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Well Steve, I am a strong proponent of freedom in general, including religious freedom. I understand why some need religion, and so long as their religious beliefs do not interfere with the lives of others and are not used to discriminate, disparage, or spread hate, it is completely acceptable. As for "In God We Trust" I believe it to be unconstitutional. However, we can simply agree to disagree on that point. :)



what are we disagreeing about exactly? I didn't allude to any position on the whole issue. I simply think such a lawsuit is frivolous and a waste of time. You want to change the national motto fine and dandy. Start a letter writing campaign. Congress set the motto, they should change it. guess how this is done? By popularity of course.


Leave it on... take it off... In God ( Jahova, Allah, etc) doesn't really matter to me. I have more important things to do with my life then worry about four words on my currency.

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