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Viv's Blog

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::waves hand jedi style:: this is not the blog you're looking for



These words are absolutely a figment of your imagination...


I've started to write a blog here about fourteen times in the last month, and every time I click 'Add Entry' this overwhelming feeling comes over me that I won't be able to do it justice because my brain is focused on about forty-seven different things and so, I quit before I even start.


In case you were wondering what actually happened to me... High School Marching Band and Colorguard ATE MY SOUL. No lie.


In addition to that I've been sick, recovering from being sick, having visitors (Jeff and Thorben), my house has gone into foreclosure, gone to Disneyland twice, and working.


I'm not really sure I can tell all of what has gone on, nor am I sure that more than a few people actually want to read it, but I'll try to sum up and include some pictures.


I was sick, a small little sinus thing that didn't feel too bad, but kicked my ass in the feeling tired for weeks department. Now I'm well... no big deal. (That was easy...)


Jeff and Thorben came to visit over Halloween weekend!! They arrived late one Thursday night and we sat around and talked for an hour before we all gave up and needed to sleep. On Friday, Jeff flew to Sacramento to see his VERY pregnant sister he almost never sees, and Rich and I took Thorben to The Block to shop, see the Vans Skate Park, and have his very first Jamba Juice!! We picked kids up from school, baked oatmeal raisin butterscotch cookies and a pineapple upside-down cake, went to TGIFriday's for dinner where there were several men dressed as angels with wings and halos for Halloween. We went back to my house and Jeff arrived from the airport and we carved pumpkins and had cake and then all passed out.Pumpkins.jpg

Saturday was Halloween and we went to Santa Monica Pier where Thorben stuck his toes in the Pacific ocean, and then much more than his toes. It was the farthest he's ever been from home and pretty exciting for him to get to see things like the Hollywood sign and other things he's only ever seen in movies or on TV.JeffandThorben1.jpg


We dressed Matty up as Anakin Skywalker and dressed Annemarie up in her costume and make-up for her performance and dropped her off at school. We took Matty trick-or-treating and Thorben got to do that for the first time in his coordinating Darth Vader t-shirt. Then we QUICKLY drove over to the stadium to catch Annemarie's performance and Jeff got to be a big marching band geek again for a few hours. Annemarie's school has been consistently winning and it was awesome to have them see it. (I'm going to put a link here to the show, and I'm going to make serious threats about anyone even THINKING about doing something stupid regarding my kid and her school. Also excuse the screaming, but this was a football game...)

We got to bed after midnight and then dragged out butts out of bed again early to go to Disneyland. Jeff and Thorben briefly met my sister and then we were in and waiting for a certain Steve that may have overslept... We had long cinnamony goodness and watched fireworks. The next morning I worked and Jeff, Thorben, and I had a quick goodbye breakfast at the local IHOP.



Anyway, the drama with my house is both a good and bad thing, but I think that in the end, everything will work out for the best and we'll finally be on our own. Either that, or I'll be asking to come sleep on your couches...


I've been reading bandom. There's, like, a SERIOUS lack of good stuff to read out there lately... said the one who's not contributing at all.


Rich has a sort-of beard going on. It's not long, more like a scruffy, hasn't shaved in a week thing, and it's alright. We'll see how that goes and if I can deal with it.


I spent last Friday at Disneyland where my daughter and her band and colorguard were in the Disneyland Parade and that was pretty cool. My sister and Rich managed to get along all on their own for a few minutes, and for the whole morning in my presence. GASP! Then we met up with Steve again and had MORE long cinnamoy goodness. I might be wrong, but it feels a little like he keeps eyeing me like he wants to cuddle and is afraid to. Jeff is a BIG cuddler, and so am I, and Thorben is working on it, so I think it was an interesting thing for Steve to see... feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and cuddle me if I'm right!


We didn't get ANY Smarties in the Halloween candy this year so I had to buy some from the markdown section. Contrary to popular belief, they do not actually make you smarter. Also, I didn't even sort the candy this year (GASP) cause I was SO busy doing a zillion other things, and since Annemarie was performing, she didn't get to trick-or-treat this year so Matty just shared with her... unheard of, I know. But it was really cute cause he kept leaving her little stacks of candy on her bed and then she'd come home and find them and smile.


I haven't talked to Davey, outside of a random text message, in weeks cause he's moved to a new store again and living out of a hotel again. Last time we talked, he seemed much happier and told me a hilarious story I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I shared with you. Just as a refresher, he is a manager of a big store for a big chain. He told me that he has some guy working for him at the new store he's out who is totally obvious with his flaminess and also, is a lazy excuse for an employee. Several times he's had him in his offie talking to him and discussing how he needs to be trying harder, working faster, priorities, etc... and this last time, the guy told Dave he was going to report him for harassment, based on the guy's sexuality. Dave picks up the phone and calls Chris and tells the guy to tell this person on the phone what he just told Dave. So the guy, trying to stick to his bravado, repeats it and then all he hears is Chris LAUGHING. He demands to know who he's talking to and Dave says, "That would be my boyfriend..." PS. WE LOVE CHRIS!


One last funny story for the road...


Our trip to Disneyland with Jeff and Thorben and Steve left us with an odd number of people and so, to make sure no one would have to ride alone, I asked Annemarie to see if she had any friends with an annual pass who might want to come along. She asked this boy, J, who entertained us with MUCH Disney trivia and card tricks while we were there. Anyway, before we went, J tells me his mom wants to meet me, which, cool, cause too many parents don't give a shit where or who their kids are with these days. Turns out I had already met her at another parent meeting so we did the whole 'I know you. And I know you' thing. So she's asking if I want her to bring J over in the morning before Disneyland and I say that I' be happy to come get him, no need for her to get out of bed early on a Sunday. She asks where we live and I tell her the cross streets and she asks what street specifically like she knows the area. I tell her and she tells me that she grew up on the same street... turns out she lived four houses down from me when I was a kid, and she's much older than me, since I'm like... the youngest mom of a high schooler, but I'm trying to remember who else lived there. I remember a boy named Josh that I played with a lot, and I mention his name and she tells me he's her nephew and I say, "Oh wow! I totally kissed him by the pool when we were 6!" And of course, Annemarie and J are like ::groan:: Parents!


From my own side of this very small and very big world,



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you can always have my bed and i'll sleep on the couch - or floor if neccessary.


thank you for everything. i am so glad to have you in my life :wub:

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Really nice pictures :) The Blonde one Yum!


You can have my bed any day. I'm a cuddler too :)


& since it's Disney Themed my joke will fit . Isn't there a place there that they play "it's a small world after all" and such.. Well Viv you kissed her nephew at 6. It's a small world after all :)


It's funny sometimes when you can remember someone from years ago for the strangest things.


Take Care & Happy Trails :)

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  • Site Administrator

Great to see a blog specool.gif .


You know I have all the paperwork ready to start the immigration process to Canada, all you have to do is say the word biggrin.gif (you just have to decide if it will be the west with me, or the centre with Mattie). But seriously, hopefully everything works out okay.


Pass on my congrats to Annemarie for doing so well in Colorguard. It is great to see her passionate about it and I imagine it proves the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Finally, if that guy seems unsure about the whole cuddling thing, why not just cuddle him and see how he reacts laugh.gif .


Take care Vivian,



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Well, seems I was indeed right: life was getting in the way of updating your blog to let us know what was happening in your life ;)


Great that you've been able to catch up with some friends, and that Annemarie did so well. Was especially sweet to hear the candy-sharing story. You might want to try re-reading that in a few weeks when they're trying to kill each other again.


Not so great to hear about the house foreclosure. Note that you glossed over that quite efficiently, so won't dwell on it myself... but do hope everything works out for you. I'd offer you my couch, but I think it might be a bit far away ;)


Thinking of you, and hope all does indeed turn out the best for you!!


David :)

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