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You know when you have one of those epiphany things and you suddenly realize something? Well I had one of those earlier today.


After Dom's post on his blog saying that the next TLW would appear within 24 hours I was too excited to do much but check my e-mail all day waiting for the message that it had been posted.


So, as I was reading my e-mail, a message from Dom appeared saying TLW 29 had been posted in the subject - I quickly opened up a new browser and started typing the URL for Dom's site in (obviously I'd memorised it a long time ago :D ). I kept mistyping it and it took me ages to get it right. Then I realised that I was showing all the classic signs of addiction and that I might just possibly (certainly) be a Dom-a-holic like the rest of you people.


Just thought I'd share my epiphany with you all - after all they say admission is the first step to recovery (although I'm not too sure I actually want to recover!).

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You're wasting precious seconds typing in the URL? Add it to your favorites! And who needs recovery? I saw a T-shirt once, "Rehab is for quitters."


Welcome to the madhouse.




Normally, unless it's complicated or long, I find typing the URL quicker than trying to find the right favourite (of course I should really tidy up my favourites into folders then I wouldn't have the problem). Of course I could change my homepage..... now there's a thought :D


I do think that T shirt was right - after all this addiction doesn't affect my long term health (at least I hope not - perhaps some research is needed!). Of course it does affect my uni work but that'll all be over soon (yay!).


Oh yes, almost forgot, thanks for the welcome! :2thumbs:

Edited by fatboyfat
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Ive got Dom's site at the top of my favorites then its the forum.

Welcome to the world of Domaholics, Its great here I love these people there my little net family :worship:





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lol i don't think any of us ever want to 'recover' from being addicted to Dom's stories. :D


Dom has his own little folder in my favorites :lol: so i never have a problem!


welcome to the boards :2thumbs:



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You know when you have one of those epiphany things and you suddenly realize something? Well I had one of those earlier today.


After Dom's post on his blog saying that the next TLW would appear within 24 hours I was too excited to do much but check my e-mail all day waiting for the message that it had been posted.


So, as I was reading my e-mail, a message from Dom appeared saying TLW 29 had been posted in the subject - I quickly opened up a new browser and started typing the URL for Dom's site in (obviously I'd memorised it a long time ago :D ). I kept mistyping it and it took me ages to get it right. Then I realised that I was showing all the classic signs of addiction and that I might just possibly (certainly) be a Dom-a-holic like the rest of you people.


Just thought I'd share my epiphany with you all - after all they say admission is the first step to recovery (although I'm not too sure I actually want to recover!).

I remember the day I first admitted to myself that I was a Domaholic. It can be both scary and exhilarating. There is a lot of support here, both for those with a 'rainbow' personality, as well as those of us who see things a little less bright, glittery, and multi-colored. Dispite what some may say, there is no 'methadone' treatment for Dom - no substitutional addiction, no quick fix. Either you learn to function in society as a Domaholic or you fail to function in society as a Domaholic, but either way you are a Domaholic for good.


Have a good day


(future) Emperor Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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Thanks all. My post from yesterday seems to have disappeared for some reason (something to do with the new server I suspect). I'm trying to remember what I wrote in it so I can write it here again... never mind I'm pretty sure it wasn't important :D

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