shreds all over my apartment. They also tip over the trash can and strew the contents (including kitty litter -- ugh!) all over the place. Are anyone else's cats as bad as mine? They keep getting into more and more things, and getting naughtier and naughtier. They weren't like this back in Taiwan or at my parents' house. Unfortunately, cats aren't trainable like dogs, and I have no idea what to do, short of having to go out and buy friggin' baby locks for all of my cabinets. It's no fun having to clean my whole friggin' apartment TWICE every day, when I'm tired, because they get into anything and everything they can possibly get in to, even things I never would have guessed they would be interested in! :devil:


On a brighter note ... I met a boy! He's a Taiwanese-American, born in the States, but grew up in Taiwan, and came back to the States for school about a year ago. He's VERY cute, and for some strange reason (probably because I can speak Chinese, and his English is pretty bad) he's really into me. The only concern I have, though, is that he's a bit too young, 18 years old (although he doesn't seem to think so). We went on a romantic walk around a lake nearby last night and ended up kissing behind some bushes. I haven't kissed anyone since February when I was still overseas. I definitely missed it. We'll probably have another date on Friday evening, and hopefully more on the weekend. So, we'll see how that goes ...


Thanksgiving was pretty boring, except for the excellent college football games last Saturday. I was pleased that Florida defeated Florida State, but Florida's kicker has issues, and he needs to get his act together if Florida is going to beat Arkansas this week, and maintain their slim chance at the BCS title. I was disappointed that Notre Dame got totally creamed by USC, because that lessens Michigan and Florida's chances for winning the national championship. Also, I think Notre Dame's quarterback, Brady Quinn, is really hot! I don't think the rankings are very fair. USC should not have jumped ahead of Michigan to the #2 spot. The SEC championship game is this Saturday, and that'll be a big one. I can't wait to watch it!


Anyway, that's about it for now. Anyone want to adopt a couple of really naughty cats? :wacko:


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Naughty cats? nah. But you should definitely think of something to prevent their scratching and tearing... Maybe have the taiwanese boy take them home! *totally kidding*


YAYYY! Buddha has a love prospect :wub:





Well yes my cat is very naughty, yet there are ways to cat proof your home. first off you dont have to buy expensive baby locks. All you gotta do is get some self adhesive velcro rings. You can open the cupboard easily but they can't! Also don't throw food in the trash keep a grocery bag in the fridge for your food trash and on trash day take it out and throw it away so they aren't tempted by heavenly scents coming from the trash. Personally I think they are mad they've had to move so much. I think they'll get over it and be the good kitties they always were again. Also they have some special cat food for 'indoor cats' it helps them in their frisky behavior. Hope this helps!



the cat doctor!




I'm just amazed DK hasn't posted in here yet, laughing about your line of being able to train dogs :blink:



Training dogs is no problem...unless you have someone like Trebs in the house.


If you really want to get rid of the cats, though, we can help. We won't even make you clean up the mess after the dogs get through with them.






Cats usually get in trouble because they are bored. Two of them can entertain each other- or instigate each other. They need some toys or something to keep them busy. Idle paws are the devils workshop. Lots of people with indoor cats get what they call cat condos or trees. This gives them something to play, scratch, climb and perch on without destroying your house. Check out Cozy Cat Furniture.



You don't really need baby locks. Try Bungee cords like you use to secure things to a backpack or motocycle. They are pretty cheap and do a good job securing all sorts of shelves.



Another possibility is using old-fashioned hooks like you see on a screen door. You can get them with security snaps that are child (and cat) proof. Can you secure your garbage can inside a cabinet? They can't mess with it if it is in a secured cabinate.



Another thing that you may consider: plastic storage bins. These things are great for storing all sorts of things: dry foodstuffs, clothes, papers, paper products, etc. Target has whole aisles of them.



BTW- I'm very pleased that you've found a guy. Y'all be good to each other... ;)






PS- As cats get older, they get lazier and into less mischeif. Cats that are "fixed" tend to have a whole lot less nervous energy.



Hello David,


Your cats sound as though they are behaving very much like my Timmy did. Of course I ended up solving the problem by sending him to live with my mom :*) . Actually that worked out perfectly though. He's much happier in his new home, and my family is really enjoying having him around. So it all ended well :) Incidentally he started acting that way right after I moved, so I suspect that is part of it. The boredom factor might be as well. You were probably spending more time with them before.


Anyway I'm assuming you don't want to get rid of your kitties. I think Vance and James offered excellent suggestions for the cabinets. As for the trash can I'd suggest getting one big enough, or stable enough, that they can't tip over. For example something tall and verticle is easy to tip over, as is something small. I use a large cylindrical trash can and it would be very difficult for my Lucky to tip over. Even if she cat managed to apply enough force to move it it would be much more inclined to simply slide around upright rather than tipping over. Indeed I often roughly shove it around the kitchen when it gets in my way and I'm yet to tip it over.


On a brighter note ... I met a boy! He's a Taiwanese-American, born in the States, but grew up in Taiwan, and came back to the States for school about a year ago. He's VERY cute, and for some strange reason (probably because I can speak Chinese, and his English is pretty bad) he's really into me. The only concern I have, though, is that he's a bit too young, 18 years old (although he doesn't seem to think so).


LOL, well personally I think he sounds like just your type! I think you should just have fun and take things as they come.


Have a nice day :)




Just had another thought. Some people say leave a radio on for cats & dogs. The sound makes them less conscious of being by themselves. [just don't use a punk or heavy metal station unless you want your cats to thrash]


Another trick is to have an aquarium with a cover and in a very stable place where a fat cat standing on top of it can't tip it over. Cats will stare at the fish swimming back and forth for hours on end.


When you are home, give them attention. Its not like you've got to spend all of your time entertaining them. Most cats are purrfectly happy reading a book over your shoulder.



Well ... the velcro thing didn't work. And now they've figured out how to open drawers. They've gone totally nuts. :wacko:


I've tried leaving the TV on before, too ... doesn't help.



Ah, poor David...ya know, Robert is asking Zoe if she'd enjoy a trip to Washington State - that's our big white dog that's always hungry.





David - since they didn't behave this way before either in Taiwan or at your parents' place, could it be something in the place you are now? A sound, mold, something?!



When you are home, give them attention. Its not like you've got to spend all of your time entertaining them. Most cats are purrfectly happy reading a book over your shoulder.
I disagree. Spend time entertaining the prospective boyfriend. Don't waste time on the cats.


Another thing that you may consider: plastic storage bins. These things are great for storing all sorts of things: dry foodstuffs, clothes, papers, paper products, etc. Target has whole aisles of them.

Better yet...store the cats in the bins. Just kidding! :D

C James


LB, this sounds like a case of needing to think outside the box!


Or, more precisely, inside the jar.


You have a taste for far-eastern culture, so perhaps that includes Bonsai? If so, the solution to your problem is at hand!

This Feline Bonsai site might be just what you are looking for.




Seriously though, baby locks might be the only answer, becuase a determined cat will defeat most anything else.


One question: when their behavior changed, did it happen to coincide with a change in the temperature? I've seen cats become more active in cooler homes.

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