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Old thread, buttt piercings are definitely hot...on the right person.

I like them minimally on guys but I suppose it really depends on the actual person.


I've wanted to get my eye-brow pierced but have reconsidered this because I've heard as you get old, the skin is stretched and loses elasticity and therefore it gets all droopy. I also kind of want to get like a "monroe" piercing, like above the upper lip--sort of a tiny little sparkle, though I already have a birth-mark in the exact spot I'd like it...:/ I think it'll look good with my darker skin. But again I'm unsure if I'd like it forever and that's the only reason I don't. I'm actually good with pain (I like to think) so the needle part doesn't bother me.


The actual idea of having to watch/stare at the needle as it pierces my navel does though--not the pain so much.


I only have 3 piercings right now but used to have 2 more so in total 5. (2 of them closed up).

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Senior year in high school I and the rest of the soccer team got their left nipples pierced. Don't ask why the left. We just decided to be uniform.


That year I also got my tongue pierced.


Neither of those places are pierced any more. I'm old and no fun anymore.


However, the little tattoo above and to the left of my left pec--also from that year--has remained.


Wow. Oh, how the years go by, as Vanessa Williams used to sing. Or Amy Grant, depending on your preferences.

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Needles don't bother me but I only have my ears pierced and one small tattoo on my outer right ankle. Yup, boring, that's me.

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Senior year in high school I and the rest of the soccer team got their left nipples pierced. Don't ask why the left. We just decided to be uniform.


That year I also got my tongue pierced.



Nipple piercings are too fun to survive into old age >.>

Not that you're old! Lol.


Tongue piercings--I likey. I guess I'm not too judgemental about piercings. Not that I'd get one... a tougue piercing that is. I'm for others :P


I suppose I'll debate forever with myself over my next piercing and end up never getting it.

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I have 6 piercings right now, use to have 9. I have three in my left earlobe, two in my right, and my tongue. Use to have my lip, and twice in my eyebrow. I plan on getting my nipples, or just one nipple, done. I also have a tat below my right shoulder blade :)

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So...I don't know if this topic has been brought up yet but I was wondering does anyone have any piercings...or thought about getting any piercings.


I have my ears pierced...a prince albert *parents don't know about this one yet* :P and thinking about getting my lip pierced





You have a WHAT? Holy mother of pearl, you are a brave one. How much did it hurt exactly? And how long did it take to recover?



I'm planning to get my ears pierced, and I'm thinking about my tongue, but my mother would happily destroy me if any of that happened : )

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I used to have 7 and I am down to 6. All that are left are in my ears. I have been going through a phase lately where I want my tongue ring back. What can I say? I have oral fixations.


I have 3 tattoos and I'm thinking of getting another. Maybe that will cure the tongue piercing craving I have been having. I think I'm just too damn old to get it re-pierced. What do you all think?

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