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What would drive you over the edge? Would it be something simple like someone stealing from you? Would it involve someone killing someone in your family or perhaps a lover? Under what circumstances, if any, would you seek revenge and to what extent?

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Sometimes people look at me in an unfriendly way, so I usually try to ruin their lives. Is that too severe? :blink:

That is extreme... anyway, I'm actually trying to be serious here. :thumbdown:

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Revenge: What would drive you to seek it?


I reserve revenge for very serious issues and will go to great lengths to get it.


Usually what I do is more like speed karma on its way.


For instance if I know that somneone is stealing at work and I have a serious issue with them, I disappear long enough to be forgotten and let the right people know what is going on.


Direct action is foolish and counter-productive. Act through proxies and be deliberate. Take your time. If you wait long enough chances are he'll forget all about you and will never see it coming or suspect it was you.


Don't do anything illegal. If someone is amoral enough to screw you over bad enough to make you seek revenge, they have probably done it to others as well. Your target may actually be on a number of peoples s**t list.


Everyone has weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities. It doesn't take much thought to figure those out and exploit them espically if you know the target well.


Example: Some years ago there was an asshole dealer that was causing a lot of problems in the town I was living in. He was selling pot to high school kids and was getting some of them started on crack. He was fronting weed to kids to sell for him and if they didn't come up with the money on time he would hurt or sexually exploit them.


Several kids that I used to look out for me came to me with complaints about this asshole. The longer that he was in business, the worse it got. Usually I don't get involved in things like this but I had a cousin in the middle of it and one of his friends got started on crack. Screw with kids and I will come after you.


I sat a couple of kids down and started asking them questions about this ass-clown and by the time we were done we had figured out that he was going to Vicksburg every Sunday and coming back with a couple of pounds of weed and other junk to sell.


I did a little research and made a call to a detective with the Warren county sheriffs department. I gave him the clowns description, the plates of his two vehicles and let him know his habits.


A month later he was busted and it was very, very serious. They got his supplier who was getting it off barge traffic along the river.


He never knew how or why he got busted. He was an ignorant ape so it was probably inevitable in any case. I just helped speed up the karma.

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Revenge is a dish best served cold. However, unfortunately I am impulsive and hot headed so what I deal with is usually retribution and usually rebounds on me. I don't have the patience to be subtle but I absolutely extol the benefits of it.


Being a family lawyer I see a lot of things and I give people a little push now and again and I make things easy or hard on people depending on what I feel they deserve. That doesn't really count as revence though because I am not doing it for me.


I tend to get angry very quickly and calm down very quickly so I hit out in anger and then regret. I have never done so excessively... well, only once. The only person I have ever gone out seeking revenge on... the bastard to raped and abused me for 7 years. He's dead now. Nothing to do with me... of course.

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Revenge has never made me completely happy, but I do it a lot. I love to get even with people, and it is weird, even for me to say, because I'm so normally forgiving and kind. Of course, I only feel good about it the first couple of days, then I'm off depressed and feeling crappy about what I did. Some of the stuff in the past, that I considered revenge was pretty sadistic, but other times were pretty ridiculous, such as having sex in my parent's bed after grounding me, and such.


I have mixed and sometimes, hypocritical feelings against revenge.

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I have a pretty short fuse and tend to act without thinking. It's normally in the heat of the moment that I do something I'll later regret.


The stupidest thing I ever remember doing was arguing with my dad over me living with him. At the time I was off my head and he said he didn't want that type of behavior around my younger siblings and his new wife. I trashed his car, with a cricket bat. And I kinda proved his point really, but luckily he doesn't hold it against me these days.


That's probably the worst thing I've done. The silliest was getting in to an argument with my sister over money she owed me and smashing her favourite mug. I think she only owed me £5.


I think revenge is more about the person you are when you lose your temper, if you can keep a level head then you won't see a need for revenge, you'll try to work it out by talking things through, but then I guess that also depends on how the other person has wronged you.

Edited by FairyTaleSkies
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Revenge has never made me completely happy, but I do it a lot. I love to get even with people, and it is weird, even for me to say, because I'm so normally forgiving and kind. Of course, I only feel good about it the first couple of days, then I'm off depressed and feeling crappy about what I did. Some of the stuff in the past, that I considered revenge was pretty sadistic, but other times were pretty ridiculous, such as having sex in my parent's bed after grounding me, and such.


I have mixed and sometimes, hypocritical feelings against revenge.



I am a complete hypocrite. I never try to hide it or run from it... it is who and what I am. But, as you say I have mixed feelings about revenge and ultimately it doesn't make me feel good. A very good friend has been hammering it home to me recently that revenge tends to take something from you and it descends you to the level of those who wronged you. It is still so very tempting though :)

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I have a pretty short fuse and tend to act without thinking. It's normally in the heat of the moment that I do something I'll later regret.


The stupidest thing I ever remember doing was arguing with my dad over me living with him. At the time I was off my head and he said he didn't want that type of behavior around my younger siblings and his new wife. I trashed his car, with a cricket bat. And I kinda proved his point really, but luckily he doesn't hold it against me these days.


That's probably the worst thing I've done. The silliest was getting in to an argument with my sister over money she owed me and smashing her favourite mug. I think she only owed me

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I have a pretty short fuse and tend to act without thinking. It's normally in the heat of the moment that I do something I'll later regret.




The silliest was getting in to an argument with my sister over money she owed me and smashing her favourite mug. I think she only owed me

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Revenge isn't a good thing (an eye for an eye would leave the world blind)...







Now let me get off my high horse :P


The way I get my revenge is by exploiting the persons weakness. For example, my parents are very slow when it comes to computers, so when they get me goin and argue with me, the internet on the router gets turned off, which means that they can't access it. Once they caught on to that, I set it up so that it would disable the internet to their laptops (with the exception of the family computer which is old and slow and my sisters laptop) so that they think it's an issue with their laptops. Needless to say they haven't caught onto that yet.


But it's the best thing to exploit someone's weakness for revenge because then they feel weak and powerless...



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I think I've rarely taken revenge on someone. If people are in the wrong or have been a **** to someone then rather than screaming at them, getting violent or trashing their stuff, even at times when I've been the most angry, I'll sit down and tell them calmly to their face what a **** they've been and that they need to think about what they did and apologise. It usually gets through to someone much better to see in your eyes that they've hurt you and screaming and yelling solves nothing. It just gets windows broken :/ *rolls eyes at some people I know*


As for when someone has done something and it isnt one of those things where you talk to them about it or someone you don't care about, then I tend to do what jamessavik does and bump them up to near the top of karma's list. There's usually nothing spiteful about it, it's just sometimes the best plan of action.

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I would only take revenge on someone if they hurt a member of my family. And even then, it would be pretty mild, because I'm pretty much a pansy about these things.


Or would it? Or am I?


And I also would exploit a weakness. It's the right thing to do.





(but generally speaking, I'm a big believer that anyone that deserves revenge eventually gets it and I usually don't have to do anything at all)

Edited by Hoskins
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Well, I have sought revenge in the past. One time, someone humiliated me, so I figured out an underhanded way to hurt the person's feelings pretty bad. It worked perfectly. As far as family goes, whoever does better hope I don't have money. I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure everyone can read between the lines as to how far I'd go for revenge. B)

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Revenge isn't a good thing (an eye for an eye would leave the world blind)...







Now let me get off my high horse tongue.gif


The way I get my revenge is by exploiting the persons weakness. For example, my parents are very slow when it comes to computers, so when they get me goin and argue with me, the internet on the router gets turned off, which means that they can't access it. Once they caught on to that, I set it up so that it would disable the internet to their laptops (with the exception of the family computer which is old and slow and my sisters laptop) so that they think it's an issue with their laptops. Needless to say they haven't caught onto that yet.


But it's the best thing to exploit someone's weakness for revenge because then they feel weak and powerless...





You better hope they dont read this then :)

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Well, I have sought revenge in the past. One time, someone humiliated me, so I figured out an underhanded way to hurt the person's feelings pretty bad. It worked perfectly. As far as family goes, whoever does better hope I don't have money. I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure everyone can read between the lines as to how far I'd go for revenge. cool.gif



There is nowhere I would not be prepared to go to protect my family. How far I would go for revenge... that depends. If I thought they were going to be unpunished or hurt someone else then yes, I would go all the way. i don't have to pay anyone I have my own means. But I know that what I did would inevitably rebound on me so I would have to think it through carefully and I suppose I would react through justice and not revenge. Let's hope it never comes to that again :)

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There is nowhere I would not be prepared to go to protect my family. How far I would go for revenge... that depends. If I thought they were going to be unpunished or hurt someone else then yes, I would go all the way. i don't have to pay anyone I have my own means. But I know that what I did would inevitably rebound on me so I would have to think it through carefully and I suppose I would react through justice and not revenge. Let's hope it never comes to that again :)

Well, they'd have to do something pretty bad before I'd go there, but I am a very protective person nonetheless.

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There is nowhere I would not be prepared to go to protect my family. How far I would go for revenge... that depends. If I thought they were going to be unpunished or hurt someone else then yes, I would go all the way. i don't have to pay anyone I have my own means. But I know that what I did would inevitably rebound on me so I would have to think it through carefully and I suppose I would react through justice and not revenge. Let's hope it never comes to that again smile.gif


Well, they'd have to do something pretty bad before I'd go there, but I am a very protective person nonetheless.


I, too, tend to be very protective of those I love. When I was but an itty bitty, well, about 2 to 2 1/2 years old...mom was dating a real asshole...threatened to cut off my fingers with a butcher knife once. sad.gif Once my mom broke up with him, he sugared her gas tank. thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif Thankfully, her dad--my grandpa--was the town's best carb' mechanic...he opened her engine and had the cylinders cleaned out and the carbeurator rebuilt inside 1 day, including getting it towed to the garage! specool.gif They knew who did it, but his dad was a judge in town, so a complaint to the police would've fallen on deaf ears. The next time the asshole boyfriend came over, she ended up acting nice and friendly...and I went outside to "play" while they were upstairs--my playtime consisted of getting even, it was pre-planned: I poured a couple cups of sugar, and some water, in his gas tank. devilsmiley.gif This was back in the 60's so there were no locking gas caps... Once he took his car to one of the town's mechanics to be fixed and de-sugared, mom got some money--all the town's mechanics knew he was an ass and it was circulated what he had done, so they all knew to charge him--but good--for the cleaning out, and also to take their time...his dad was not loaning him any of his cars, so he was stuck walking or depending on "friends" for a while...come to find out, he wasn't able to get around town that well. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Revenge is a carefully chosen decision in which you chose to redress a wrong done against you or others.

For it to work, you have to put your feelings aside and think your actions through very carefully.

It does you no good at all if your revenge does as much damage to you through blow-back as it does to your target.

James you are a wise man. I quite agree with you. You have to prepare your revenge the same way a General prepare his war : define the objectives and a strategy, make an inventory of the possible actions, estimate the costs (not only the material ones) of it, and think of the blow-back which could happen.

As we say in French : "la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid" (revenge is a dish to be eaten cold). That means that revenge is a long term action. Fortunately, I had in my life very seldom occasions to apply these principles. But when I did, it worked ! Not to forget a main point : when your enemy is on the ground, try to forgive and make clear with him (or them) why you had to it.

And sometimes its better (it costs you less time and anger) just to forgive and forget :P .

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revenge.... I don't do it much.... but my ex kinda did very wrong on me when and after he dumped me. Threatening my friends who stood up for me and simply hurting me in every way possible. While he dumped me and I never did anything to wrong him. The guy was a lozer when we met and couldn't run his own life. when he broke up with me he had his own income and even people he called friends. So yeah, ask anybody that knew me back than and they will tell you I have always been the one that was being done wrong to.

anyways, a while after he broke up with me, I got the word out why he did so, and since people talk... the girl he is gonna try dating is gonna know what an ass he is. I have some amazing friends that even now, 2 years later if he does anything to hurt me they will kick his ass. so yeah, revenge is slow.

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I can manage to lose my temper and shout at people that wrong me or that I'm arguing with, but true revenge? I've never indulged (and I, like I'm sure many others, have had some really harsh stuff done to me). Knowing my own history, I can't imagine seeking true revenge on someone that's wronged me unless it was in some way brutal or egregious.

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Revenge is something to be savored. It is a sweet taste of victory after countless defeats. Killing the S.O.B who forced me into prostitution was a sublime act of revenge. It felt good to see him recognize his death before it happened. Sure I'm still emotionally and mentally scarred, but in liberating myself I freed dozens of others. It is a small price to pay. Now I am free.


One day my parents too will feel the pain I am forced to endure. Maybe I won't kill them, but they caused my brother's suicide. They threaten the lives of both myself and my boyfriend. They ostracized me from everyone I knew during the first fourteen years of my life. They used money and influence to ensure that I officailly never existed. Their day will come.


Are these noble sentiments? No. Is this the right thing to do? No. Will I do it anyway? Yes.

Edited by Nikolai
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Revenge is something to be savored. It is a sweet taste of victory after countless defeats. Killing the S.O.B who forced me into prostitution was a sublime act of revenge. It felt good to see him recognize his death before it happened. Sure I'm still emotionally and mentally scarred, but in liberating myself I freed dozens of others. It is a small price to pay. Now I am free.


One day my parents too will feel the pain I am forced to endure. Maybe I won't kill them, but they caused my brother's suicide. They threaten the lives of both myself and my boyfriend. They ostracized me from everyone I knew during the first fourteen years of my life. They used money and influence to ensure that I officailly never existed. Their day will come.


Are these noble sentiments? No. Is this the right thing to do? No.

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Revenge is something to be savored. It is a sweet taste of victory after countless defeats. Killing the S.O.B who forced me into prostitution was a sublime act of revenge. It felt good to see him recognize his death before it happened. Sure I'm still emotionally and mentally scarred, but in liberating myself I freed dozens of others. It is a small price to pay. Now I am free.


One day my parents too will feel the pain I am forced to endure. Maybe I won't kill them, but they caused my brother's suicide. They threaten the lives of both myself and my boyfriend. They ostracized me from everyone I knew during the first fourteen years of my life. They used money and influence to ensure that I officailly never existed. Their day will come.


Are these noble sentiments? No. Is this the right thing to do? No.

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