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Change, of course

I've been toying with the idea of putting my first novel on GA for a number of months, but I didn't want to do it at the same time as "Chartreuse" like I did with "Pastel" and "Tim". It's just too damn confusing having two stories coming off the press at the same time.


What I couldn't figure out was when to put it up, ie, before "Chartreuse" or after. As I got closer and closer to the time for "Chartreuse" to go up, the greater the difficulty I was having with getting it to go. First it was dropping off the deep end and having significant problems dealing with day to day activities. Then it was the constant picayune problems with the various "Chartreuse" characters.


Then yesterday I was wandering around the forums and found this thread. Well, I primarily write because you have to have some kind of hobby and writing is mine, but sometimes a story comes along that you think might be marketable. The first question to getting any story published is, "Does a market exist for my story?" Unfortunately, most of my stories satisfy a niche so small having them published anywhere except GA is impractical.


However, the way "Chartreuse" is shaping up, it might be of interest to enough people to put it through the process of trying to get it into print. I won't know for certain until I get further into the story. After three chapters I'm still on the first day, for god's sake. If it turns out that "Chartreuse" is a story that can be moved into the marketing process, putting it up on GA would be a big no-no.


I've already started modifying the manuscript for Novel #1, "Red Bridge," and making a few minor corrections to the text. My goal is to have it ready to go by next weekend.


"Red Bridge" is about Buddy Wallace whose wife of 33 years is dying of cancer. With only months to live they embark on a final journey so she can say goodbye to family and friends. In the process of the journey, Buddy is pulled into the suppressed memory of his relationship with his former best friend.



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