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Nearly a week gone by

I'm at home tonight. I drove from Aurora, OR, to Puyallup, WA, to drop my trailer and come home. What is normally a two and a half to three hour (150 miles) drive ended up being nearly nine hours (480 miles) because I-5 is closed due to flooding.


And, then my truck went gaga. Seems I have an injector going bad. According to the company maintenance manager, I can still drive the truck, but when the engine needs all six cylinders, mine's only going to have five, or four depending on which injector is the culprit. I've already noticed a significant drop in available horsepower when climbing hills, but I also lose power on the flat stretches, too. Whatever is the problem, the shop manager wants the truck back in Portland so they can fix it. Except, I can't get from here to there right now.


I'm home to go to the Doc tomorrow to have the ol' finger up the butt exam. I know I'm supposed to have it done every year, but I don't think I've had my prostate manipulated for about three years. Since my dad died of prostate cancer, not getting an exam is like playing Russian roulette with only one empty cylinder. And, now with dear old mom succumbing to breast cancer, someone has the last remaining bullet and is threatening to put it in. Spin


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