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B) ......I'm following a few stories and wondering the same of anyone else;


Kyrstal by Harrod


Laika by Elecivil


No More Rainbows by Ronyx


My Jump Off by Nicholas James


Not Entirely Alone By Myself by Write by Myself


Sky's The Limit by Capitan Rick


For The Love by C James


Geeks by Paul Schroder


Cross Currents by Adam Philips


Justin's Rock by Tim Mead


Love in a Chair by Altimexis


With Trust by Dom Luka


One Moment by Vlista


Living in Surreality by Shadowgod


Sean's Angel by Hal


Rich Boy Awakening by Trebs


What's the Difference Between Me and You by Nicolas James


Out of a Dream by Razor


The Secret Life of Billy Chase by Comicality


My Only Escape by Comicality


A Class by Himself by Comicality


( actually a lot of Com's stories are in a hold pattern)


A Life So Changed by Bobby

Edited by Benji
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Cross Currents by Adam Philips

Is this still in progress? I thought it was finished! The last chapter I read was the one that took place right after that special night on the beach. I figured that that was the...climax and that the following chapter was the d

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Damn Kev... where do you get the time? I'm only following two gay fiction stories...


Queen of Ice by CPL (I know it's finished, but CRV Boy has been posting chapters every few days and I'm waiting for more important finances to be taken care of before I go buying the book on LuLu)


Roommates by Krista

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Good lord Benji that is a lot of reading... :worship:



Right now I am reading - as in, on my list of things to do.. :P


All of the anthologies. I will get to them all, but I'm slow at doing so. :P The next two or so on my list is CJ's and Graeme's. :D


Don't worry, I will get ALL of them in.. lol. I'll also comment on them. :wub:


Living In Surreality - ShadowGod




What I'm reading away from the net..


Harry Potter - I've put off reading the whole series long enough. I've tackled books 1-4 already. I'm holding off on the rest though as I don't want to look like a fanatic.. and such.


I'm trying to wait patiently for the new one from Christopher Paolini... I can't think of the title right now. It should be better than the other two as Eldest was I think more thought out and better wrote than Eragon.




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who has time for reading when you guys keep telling me to WRITE!


but yes I do read...


currently I'm reading some romance novels (the straight kind) because I don't like to read gay fiction when i"m actively writing gay fiction... go figure.


on the other hand there are some stories I'm following:


The Prince


The Pastel Cowboy


Heart of the Tree


just about anything by Virtual Insanity




Another kind of fear


Home to Jude




Three Roads






um.. um... oh I know there's more!

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Okay...I really do not have much time to read and frankly I prefer the traditional book reading to staring at the screen!!


Here's the list---


Fixing a Broken Heart by Rad


Let's Do It by dkstories


Sad Song of a Gay Teen by Paul Walker


One Moment by Vlista


From Behind Those Eyes by Viv


Heart of The Tree by Graeme



Okay..these are the ones which are regularly updated...Now the ones whose authors have vanished from the face of the Earth!!

XXX-Men and The Choice by Adrian Anderson


Hack Escape and Panther in the Midst by BM


Harry Potter and the Amulet of Time by Lunathemoonmonster


Trinity by Michael Philips


Thats all for now...

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wow... everyone's reading a ton of stuff right now...


Well, as far as Gay Authors go, I'm not reading much. Still waiting for Tangled Web to get updated, but that's really the only one right now.


I've been spending more time trying to write my own stuff. That, and I haven't had a whole lot of time to be on the computer. But I promise I'll get back into that!!


As for actual books, I've been trying to keep busy.


I read the entire Circle of Magic series (9 books in total) by Tamora Pierce. It's one of my favorite stories. Very in depth, and fun.


Harry Potter o' course. Had to finish the 7th, as well as re-read the 4th and 5th books. (The time period that AWAH takes place)


Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. All my friends were talking about it, and i finally gave in to peer pressure. It's pretty funny.


I've also been keeping up on my plays. Read Death of a Salesman, The Matchmaker, Our Town (BLEH!), and some Shakespeare.

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Is this still in progress? I thought it was finished! The last chapter I read was the one that took place right after that special night on the beach. I figured that that was the...climax and that the following chapter was the d
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Good lord Benji that is a lot of reading... :worship:



Harry Potter - I've put off reading the whole series long enough. I've tackled books 1-4 already. I'm holding off on the rest though as I don't want to look like a fanatic.. and such.




Don't worry you won't. I read books 1-6 right after half blood prince came out in a week and a half and it was worth it. Each book gets even better.

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Don't worry you won't. I read books 1-6 right after half blood prince came out in a week and a half and it was worth it. Each book gets even better.



B) ...........Actually I can read pretty fast ( I took a course in High School Evilyn Woods). This helped me throughout school the trick was to speed read the text, then read it slow then what I called skim speed read, this did wonders in comprehension and I did well on my tests by using this method. I do try to slow my reading in these stories though.

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