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Drinking Poll  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you drink? How much?

    • 0: I don't touch alcohol.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4: I'm often drunk. *hiccup*

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I figured it would be interesting to run this thread in tandem with the smoking one, as both drinking and smoking "vices." Of course, smoking is now more frowned upon socially, and I think it's more harmful. Let's not forget, though, that alcohol is a poison; it's used to kill germs. :D


I guess this poll is working! Cool.


PS I considered adding "Duh, I'm a European," but, well, you could be a beer-guzzling German, or a wine-ing Frenchman, and... I figured this would work best for everyone. :)

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Well, I voted for "I'm often drunk"


...I like to go out and have fun...so shoot me.


I guess on average I really only get drunk about once a week perhaps a bit less. I got drunk Thursday, didn't touch a drop Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, and had one glass of wine this evening with dinner. I may or may not get drunk again this weekend, but it's unlikely it'll happen before then (oh wait, I'm going out Wednesday, so maybe, but still probably not).


Anyway, alcohol is something I can take or leave, but I quite enjoy the taste, and I quite enjoy being drunk, so I often opt to "take it". I do it safely however, I don't drink and drive, and I don't drink if I'm not already happy (I.E. I don't use it to deal with sadness or anxiety).


I'm also blessed with the ability to get ridiculously drunk and still wake up perky and feeling fine the next day. I attribute this to the insane amount of water I always consume. I drink quite a bit of water independently of drinking alcohol, it's not something I do just to avoid hangovers. I generally can't stand to eat or drink anything without having a glass of water with it, and I always finish the water (and usually a 2nd glass) before finishing the other beverage/food.



Take care all :)


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I chose 1. 0:) I did not even get drunk on New Year's. I don't even know when the last time was that I got drunk. Part of the reason I don't drink much is because of a lower GI disease that I have. If I drink, I end up spending time in the bathroom and not for puking. I have only puked 3 or 4 times from drinking. I'd rather have one or two drinks to relax. This is something I don't mind doing on a regular basis, but getting drunk is not something I like to do much.

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I drink mixed drinks every once and a while. mostly Vodka, and sometimes coke mixed in.


Btw I have never got drunk yet. don't plan to :P

Edited by Drewbie
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I only drink on occasion. Great occasion really. Usually around special times, like thanksgiving, christmas, new years and my birthday. Which is shoved into a five month stretch. And only like a cup or two of a mixed drink, usually sex on the beach. I do go out on occasion with family and friends, but I usually end up just drinking a smirnoff or a white russian then sticking to sodas.

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It really depends. I'm a social drinker only. I won't drink unless I'm with a group of friends. The last time I went all out was in Vegas and I was with a friend, and jeez, it was Vegas! I guess being away and with friends, and amongst fun conversations and joking, drinking lures me in. But I dislike being drunk, or consuming the empty calories, so I try to refrain.

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Haha, finally answering my own poll.


My alcohol habits are still forming, but I've gotten drunk a few times. The hangover was pretty awful, but the part before the headaches and retching was rather fun. Still, having done it, I don't think I'll make it a regular thing. Getting tipsy is more enjoyable than getting drunk. ;)

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Once or twice every two months. I hardly drink and I don't like spending $9 for just six bottles of good Canadian beer unless it's really justified.


But yeah I got drunk often enough. Give me anything over 10% and I'll start to feel woozy after second glass. Pissed at the fourth glass.


5%. Damn I just drank a whole bottle of cranberry-flavored wine a couple days go and I only got a mild buzz.

Edited by Jack Frost
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I very rarely get drunk. I don't know if it's because I'm not overly fond of alcohol, or if it's because I'm not old enough to buy it legally. :P


I detest vomiting. It is, by far, the most uncomfortable, painful, humiliating, disturbingly disgusting of all bodily functions. Plus it hurts like a BITCH. Anyway, that's enough to keep me from getting drunk constantly. If it didn't have that side effect, maybe, but no, I can't deal with puking.


It's quite enjoyable sometimes, though, haha. :D Getting good and polluted always makes for a good story, and it does its job as a monotony breaker. I would just prefer.... other... less vomity things. :)


I'm gonna leave before I contribute to the thread degenerating into this-one-time-when-I-got-drunk stories. :P

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Depending on how I am/what's gonig on I can say I mostly drink once a month if even that much. But as of late I've been drinking twice a week which is bad!!!


But it's nice to be able to have some drinks and relax with friends.

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I like to drink a fine and genuine wine, selected alcohols and liqueurs, almost during and after lunch or dinner, an "irish coffee" when weather is cold, not to forget an old Chivaz as night cap. I don't like "cheap" wines and cocktails. When i meet friends in a coffe-house or a Bar, we drink usually what is a tradition in the French part of Switzerland : a bottle of a fine Swiss white wine from a "good" year ( you can't get drunk from a 7dl bottle for 4 !

I remember very well the only times I got really drunk in all my life :

First, it was at a celebration in my student-fraternity, to get drunk was a must, I was 18 and we had to follow the crow ! I met there a guy who became one of my best friends, we were both sitting together under a table, laughing and drinking what remained in a dozen bottles around us.

The second time, I was 21, alone, sad (somebody I liked very much had left me) and I decided to get drunk to forget the loss . I had a collection of about 30 small bottles of different liqueurs and I drunk all one after the other, sitting on the edge of an open window and throwing each empty bottle trough the window.Fortunately, another friend found me and put me to bed ! I didn't remember anything the next morning :lol:

From then, I had the chance to become ill each time I drink to much, so stopping drinking for itself was easy. So I was always "appoint" as the "driver" in each party I was invited :lol: !

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Menzo likes to drink, possibly too much. My roommate is a burgeoning alcoholic and my boyfriend drinks more than his share. Suffice it to say that I've been drinking a lot lately.


Menzo (who's here for a good time, not for a long time)

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I almost never drink, plain that simple,,, I've never really been drunk either, tho there was twice where I was getting hot, but I never went pass the "too much" limit


I'll have a glass of wine or two with dinner. I try to keep it to that, if I drink too much I get a little silly. :lol:


I can vouch for that last part, :P

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I will have one beer every now and then, it's usually during a hockey game. (Go Habs go!!!) but apart from that I will hardly drink at all... maybe it's because I saw what drinking too much can lead to at times...


As well drinking increase my photophobia so no thaanks it's bad enough as it is :P


Jason aka Moonwolf

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I will have one beer every now and then, it's usually during a hockey game. (Go Habs go!!!) but apart from that I will hardly drink at all... maybe it's because I saw what drinking too much can lead to at times...


As well drinking increase my photophobia so no thaanks it's bad enough as it is :P


Jason aka Moonwolf


Haha will you still be saying Go Habs go if the Habs make it to the finals against the Ducks? :P


Law school has many social events, so I frequently find myself having to nurse a glass of wine or two to look respectable.

Edited by scoopny
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Haha will you still be saying Go Habs go if the Habs make it to the finals against the Ducks? :P


nah it's going to be go ducks go and I'll need to give a lot of sexual favors if that happens :P and pay a couple of drinks to my friends for switching sides :P


Jason aka Moonwolf

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I drink in moderation, there are few times in my life where I've gotten snookered beyond my limits as I always hated the next day afterwards, not ever really worth it to be drunk. So I usually just drink to quench my thirst, and then maybe a second drink a little while later.

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What a fascinating discussion we're having!


It seems like most of us aren't big drinkers at all. In fact apart from myself and Menzo I don't think anyone else has said that they are frequently drunk. For my own part I'm sure I wouldn't drink if I did get hang overs, throw up while drunk, or get sad or angry when drunk, but I'm very lucky in that none of that happens to me. I've been told frequently that I'm an extremely pleasant, fun drunk and I always feel just fine. So I don't feel too bad about knocking a few back from time to time.


Anyway, I think the important thing is to drink responsibly and safely :)


Take care all,


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What a fascinating discussion we're having!


It seems like most of us aren't big drinkers at all. In fact apart from myself and Menzo I don't think anyone else has said that they are frequently drunk. For my own part I'm sure I wouldn't drink if I did get hang overs, throw up while drunk, or get sad or angry when drunk, but I'm very lucky in that none of that happens to me. I've been told frequently that I'm an extremely pleasant, fun drunk and I always feel just fine. So I don't feel too bad about knocking a few back from time to time.


Anyway, I think the important thing is to drink responsibly and safely :)


Take care all,



Kevin, I think you're the only one hiccuping!


It's particularly interesting to compare drinking to smoking. It seems that there's more smokers than drinkers here, at least. I wonder if it's cultural? i.e. the perception towards drinking is that it's more dangerous socially than smoking. At least smokers don't lose mental function during chainsmoking. I guess alcohol and cigarettes serve different functions in the satisfaction of our "vices."


I'm not a great drunk, I think. I said I-love-you to someone I didn't, and loudly talked shite about my ex-lover in front of my roommates. I'm not too sure about either, because I don't really remember, but I'm pretty sure I need to find someone like Kevin to get drunk with... i.e. pleasant, and fun. Haha! :funny:

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I chose 1. I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to have fun with friends. I've never been drunk a moment in my life and never plan on being so. It's more fun when others get drunk, anyway :P

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What a fascinating discussion we're having!


It seems like most of us aren't big drinkers at all. In fact apart from myself and Menzo I don't think anyone else has said that they are frequently drunk. For my own part I'm sure I wouldn't drink if I did get hang overs, throw up while drunk, or get sad or angry when drunk, but I'm very lucky in that none of that happens to me. I've been told frequently that I'm an extremely pleasant, fun drunk and I always feel just fine. So I don't feel too bad about knocking a few back from time to time.


Anyway, I think the important thing is to drink responsibly and safely :)


Take care all,



Alright Kevin! I rated myself a 3 because when I drink, my goal is getting drunk.


I don't get hangovers, throwup, or get sick or anything unless I mix drinks. Alcohol then beer, then alcohol, then beer will screw me up big time and the next day is no good. So I'll usually limit myself to one of the other.


So Kevin, when are you coming up to Dallas? I'm sure we would have some very fun drunken times!


I'll end with a prayer that all drunks should say before going to bed.


Our lager,

Which art in barrels,

Hallowed be thy drink,

Thy will be drunk,

(I will be drunk),

At home as I am in the tavern.

Give us this day our foamy head,

And forgive us our spillages,

As we forgive those who spill against us,

and lead us not to incarceration,

But deliver us from hangovers,

For thine is the beer,

The bitter and the lager,

Forever and ever,



And remember, I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.


Joe :)

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I checked "I don't touch alcohol". I'm 18 and look younger, and in California the drinking age is 21, so I can't go to bars or order wine in a restaurant. Besides, I don't like beer (for one thing, I'm allergic to brewer's yeast, for another I think it tastes like what I'd imagine swill tasting like). Now, I have tasted wine and champagne. I don't much like wine, but champagne was OK. But for me I don't see any reason to drink. I can have a good time without drinking or getting drunk. So sue me.


Colin B)

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