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Day 19



I want a cigarette.... how crazy is that 19 freakn' days and you'd think Id be done with this crap by now.


Adding to this.. compulsion Ive been all scatter brained lately and acting way out of character. I'd blame the voluntary nicotine withdrawal, but yeah its been 19 days. The chemical really can't still be reeking havoc in my system can it? Anyhow, my focus has been pretty shitty and Ive been neglecting things I shouldn't. Case in point, my beta work I do for a few different people.


I need to get back to it.


Hell I need to get back to my own writing which has suffered the most. I think I've written like a paragraph in the last two weeks. Which is... yeah no bueno. :(


here's to hoping this passes soon, or I fold and grab a pack of cigarettes... kinda shitty trade off though.




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Good luck steve! Resist the cancer stick!

C James


Steve, take care of your health before all else. :)


Actually, ceasing nicotine can TEMPORARILY impact concentration. Give it time, and hang in there! We're pulling for you!!!

  • Site Administrator


21 days to break or make a new habit, or so they say.


Hang in there Steve, I'm sure you're over the worst part already. :)



Plus... I want you around as long as possible and there are so many other better things you can put in your mouth.






Don't smoke a cigarette, Steve. Please! I can tell you what happens when you do without cigarettes for several weeks and then smoke just one. You will be so sick you will want to throw up. Then, thirty minutes later, you will want another one. Just that easy...you are hooked again. Voice of experience here. I did that once and ended up smoking for another five years before I finally quit.


As a cancer survivor (not lung cancer), I beg you to celebrate your success in kicking the habit every day...one day at a time. Each day you don't smoke a cigarette you are one day closer to healthy, pink lungs.



Three weeks, give or take whatever temptations you're up against.


As an ex-smoker who tried to quit numerous times and succumbed to that one, it only takes one as MikeL says, just as many times. I hope you make it because, like any addiction, it's damned near impossible to get nicotine out of your life.


Celebrate 19 days! Celebrate everyday you keep away from the death sticks.



I agree. I need to quit smoking too. It's not easy when there's another smoker in your house offering you cigarettes. It's hard to turn them down. I've quit several times, once even for several months, and now I'm hooked again. Don't make the same mistake I did, Steve. :(

Mark Arbour


One of my friends stopped smoking cigarettes and replaced that by smoking a lot more pot. It was a lot healthier, but talk about a loss of concentation.. :D



concentration should be the least of ones worries when measured against shrinking testicle size...



I've not smoked regularly since high school, and I still get the occasional craving, particularly in moments of high stress. My mom is the same way, and she's not let a cigarette past her lips since the first Bush was in office. The cravings do get easier with time, so that it's an every once in a while event instead of four times an hour, but I don't think they'll ever go away completely. So don't feel down or bothered because they haven't yet. Nothing to be done about them, so why stress over them?


The fact that you've gone this long is very good. You'll adjust, probably sooner than you realize.

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