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To those kind enough...

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As a close, (I hope), e-friend of Lynne, one of our members, ic50, I'd like to ask for anyone who will, to spare her a thought and a prayer if that's your way, that the growths the doctors have found are not malignant.

There's no easier way to put that. Lynne has been ill for some time, but has been a firm and loyal supporter of mine, and I hope and pray that whatever she has, the doctors are able to deal with finally and that she will be restored to health.

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living in constant pain is not fun but i have for the past 10yrs or so. for the past two and a half months i have been probed inside to the point that there are no secrets anymore. the problem is in my left adrenal gland that is attached to my left kidney. the might be cancer is contained and has not spead to anything thank goodness. my gall bladder will be coming out and they will fix the lesions, ulcers and tumors. the left adrenal is history. finally i will be good as new by thanksgiving. for those non-americans thats the end of november.


my love to all,



hey some good news, get better my wish's are with you.

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I know how you feel last week my neice was rushed to the hospital and they found a brain tumor unfortuantly it was malignant and shes only three. Now I dont pray because I take no part in religion but if you ever need somebody to talk to im here for you.


There is nothing more dear to me than the life of my family and my loved ones and my friends I dont beleive in god but I do beleive that in this world they're all we have and that we should cherrish every moment we have with them because we never know when they will be gone.

I offer a moment of silence for all those who wish to partake of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I don't think anyone thought you didn't love your grandson or that you did not have any sympathy for his family. We all understand what waiting to get treated and cured is like. Especially when you have been under the weather for so long.If anyone gives you grief I'll just stick CW on them. I hope you do get to have your surgery this time and everything goes well. I will be out of town for the Holiday so I will keep my fingers crossed for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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