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Eh I am really phobic about what I listed, and will avoid , there are times that I have to take an elevator, but if it doesn't open right away I'll totally break down or if it's a lot of floors I would start to shake in my knees.




Although what is weird glass ones don't bother me as much. Again they are phobia's but I deal with with the elevator one, still if I can I will avoid it.

Edited by Drewbie
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Eh I am really phobic about what I listed, and will avoid , there are times that I have to take an elevator, but if it doesn't open right away I'll totally break down or if it's alot of floors, I would start to shake.


Awwww, poor Drewbie :( . *hugs* I have a HUGE phobia of heights, confined space, clowns and spiders haha. Seriously, I break down when I see pictures of clowns. Whenever I look down when I take the escalator, I'd get a feeling of vertigo, and I would panic on the steps (which is pretty normal in some cases). I fell 6 steps off an escalator last year because of that, lol.

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Eh I am really phobic about what I listed, and will avoid , there are times that I have to take an elevator, but if it doesn't open right away I'll totally break down or if it's a lot of floors I would start to shake in my knees.




Although what is weird glass ones don't bother me as much. Again they are phobia's but I deal with with the elevator one, still if I can I will avoid it.

I would attribute the glass thing to you being able to see what's going on around you. In a normal elevator with opaque walls, you can't see what's going on outside, whereas with transparent walls you can document everything that's happening and that makes you feel like you're more in control, even though you're not.

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As I said, I didn't mean to question anyone's fear; I was only saying that in general I think people throw the word 'phobia' around a bit more than is called for.



Awwww, poor Drewbie :( . *hugs* I have a HUGE phobia of heights, confined space, clowns and spiders haha. Seriously, I break down when I see pictures of clowns. Whenever I look down when I take the escalator, I'd get a feeling of vertigo, and I would panic on the steps (which is pretty normal in some cases). I fell 6 steps off an escalator last year because of that, lol.



You poor thing!


I would attribute the glass thing to you being able to see what's going on around you. In a normal elevator with opaque walls, you can't see what's going on outside, whereas with transparent walls you can document everything that's happening and that makes you feel like you're more in control, even though you're not.

I would definitely agree with this assessment. Personally I love glass elevators and elevators with mirrors! :D

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Y'know I could SWEAR I posted here before... hm, deja vu and all that weirdness.


Aight, so here's the thing...


I can't use public restrooms if anyone else is in them. Period. I will literally walk into a restroom and if there's a crowd I just leave and hold it 'till later, or if it's just one person I'll mill around until they're gone.


No, I don't know why, it's just... I'm very, very private, especially about bodily functions. It freaks me out a little.

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I can't use public restrooms if anyone else is in them. Period. I will literally walk into a restroom and if there's a crowd I just leave and hold it 'till later, or if it's just one person I'll mill around until they're gone.

As you grow older, you may find that you have overcome this phobia out of necessity. :lol:

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My phobia is rodents....rats, mice and bats, to be specific. I'm not scared of dogs at all, and spiders don't make me squeamish anymore (they used to freak me out). One of our neighbors is afraid of cats for some reason. :rolleyes:

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That's an unusual phobia, Jamie. Actually, there was an irrational fears thread in Q & A a while back. I had a similar deja vu and had to check it out.

It's actually not that uncommon. It's generally referred to as being 'pee shy' and I've known at least one other person with this condition. Interestingly he was a gay male as well. It's supposedly a variant form of social anxiety.

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Awwww, poor Drewbie :( . *hugs* I have a HUGE phobia of heights, confined space, clowns and spiders haha. Seriously, I break down when I see pictures of clowns. Whenever I look down when I take the escalator, I'd get a feeling of vertigo, and I would panic on the steps (which is pretty normal in some cases). I fell 6 steps off an escalator last year because of that, lol.

You may need :hug: more than Drew. Elevators are a real nemesis for you. The glass ones set off your acrophobia and the enclosed ones trigger claustrophobia. Wow! And then there are the escalators...a genuine physical threat. Have you considered taking the steps?


Watch your step. Scream.gif


I really am kidding.

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I would attribute the glass thing to you being able to see what's going on around you. In a normal elevator with opaque walls, you can't see what's going on outside, whereas with transparent walls you can document everything that's happening and that makes you feel like you're more in control, even though you're not.

I would prefer small windows than an almost-complete glass elevator going 1600 feet up in the CN Tower.


It makes a lot of difference. That's why I'm not afraid of going on planes and be 5 miles up in the air.

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Hope you like cats. They'll protect you from your pesky nemesis.



Our cat ran away 4 years ago when we brought our pit bull home. He was just a puppy and didn't understand why she didn't want to play, and she finally got sick of his crap and moved across the street to the house where we originally got her from where her parents lived until they were both hit by a car. :(

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My irrational phobia is a fear of telephones. They are the scariest thing I have to deal with. I don't mind the spiders, snakes, ghosts, heights, etc...but when the phine rings my hands suddenly get clamy. For some reason the old repeated exposure remedie does not work. I could talk on the phone all day and it would still be unpleasant. I even had a job which required me to answer phones but it didn't cure me.


I also have a strange though mild varient of clustrophobia. I'm fine in tight spaces unless they are tight spaces full of people.

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I'm afraid of falling... you should see some of my balancing acts when I trip.. but eh.. being clumsy I do fall a lot. Anyway, insects I don't like, but when it comes down to it I can squash them with a shoe. Heights freak me out and excite me as well. I like dealing with snakes and such they don't bother me. I used to be really freaked out by lizards and frogs, but I've gotten over that.


When I was younger I was scared to death of clowns. I still don't really like being around them, but when I was around four or five I didn't even like glass figurines or sculptures of clowns in the room where I slept at night. :*)

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Coulrophobia, fear of clowns, is actually quite common. I think a lot of it has to do with movies (books and comic books) like It and Spawn. Then again, John Wayne Gacy was a clown, and he was scarier than all of those other clowns combined.

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I'm afraid of falling... you should see some of my balancing acts when I trip.. but eh.. being clumsy I do fall a lot. Anyway, insects I don't like, but when it comes down to it I can squash them with a shoe. Heights freak me out and excite me as well. I like dealing with snakes and such they don't bother me. I used to be really freaked out by lizards and frogs, but I've gotten over that.


When I was younger I was scared to death of clowns. I still don't really like being around them, but when I was around four or five I didn't even like glass figurines or sculptures of clowns in the room where I slept at night. :*)

Of course you have; what's not to like about a cute little frog?

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Okay, my phobias and let me tell you, they are phobias, not just fears.


Melissophobia: Fear of bees, like it's been said. I freak. I will scream bloody murder, run for the bathroom and stay locked in there if a bee even looks at me. I'm allergic so that's tied up into that.


Ptermerhanophobia (I hope I spelled that right): Fear of flying. I get physically sick to my stomach just thinking about stepping onto a plane, much less flying. To many horror stories. I'll stick to a car or a train thank you.


Arachniphobia: Fear of spiders. I hate the suckers. It comes from the fact that my cousins were mostly male, so they took great delight in tormenting me when I was younger. I've despised and feared spiders ever since. I can't go near a spider to even squish it.


Claustrophobia: I hate tight spaces. I can't stand them. It doesn't help that I don't like to be touched in the first place. It's not a phobia, just a dislike. It's also with the fact that quite a few times when I was younger, I was usually stuffed in a car with my cousins while my mom worked. Yeah...


Heights: I don't just get sick, I freeze completely. I can't move. I can't even get on a step ladder, not without a counter being in front or back of me. Don't know why, but it's what happened.


Edit: I forgot about one phobia. I have no idea what it's called, but I can't stand those little porcilan doll clowns. Their bodies are usually just a bean bag type body, with porcilen hands and feet, and the face just creeps me the heck out. If I'm in the same room as one, I keep staring at it, making sure it doesn't move. And if I have to sleep with it in the same room, I find out if i can move it out of the way.

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Well this I dont think this is a phobia, but I hate having dirty hands. Particularly sticky things which I can feel, like jam or butter. Eugh.


Maybe this is a phobia! Talking about blood which is still inside me. Makes me feel all yucky in my stomach. :wacko: . If Im bleeding, thats fine. If someone else is bleeding and Im not, great! :P .


I have an active imagination so I can wind myself up into being scared of anything for a while..

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Reading Rose Strailo's post reminded me of the relationships among my phobias:


Agoraphobia. Not just a fear of open places but a fear of leaving a safe place. This one is related to batophobia, demophobia, ligyrophobia, taphephobia, and thanatophobia. I suppose the demo- and taphephobias are related to each other, actually.


Acrophobia, aeroacrophobia and illyngophobia all go together.


Arachnophobia. Self explanatory.


Catagelophobia is brought about by my disorder. It probably feeds off the demophobia.





*sigh* I guess I am neurotic...

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Reading Rose Strailo's post reminded me of the relationships among my phobias:


Agoraphobia. Not just a fear of open places but a fear of leaving a safe place. This one is related to batophobia, demophobia, ligyrophobia, taphephobia, and thanatophobia. I suppose the demo- and taphephobias are related to each other, actually.


Acrophobia, aeroacrophobia and illyngophobia all go together.


Arachnophobia. Self explanatory.


Catagelophobia is brought about by my disorder. It probably feeds off the demophobia.





*sigh* I guess I am neurotic...

Perhaps you are neurotic, but you're still darling. LOL. You're very fun in Live Chat. I will banish that politeness out of you one day.


Btw...where's the next chapter of your story? :wub:


As for my phobias, I don't know if the fear is enough to count as phobias. Like, if there was an excess of bugs or clowns, snakes, or anything, I'd be freaked out. But if I see something minimally, it's not a problem. I don't know for sure.


Heights is pretty freaky. I was sweating on the Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of winter. And I wasnt walking that fast.

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I was wondering when you were going to ask... :P


Just as an example - I cannot even touch a picture of a spider. I think a lot of that particular phobia has to do with size, however. I can step on a small spider but if it's larger than a quarter I'm a basket-case.

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I was wondering when you were going to ask... :P


Just as an example - I cannot even touch a picture of a spider. I think a lot of that particular phobia has to do with size, however. I can step on a small spider but if it's larger than a quarter I'm a basket-case.


I was busy and I forgot to stalk another chapter out of you. I need to write myself little "to do" notes.


When you see a big spider, do you scream shrilly?


Size of things matter...cockroaches. I'd scream and scream and run to get my grandmother!

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