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Running away with me



So last night I did what I've wanted to do metaphorically in a literal way. I ran. And Ran. And kept right on running. It was pouring rain out. I went anyway. Lightning striking all over the place. Sun set well below the horizon. I kept running. Soaken wet, heart pounding, foot numbing I stopped and walked long enough to so I could feel my foot again and catch my breath, then I ran some more. And ran, and ran. I ran right past the road I was supposed to turn down and didn't realize it for a half mile. I turned around and made my way back, until I got to the road I take back to my apartment. After six miles, the sky chose then to close up and go calm. No more lightning, no more rain. Just a wet, tired, mind-numbed me. Removing my soaked through shoes and squeeging out my socks, I walked barefoot the rest of the way back to my apartment. I didn't dare try the stares, opting instead for the elevator, and two stories higher I trapsed through the hall, and wandered into my apartment. I stared into the mirror, amazed at how good I look when wet and exhausted, despite all the internal misery. But I think that's the point. Though I thought about the hell I'm going through... I just kept going until I could think of nothing but where my next steps were taking me. I think that was somewhere after mile four... That's a long way to go to put something out of my mind, which itself I suppose is symptomatic of who I am... a long way for relief that lasts only so briefly.


I cooked dinner in nothing by my boxers, had a couple drinks to celebrate my triumph, and went to sleep to wake up to a day with all the same troubles I had before, with the additional joy that comes from sore back muscles.


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Former Member


I read your blog and thought about what I could do. But I can't really do anything to make your problems go away. :( So I thought about some mental support and decided to go cycling for you today. Not nearly as much as your six miles of running, but enough for someone who is never doing any kind of sport to have sore legs and a sore ass tomorrow (hey, better a sore ass from cycling than no sore ass at all :*) ). I know that doesn't help you at all, but at least now you can say: I made Tob doing some sports. That's something not many can say. :)


:hug: Tob



Thanks, Tob :)

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