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:D And let's face it guys, they could so easily have put in a link to Nifty. :blink:


Hmm... maybe that's worth a thought or two.


Let's face it, Nifty is fine if you just want to look for stories, but doesn't perhaps give much more interest than that. Ok, their chat site is 24/7 and I know quite a few there myself. (you'll find me as 'Jay'), but that's about it as far as commenting, other than emailing the author of any story you read. (There's a hint there, ok? :lol: )


The fact they chose ours is perhaps all the more reason to give a bit of support to ours to keep it going! Dig deep guys. I'm about to as soon as I've paid the gas bill. :( (Err, that's not gasoline by the way, for our American readers, but the stuff the cooker and central heating uses!)


Hey let's wave the GA flag a lttle! :D

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  • Site Administrator

No need to knock Nifty. They serve their purpose wonderfully. They give a spot for everyone to post everything. It gives us a good place to recruit from. ;)

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