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Happy Birthday, Ieshwar


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Yes, though Belgium is quite small (the longest you may drive across is a little bit over two hours), it still wouldn't fit on Mauritius.

Geez, I didn't realize it was that small! You can barely drive across Houston in two hours :lol:


(actually you don't stand much of a chance of pulling that off at all unless it's the middle of the night :wacko: )



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Geez, I didn't realize it was that small! You can barely drive across Houston in two hours :lol:


(actually you don't stand much of a chance of pulling that off at all unless it's the middle of the night :wacko: )




I remember Houston's traffic all too well; yipes! I made the mistake of coming in from San Antonio, hetting Houston's ourskirts at around 4pm, heading for Galvaston (requiring going into the City from the west, then heading out Southeast). ARGH! It was horrible! There was freeway construction that made it even worse... I gave up and found somewhere to have a meal, and took my time. I think I finally got to Galvasston around 9:30.

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