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Dan Kincaid

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I need to make an announcement to the readers of It Started With Brian.


Dan, the story's author, died early this morning, after struggling for several months with colon cancer.


Dan was one of the most intelligent, insightful, kind, and compassionate people I've ever had the chance to know. I will miss him terribly.


When he became pretty sick, I volunteered to finish the story for him from his notes. He was reluctant to spend more time on the writing because he wanted his last months to be given to his family and friends without the distraction of the story. I was honored to take on the responsibility, even though our writing styles are very different. I only regret that I couldn't finish the story in time for him to read it all the way to the end.


For what it's worth, I should let the readers know that this story is not fiction. This is the story of Dan's life. For people who wonder whether erotic stories on the Internet could ever really happen, I'm here to tell you that It Started With Brian is indeed autobiographical. I assure you that by the time you (and I) have finished the story, you'll be glad you read it.


Rest in peace, buddy.



Adam Phillips


It Started With Brian by DanK (Dan Kincaid)

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It Started With Brian was one of the first stories I started reading on GA. I knew he wasn't doing well, and I wish he had gotten better. When he told me of his illness, I actually cried, because he was so young. :(

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I'm very sad to hear that. :( He was a very good writer, it's so sad that he didn't live to develop that skill, and that he didn't get to do all the other things he wanted to do. My condolences to those of you who were close to him.

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Judging from the first couple of chapters of ISwB alone, it was apparent that Dan had tremendous talent. I'm very sorry to hear that he's passed away, and at such a young age.


Fear no more the heat o' th' sun

Nor the furious winters' rages;

Thou thy worldly task hast done,

Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages.

Golden lads and girls all must,

As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This is very sad, and if the story is autobiographical is mean he leaves behind a teenage son. This is very sad



I hope the son will be adopted by Dan's partner or has family to go to, getting into the Child Welfare system is no fun. :(

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My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. I'm sure he's watching over them now, from Heaven. Even though I don't know much about him, his writings highlight his compassionate and benevolent personality. I believe that memories of him would never dissipate from the minds of those who truly love him.


Rest in peace, Dan.

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