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gay pride and gay parades

old bob

What are we talking about ?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have seen live a Gay parade in the last 2 years ?

    • yes
    • no
  2. 2. Do you have followed a Gay parade on TV, video or on the net ?

    • yes
    • no
  3. 3. Is your opinion about Gay parades based of what you heard from others ?

    • yes
    • no
  4. 4. Whould you like to be present in a Gay parade ?

    • yes
    • no
    • may be
  5. 5. Should gay parades be interdicted ?

    • yes
    • no
    • other opinion (explain)

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The comments in the Poll "Gay Pride Parades" brought me to ask more precise questions about the subject. In your comments a lot of members build their opinions on feelings, reports of others and (as it seems to me) not on effective experiences of such parades. It's why I asked. Opinions based on own experiences and facts are always stronger than gossips :lol: . And about the question Nr. 4, I know a lot of straight and gayfriendly people who participate in Gay parades just to show on which side they are, against all kind of homophobia !

Old bob

Edited by old bob
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I see the gay pride parades in Miami and Fort Lauderdale every year.


I've also watched videos and blog coverage of gay pride parades around the world.


My opinion about gay pride parades is largely based on my own experiences. However I have heard from other people who both agree with me and disagree with me.


If a gay pride parade had the standards I mentioned in the poll I started then heck yeah I'd like to participate. If I'm going to be part of the freak show then absolutely not!


I'm taking interdicted to mean prohibited or banned. No I don

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Well my opinions are based on direct experience. I've been for the last two years and will be going again this year. Whereas I haven't 'marched' in the past, I'll probably be marching this year.


My opinion on that matter are based on my personal beliefs mainly, and how they are view and reported in the medias, written and not. I don't have to have assisted to one of those, (or participated to one of those) to know how it is perceived by the general public. Just like I know that I wouldn't get close to one.

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