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Hockey....everything to do with the coolest game on earth


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Well the 2008/2009 season has opened in North America for the NHL.


I know there is other hockey fans out there, so lets see if we can strike up a conversation on the sport.


I was just watching the post game concert in Detroit being put on by Def Leopard, when they disrespected the Stanley Cup :o . A couple of players brought out the cup to show the crowd and then gave it to the lead singer, Joe Elliott, who then walked it across the stage and placed it on a stand stage right......UPSIDE DOWN!!!!


Does he not realized he just disrespected the Holy Grail of Canada and the US????


Oh well, when the dust settles from this international scandal :P , we can discuss hockey.


So who do you think has the best chances of taking home Lord Stanley's mug this year? Any predictions on who will be the worst team? Who is your favourite team and how do you think they will do and why?


Let's have some fun!

Edited by wildone
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Well the 2008/2009 season has opened in North America for the NHL.


I know there is other hockey fans out there, so lets see if we can strike up a conversation on the sport.


I was just watching the post game concert in Detroit being put on by Def Leopard, when they disrespected the Stanley Cup :o . A couple of players brought out the cup to show the crowd and then gave it to the lead singer, Joe Elliott, who then walked it across the stage and placed it on a stand stage right......UPSIDE DOWN!!!!


Does he not realized he just disrespected the Holy Grail of Canada and the US????


Oh well, when the dust settles from this international scandal :P , we can discuss hockey.


So who do you think has the best chances of taking home Lord Stanley's mug this year? Any predictions on who will be the worst team? Who is your favourite team and how do you think they will do and why?


Let's have some fun!


OMG, he defiled the holy grail!! You would have thought someone would have clued him in prior?? I'm not sure who to pick this year... No stones please but the NYR

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Finally, a hockey thread!


Of course I have to support my own Montreal Canadiens as they pursue their 25th Stanley Cup in this, our Centennial year. We've got a great team out there and I can't wait to see what they can do.


Other than that, it is tough to argue with all the talent that Detroit has out there. Back-to-back Stanley Cups for the Wings may not be that far-fetched, especially considering that they were the last team to have pulled it off.


My prediction of a team to watch: Tampa Bay. Not Cup material just yet, but with all the free agency signings and new young talent, they should be much improved from last year.

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I always have to root for my canadian teams. When i was a little kid i had my room decorated all in Montreal Canadians. I don't really watch that much hockey on tv unless its in the play off season. I like watching it just for the fights though and if they aren't fighting then im really bored. I always root for Montreal first " Go Habs Go!" because i'm a french Canadian & proud to be from Quebec. (even though i was born in Ontario) Next i will cheer for Ottawa because they are closer & because it pisses off Rick who is a die hard Toronto fan. I'll go to his house just to watch hockey games if they Leafs are playing and go "Booo Leafs!!" and cheer for the other team. I so need to go to a Montreal Canadian hockey game and swear in french at the other team. That would be a fun date :) Eat Poutine and curse in french (Damn You Jack Frost! :P )

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So... anyone watching the opener?


Habs started out strong, but the Sabres seem to have the momentum right now. Habs have too much confusion at the blue line. Kovy's playing strong, but Breezer is making too many of his classic mistakes, and what's up with Maxime Lapierre? He's playing like shit. Can't blame Price for that goal, mind you, and he's playing excellent otherwise. Hopefully the Habs will regain their fire in the second and get the upper hand back.

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Well, the Habs couldn't quite pull it off against Buffalo last night, but now we're getting set to kick some Leafs ASS.


On a related note, a question for the hockey fans, now that we're a few seasons into the "new NHL": The shootout: love it or hate it?


Oh, and @jamessavik: Funny you say that. I'm a huge hockey fan but never really thought it had the best-looking players. Too much truth to the stereotype of the mullet-wearing kid with missing front teeth and a broken nose, I guess. Or a bit of a defensive reaction to the idiots out there who assume that female hockey fans are just into ogling players and don't actually know or care about the game (not even a little bit true, I assure you). But if you're into hot hockey players, check out Alex Kovalev on the cover of the last issue of La Semaine:



Edited by Cynical Romantic
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Yeah for the Habs :2thumbs: , I don't too often say that, but do anytime they are playing the Leafs :P .


So here is the dilemma that I had to work out. Unfortunately with mixed feelings.


I originally was a Vancouver Canucks fan way back when they were the only western team. Then came along the Oilers, but just couldn't cheer for Edmonton :D (guess where I grew up?). So along comes Calgary in 1980 I believe. It wasn't hard to take my dedication over to the Flames, but every year if Calgary didn't do well, I was pulling for the Canucks as a back up. Had mixed feelings when they played each others.


Well then in 1984 I got a job working at the Dome for the Flames. I kept that job until I relocated 20 years later. I have ate, drank, breathed, or basically existed as a Flames fan.


Two years ago, Calgary made their first major mistake.....they hired Mike Keenan as head coach. I just don't like the guy. Still, I cheered for my Flames.


With Keenan as head coach I said if one acquisition was made, the Flames would lose my loyalty until the player in question is gone. In the recent off season, Mike got his way and got his buddy back. I respect the flaming C, but I cannot cheer for a team that has this player on the team. It is a disgrace that he is even in the league.


So I decided the only thing I could do was to cheer for my former team due to the fact I needed to keep my word about Keenan's decision. It is hard to say that I don't have feelings for the Flames, but I just can't cheer for them :wacko: right now.


Well, with the way the Canucks are nipping at the Flames after 2 periods, maybe I picked the right team after all :P . My new team might end up 2 and 0 so far this year, and my former team may be 0 and 2 :D .


Let's leave out the fact that the first two games were a home and home series.


Now does that make me a traitor?

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Well, Wildone, I'm guessing you're talking about Todd Bertuzzi, and I understand where you're coming from on that one. I find it very difficult to respect him, too, and I'm guessing he has the same issue himself, judging by his injury-riddled, under-performing career since the Moore incident. My guess is that his stay in Calgary will be relatively brief, as he appears to now permanently have "journeyman" stamped on his forehead. Maybe you can go back to liking the Flames after he's gone?


Does it make you a traitor? Nah. Sounds like you were a Canucks fan before you were a Flames fan, so really, you're just returning to your roots, right? Though I wouldn't read too much into the team records using only the first two games of the season. It's early, yet.


But I guess it's hard for me to imagine having divided loyalty issues when it comes to hockey. I'm a Habs fan from the cradle; my parents and grandparents are Habs fans, never any question there. Even through the Rejean Houle years, even through Mario Tremblay and the Patrick Roy trade, even through season after season of missed playoffs and dashed hopes. There will be no team other than the storied bleu-blanc-rouge for me, ever.


By the way, I don't like Keenan either. Oh, but with 4 points tonight for Tanguay, I have to give Keenan a sincere thank-you. If Tanguay had been happy in Calgary, he never would've asked for that trade. *Grin*.

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So tonight while having coffee a bus of the 1 local team for the OHL drove in. Me and my gal pals were totally drooling over a few of these men in there early 20s all dressed up in tuxedos. At first i didnt notice the hockey bus and thought "Who Died?" "Maybe this is some massive gay wedding tour bus". so yeah i guess im a bit of them fans who dont care about the game as long as the guys are hot lol. Plus the puck is soo small its hard to pay attention to it unless your playing the game. Us canadian kids learn hockey REALLY early lol. If there is a ice rink or a lake you learn how to ice skate by 5. I was blessed that i have bad hand eye co ordination :) and a little sister id rather go ice skating with her. Plus HOCKEY Dad's are SCARY!!!!! Foaming at the mouth. Kinda like a rabid dog. I love going to the hockey games in town and watch the people in there late teens play and listen to their dads scream at them to do better and what not then you get the other parents screaming at the parents to be nicer to their children Plus theres always lots of fights so its good entertainment value.. Gotta dress warm though because its always freezing inside the nacho's & cheese are really good too :) Sarah Palin being "Hockey Mom" has nothing on these Hockey Dads

Also make sure to dress REALLY warm like in Knitted sweaters with pretty designs :) Gotta look good. Oh and get really cool ice skate holder things that go on the bottom mine were Bright Blue :) Also you need to learn this 1 song to be a die hard hockey fan and you have to REALLY sing it. Baseball has "Take me out to the ballgame" well we got The good ole hockey game by Stompin Tom Conners.


Hello out there! We're on the air,

It's Hockey Night tonight;

Tension grows, the whistle blows,

And the puck goes down the ice.

The goalie jumps, and the players bump,

And the fans all go insane;

Someone roars, "Bobby scores!"

At the good old hockey game.


Oh! The good old hockey game,

Is the best game you can name;

And the best game you can name,

Is the good old Hockey game!


[spoken] "Second period...."

Where players dash with skates a-flash,

The home team trails behind;

But they grab the puck and go bursting up,

And they're down across the line.

They storm the crease like bumble bees,

They travel like a burning flame;

We see them slide the puck inside,

It's a one-one hockey game.


Oh! The good old hockey game,

Is the best game you can name;

And the best game you can name,

Is the good old Hockey game!


[spoken] Third period! Last game in the playoffs, too!"

Oh, take me where the hockey players

Face-off down the rink;

And the Stanley Cup is all filled up,

For the champs who win the drink.

Now the final flick of a hockey stick,

And the one gigantic scream:

"The puck is in" - The home team wins

The good old hockey game!


Oh! The good old hockey game,

Is the best game you can name;

And the best game you can name,

Is the good old Hockey game!


[Repeat chorus as often as required.]

####.... Charles Thomas "Stompin' Tom" Connors (b.1936 in Saint John, New Brunswick)

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I know nothing of this hockey thing about which you speak but I do love the Canadian hotties that play it. ;)



Hey James, just finished playing in a game myself ;) !!!




Mattie, I always remember a game that I was playing in when I was about 17 and we were losing, but definitely a lot of it was due to horrible officiating. My Dad and my best friends Dad had actually stood up on the boards in the spectator area and were holding onto the top of the glass and yelling and screaming at the refs and trying to literally get over the boards at them :o . I have NEVER been that embarrassed in my life, the real scary thing was all the other parents from our team were encouraging them. It was probably at that point that we all understood the saying by Howie Meeker, "The best way to improve Minor Hockey is to eliminate the parents".


So I guess due to a OT win, I get to say the Canucks are now 2-0, LOL.

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Me and my hubby went to Les Trois Brasseurs in the Quartier Latin and had a couple beer. We could hear the loud cheering from the bar with TVs. We all know the Habs were playing and winning. We wanted to watch them, but it seems to be too crowded to fit in.


And we definitely knew it was against the Leafs because of the cheers. :D


They kicked ass last night... 6-1.


It's a good proof that the Leafs...suck bad as always. :D




Eat Poutine and curse in french (Damn You Jack Frost!

Je t'aime aussi quand m

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Anyway, in Canada. Hockey is not a sport at all. I'm telling you...who calls that a sport?



It's actually a religion. :P

It all goes to show you...

Do take Canada over and enslave Canadians, my U.S. friends! (I'd bet the Frosty One would look good in a French maid outfit)

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I'm a Panthers fan at heart (born and raised in South Florida), but I have to root for Tampa Bay since they have a real shot at anything.


I'm glad my dad never became a hockey dad lol. I think the worst he got when I was playing was when I said I didn't break a sweat in the game, and he told me that I wasn't trying hard enough. I was just excited to see the other boys changing in the locker room, lol.

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Me and my hubby went to Les Trois Brasseurs in the Quartier Latin and had a couple beer. We could hear the loud cheering from the bar with TVs. We all know the Habs were playing and winning. We wanted to watch them, but it seems to be too crowded to fit in.


There are better pubs than that to watch the games. If you're interested, I can PM you with a few of my fave spots.




They're 5-0-1 so far to start the season. Sounds like they heard you. :D



If you come to Montreal and manage to get to tickets to the Habs, you BETTER take me over. :o


Hah! Bonne chance!

(I have tix to only 3 games so far this year. Hopefully I can get some more as the season progresses. But they're hard to get... I have to keep working my contacts for season tix or corporate box tickets.)


Anyway, in Canada. Hockey is not a sport at all. I'm telling you...who calls that a sport?


It's actually a religion. :P


So, so true.

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So tonight i was watching the news and there was this report out about making another hockey team for Toronto apparently toronto has the biggest hockey fans or something like that so they think they can make 2 teams. I didn't catch the whole thing since i was running around the kitchen making supper lol.


And yeah its bad enough i'll have to get 3 tickets Jack, for me you and your husband :) Ok 4 tickets Cynical can come along too and use these contacts of hers :)

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Yeah, I heard that too, about Toronto and a second hockey team. Dumbest idea I ever heard, if you ask me. Hell, Toronto can't even put one decent team on the ice.



Thats ok! It just gives me another Toronto team to BOO!!! For if they make a 2nd team.



Well they haven't had anything to cheer about since '67, so maybe they are thinking that if they create a new team, they will have double the chances of having a winning team :P .


Personally I think I would like to see a team in Hamilton long before TO gets another team.

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Ha ha trying to jump over the boards. Yep hockey parents sure are scary. So if hamilton gets the team they could call it "Hamilton HoneyBees" it has to have some cutsie name like Maple Leafs lol Hurricanes is already taken me thinks. ha ha yep by Carolina had to google that.

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Winnipeg needs a team back before Toronto should be talking about a second team. Southern Ontario (I hate Hamilton but I guess it would be logical) could also use a team, though between Toronto and Detroit, you want to be careful not to crowd the market from a geographic perspective, either. I've also long supported the idea of a team in Halifax, though economically that might be tough to make viable.


But none of those teams should be new teams. If anything, Gary Bettman screwed up the NHL with so much expansion, and judicious contraction is what's needed now in order to improve the league. In my ideal world, two or three teams in "soft" US markets would move to Canadian cities, and another two or three would be contracted. Let's cut the league from 30 teams back to about 24, and re-kindle some of the rivalries in the hockey-mad markets.


Also, as the Russian super-league seeks expansion across Northern Europe, I think we will have more opportunities for games across the ocean. The travel and jetlag would make it impractical to look at merging the leagues and playing too many regular season games against one another. But what about a North American conference versus a European conference, with the Stanley Cup final featuring the top team from each playing against each other? Could be interesting...

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The only sport I follow is my school's (D1) hockey. Being just across the lake from Ontario, pretty much our whole team are those hot canucks ;)

I don't follow the NHL though.


The game I'm looking forward to this year is in December. our team versus the USA Under 18 team. (they are all 17). And that team KICKS ASS. :)

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