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ITFB, chapter one

In case you missed the prologue, it's in the last blog entry.






In The Fish Bowl

Chapter One


Thanks to Jim for editing!


Breath fogged his cold hands as he attempted to warm them with his mouth and his thin cut of a nose felt numb beneath his foggy eyes. Snow fell in heavy flakes that covered the streets until they grew to the height of the sidewalks as he passed through the near-empty alleyway like a slow-moving drunk; in part because of the bulk of his bulky black snowsuit, and in part because he


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Thank you very very very much, Dom. Simply excellent.



I'm really liking this so far, it also gives me a reason to re-read TLW.



You are truly an evil, sneaky, sadistic man. I really like that about you.



Lucy Kemnitzer


As I see it, one of two things is going to happen with Owen and Aiden: either they'll get back together because they miss each other so much, which is nicely romantic, or you'll hook them up with somebody from this big cast of characters you've introduced, which is nicely realistic (hardly anybody gets to keep their high school lover, now, do they? I met the nice felow when I was seventeen, but I didn't move in with him for over a year and didn't marry him till four years after that, and I think we're the only ones I know who got together that young and are still together). So I'm not mad at seeing Owen and AIden in separation: I know you have something in mind for them.


I'm not really getting what Travis does, but I have two different ways to understand it, and I'm patient to see which is correct. I'm glad to see Dennis back: he's a nicely complicated guy, and deserves this. I don't understand the kid who arranges the "fights" though.


On another front, we're finally getting killing frosts, and it's playing hell with us, since winter crops are a big thing in the state.



Dom, you're a friggen author-God, if there's such a thing. I love it and can't wait for it to start rolling out. :worship::worship::worship:



Whoah. Reading the prologue, I knew I would like this story. After reading this chapter, I know that I'll LOVE this story.


I'm happy that characters from TLW are back. Yay! :D


Looking forward to seeing more ^_^



nooo aiden and owen aren't together!!!! hmm, i really want to know what happened!


i loved TLW, and i'm loving this! =)


I hope aiden and owen get back together...and if travis gets in the way of their love... :angry:



Lucy Kemnitzer


I hope aiden and owen get back together...and if travis gets in the way of their love... :angry:



No, look, Travis is going to have something either with Kyle or Dennis, that's clear.



Prick!!!!! ;)


I love it.... take your time and post soon. :2thumbs:



Glad to see I'm not the only one confused about the fighting thing...


I just finished a re-read of TLW since this was posted. 2 sittings. *looks proud* Am I the only one who isn't phased by the Owen/ /Aiden separation. Dom obviously has something up his sleeve.


I'm just having problems with placing the timeline. Months or years....



Dom, first of all, you should post an announcement in the hosted author's announcement forum. A lot of Domaholics are probably checking for new chapters of With Trust and may not be tracking your blog or your main page.


Secondly, if you abandon this story, I will personally hunt you down.


Finally, regarding your bird, perhaps you should switch to a different phone with a more complex ring tone.

Lucy Kemnitzer


Glad to see I'm not the only one confused about the fighting thing...


I just finished a re-read of TLW since this was posted. 2 sittings. *looks proud* Am I the only one who isn't phased by the Owen/ /Aiden separation. Dom obviously has something up his sleeve.


I'm just having problems with placing the timeline. Months or years....


I'm not phased: both of the ways I can imagine this playing out are good possibilities for stories.


It's a couple of years later: Owen and Aiden are out of high school, but they aren't yet twenty.



Dom, first of all, you should post an announcement in the hosted author's announcement forum. A lot of Domaholics are probably checking for new chapters of With Trust and may not be tracking your blog or your main page.


You're kidding, right? :blink:


True Domaholics have their computers set with bells and alarms and flashing lights so they know immediately when Dom posts. :D





Dom, first of all, you should post an announcement in the hosted author's announcement forum. A lot of Domaholics are probably checking for new chapters of With Trust and may not be tracking your blog or your main page.


You're kidding, right? :blink:


True Domaholics have their computers set with bells and alarms and flashing lights so they know immediately when Dom posts. :D




I just read your story TLW and finished the Second chapter of in the fishbowl I love it. I am going to catch up on the other stories you have written. THANK YOU for posting I am grateful.



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