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Never heard of Susan Boyle?


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Wow....sounds like you once had a dream and someone crushed it like a bug. Now you're taking it out on this poor woman because she's being given a chance. Have you no heart?

Not at all, it just getting tiresome. Every time you open the paper she's in it, & frankly it's getting old already. The competition proper hasn't even started yet, I hate to think what's it's going to be like when it does.

I believe there are other equally deserving & maybe more talented contestants who are being sidelined by this media circus. Do you not think they deserve an opportunity as well?

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I believe they should all have an opportunity to show their talent. But I'm not the media, I didn't pick her to put in the spotlight. There's no reason to get upset that she's the only one you see. Get mad at the media not her.

Edited by Anna
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Not at all, it just getting tiresome. Every time you open the paper she's in it, & frankly it's getting old already. The competition proper hasn't even started yet, I hate to think what's it's going to be like when it does.

I believe there are other equally deserving & maybe more talented contestants who are being sidelined by this media circus. Do you not think they deserve an opportunity as well?

not the newspapers I read :) . just don't watch it, or talk about it. the only time I see anything to do with it is when I am here on the predominately US website :) .

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  • 2 weeks later...
American Idol has nothing on Britain's Got Talent. If you doubt that, watch this.

Wow! That was completely awesome! It literally brought tears to my eyes!


So, I'm completely unfamiliar with how this all works. Did she win the competition/show?


The singing may be good, but Hyacinth Bucket comes to mind for some reason.... :lol:







Where did you find these guys? A band where ALL the guys are cute?!?!? That's so rare today--there's usually one that's a throwaway...

Can I take them home? :P

Only if you promise to bring them back when you're done! :devil:


HAHA! I must admit I was drawn to him as well when I first came upon them lol. I tend to like bass players lol.

I tend to like pretty, young blonds 0:)


Dougie is definitely the hottest! (and has an adorable name!)


that and he reminds me of Jon Bon Jovi with shorter hair

Very true! I hadn't made the connection until you pointed it out. I think Bon Jovi was/is very attractive as well.





Now, can I point out one incredibly obvious and relevant observation? We're in the middle of a thread about a talented, but fairly plain looking, woman and whether or not she's "got it what it takes" to make it, and what happens? We get side tracked by a band full of cute boys! Now in truth, I have no idea how good or bad they are; I don't think I've ever heard anything by them. Yet, I think it's pretty damn obvious that without even having to listen to them, they've stolen all this attention in a thread specifically created to discuss a talented but homely performer.


Can Susan Boyle make it? Well she's got the voice for it as far as I'm concerned, and I'm in her corner. However, if she's always got to worry about the "Mcfly's" out there stealing her thunder I really don't know.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Susan Boyle has finished second in Britain's Got Talent. :angry: See: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,523459,00.html


Showbiz rumor has Simon Cowell spiriting Susan off to Prague next week to cut her first album. Ironically, the album is likely to be released first in the US where she has proven to be more popular than in the UK. Go figure.

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Then the hissy fit she threw after the final show because she lost....the mask seems to be slipping somewhat!

I heard that as well.


I hate to say I told you so, but... Everyone took it for granted that she'd walk it, and as it turns out she got just over half of what Diversity polled. As I said much earlier in this thread, I think people just got sick of all the publicity surrounding her. Not her fault I know, but I think she started to believe everything that was being written about her. Now she's been brought down to earth with quite a big bump, be interesting to see what happens next.

Edited by Sir Galahad
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I heard that as well.


I hate to say I told you so, but... Everyone took it for granted that she'd walk it, and as it turns out she got just over half of what Diversity polled. As I said much earlier in this thread, I think people just got sick of all the publicity surrounding her. Not her fault I know, but I think she started to believe everything that was being written about her. Now she's been brought down to earth with quite a big bump, be interesting to see what happens next.


I really don't think that is fair. I have heard the same things as you did about her behind stage, however I also read the interview with diversity the next day where they said she was still gracious. In terms of the result, the polls don't matter, she actually got about 20% of the vote while diversity got about 24%, so really not that far apart. in terms of numbers about 19million watched while only 4 million voted.


whether she believed everything that was being written about her, I think you are being cruel. I didn't really watch the show, or follow her story much, but she is a person who is talented whether or not she is a mega talented star. I think the pressure of the show, the press and people being negative like this about her have not helped one little bit. she also has a learning disability and amid absolute hell this week (piers said she hand't been sleeping or eating properly), I think people need to lay off her. if you do watch the shows people need to be treated with more respect and not as if they are just there for your entertainment to be poked at and watch as she falls. I have sympathy for her while she is in the priory. I know people who have gone to such places for the same things as her, exhaustion and breakdowns, if that is what this is. they do make people act strangely and for the people around them it can be very stressful as well. if she did start to believe stuff about herself, then way go her, she needs good things in her life and to believe that she is special, because she and everybody is. everybody's lives need elevating not bringing down. just be glad diversity won rather than trashing her, especially since you or anyone else viewing doesn't know her.

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I really don't think that is fair. I have heard the same things as you did about her behind stage, however I also read the interview with diversity the next day where they said she was still gracious. In terms of the result, the polls don't matter, she actually got about 20% of the vote while diversity got about 24%, so really not that far apart. in terms of numbers about 19million watched while only 4 million voted.


whether she believed everything that was being written about her, I think you are being cruel. I didn't really watch the show, or follow her story much, but she is a person who is talented whether or not she is a mega talented star. I think the pressure of the show, the press and people being negative like this about her have not helped one little bit. she also has a learning disability and amid absolute hell this week (piers said she hand't been sleeping or eating properly), I think people need to lay off her. if you do watch the shows people need to be treated with more respect and not as if they are just there for your entertainment to be poked at and watch as she falls. I have sympathy for her while she is in the priory. I know people who have gone to such places for the same things as her, exhaustion and breakdowns, if that is what this is. they do make people act strangely and for the people around them it can be very stressful as well. if she did start to believe stuff about herself, then way go her, she needs good things in her life and to believe that she is special, because she and everybody is. everybody's lives need elevating not bringing down. just be glad diversity won rather than trashing her, especially since you or anyone else viewing doesn't know her.

I'm not being cruel at all, I'm just stating facts as they have been reported in the media, and as yet, nobody has denied. The silence I feel, is the biggest admission of truth. Yes she might have been gracious to Diversity, but her good mood didn't last long apparently!

Diversity polled 25%, so I stand corrected.


I'm sorry, but I'm of the opinion she expected to win. The look on her face when she found out she'd come second spoke a thousand words, trust me she was pretty shocked. It's on U-Tube, so have a look see for yourself. I mean don't get me wrong, she's an ok singer IMO. Not the world class songstress everyone has hyped her up to be. The semi-final performance was proof enough. She'll do well for herself, so good luck to her.


That said, I have very little sympathy for people who put themselves out there in the media glare, she chose to enter the competition not anyone else. With a show like this it comes with the territory, so it's a bit rich to moan & complain about it later. She wanted to be a famous singer, now she has her wish.

Oh, and where exactly in my post did I trash her? Perhaps you should learn to read a little better, before making unsupported accusations!

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it was underlying in your statements about her coming down to earth with a crash and could be read into the statement about her believing what was said about her, or at least that was the sense that I derived from what you said, one of derision. even IF people go on that show to be famous, that does not give you or anyone else the unreserved right to act how you like or say whatever. the business of show-business does not have to be the way that it is, but supporting it in that way helps make it so and feeds it. you also don't know the reasons that she went on that show, you know only a snippet. this was not x-factor. it could be that she needed a break from her life, a chance to shine, or even just a chance to sing on a stage once, to feel good? who knows, but it does not mean they want all the bad stuff, or even the money or fame, or that it has to be that way. as has been said, she certainly didn't expect it so fast or so big, adjusting for anyone would be difficult. whether she did or she didn't flip afterwards, you don't know the circumstances or what her attitude was targeted at - it may well have not been about not winning. either way it is likely linked to the reason she is in the priory and that needs to be treated with respect and not trivialised.

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it was underlying in your statements about her coming down to earth with a crash and could be read into the statement about her believing what was said about her, or at least that was the sense that I derived from what you said, one of derision. even IF people go on that show to be famous, that does not give you or anyone else the unreserved right to act how you like or say whatever. the business of show-business does not have to be the way that it is, but supporting it in that way helps make it so and feeds it. you also don't know the reasons that she went on that show, you know only a snippet. this was not x-factor. it could be that she needed a break from her life, a chance to shine, or even just a chance to sing on a stage once, to feel good? who knows, but it does not mean they want all the bad stuff, or even the money or fame, or that it has to be that way. as has been said, she certainly didn't expect it so fast or so big, adjusting for anyone would be difficult. whether she did or she didn't flip afterwards, you don't know the circumstances or what her attitude was targeted at - it may well have not been about not winning. either way it is likely linked to the reason she is in the priory and that needs to be treated with respect and not trivialised.

Am I missing something here? She expected to win, she didn't, and she’s been brought back to earth with a bump. How is that 'trashing' her?? There was nothing underlying or derisory in that at all. I feel it's more you twisting my words to suit your own argument!


Yes people DO go on that show to be famous; after all isn't that the whole point of it? Perhaps she didn't expect the publicity she actually received, but she said in her audition that she wanted to be a singer, and the show gave her a platform to make that dream a reality.


The last time I looked we have freedom of speech here, and quite frankly I can say exactly what I like, if I choose to do so. I've given my opinion, which I feel was an honest description of how I saw the situation. I didn't slag her off or otherwise make personal comments about her. However, if someone wanted to, then they are perfectly within their rights to do so. It's not up to you, or anyone else to silence someone because you happen to disagree.


As for show business being the way it is, I'm afraid that's down to public curiosity. The latest celebrity gossip sells newspapers & magazines, so naturally they all go after the latest sensational stories or expos

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Susan Boyle was certainly led part of the way towards believing she could win by all the adulation: the Judges as well as the British and American press. However, I would hope that now that she has lost that the press could drop their micro-analyzing of her current status and behavior.


As humans we strive to reach our dreams. Sometimes we actually achieve them, more often not. How well would any of us fare if all our foils and foibles let alone our stumbles were under the press microscope.

Edited by Rubilacxe
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Susan Boyle was certainly led part of the way towards believing she coukd win by all the adulation: the Judges as well as the British and American press. However,I would hope that now that she has lost that the press could drop their micro-analyzing of her current status and behavior.


As humans we strive to reach our dreams. Sometimes we actually achieve them, more often not. How well woukld any of us fare if all our foils and foibles let alone our stumbles were under the press microscope.


B) .............I agree with you, it was plain to see she put up a front. Dissing Simon's apology seemed to an automatic defense she has probably relied on for the years of being made fun of. The press built up her expectations so high along with her dream, I wasn't surprised at her feeling crushed, or even feeling rejected. She is an extremely talented women that is in need of some polishing, hopefully who ever manages her will keep the pedestal away from her.

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Where did you find these guys? A band where ALL the guys are cute?!?!? That's so rare today--there's usually one that's a throwaway...

Can I take them home? :P

You'll certainly enjoy this video then:


*yummy ending*

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