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Queer As Folk?


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Hal Sparks who plays Michael, while completely adorable, is completely straight.... *sigh*


Ah well.


Michael is my favorite... But I've only seen one or two episodes.


The Gays go to the clubs and party and do drugs while the lesbians stay at home with the baby? Now THERE'S an original thought...




B) ........I've also been told the British version is quite steamy :devil:

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B) .........It is usually on too late for me to watch, but someone told only two of the actors are gay. If found this a little hard to believe, Justin is one but I can't remember who the other was, anyone know?

Well according to earlier posts in this thread Ben and Emmett are the other two gay people.


I really enjoyed it, and would like to see the whole thing, but it's not something I can sit down to watch with anyone else in my family so I doubt I'll buying the DVDs.

Ohhh, you should DL it like I did! :D In fact if someone can tell me how I'll send it to you ;)


The Gays go to the clubs and party and do drugs while the lesbians stay at home with the baby? Now THERE'S an original thought...


It's much more complicated than that! You just got that from a random sampling!


Justin is my favourite :wub:

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Talking about HOT, I always liked Blake (I think that was his character name :wacko: ). Although what he did to Ted in I believe the first season was totally uncool, his reoccuring character was always my favourite for looks. When he made his final appearance, I was saddened that he could not ethically get together with Ted.


Poor Ted, I guess I related to him the most, but minus the drug addiction.


Steve B)

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Talking about HOT, I always liked Blake (I think that was his character name :wacko: ). Although what he did to Ted in I believe the first season was totally uncool, his reoccuring character was always my favourite for looks. When he made his final appearance, I was saddened that he could not ethically get together with Ted.


Poor Ted, I guess I related to him the most, but minus the drug addiction.


Steve B)


:o Blake was my favourite looking character too. He was just soooo cute!!!!



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B) ........I've also been told the British version is quite steamy :devil:

I've always wanted to see it! I'm definitely going to check it out!


****Warning Spoilers if you haven't seen the entire series!!****


Talking about HOT, I always liked Blake (I think that was his character name :wacko: ). Although what he did to Ted in I believe the first season was totally uncool, his reoccuring character was always my favourite for looks. When he made his final appearance, I was saddened that he could not ethically get together with Ted.

Blake was my favourite recurring character as well.



I disagree with you about him not being able to ethically get back together with Ted at the time of his last appearance. Their reconciliation was obviously precluded around the time of his 2nd to last appearance when Ted was struggling with his Meth addiction, but I think by the end of the series when he and Emmett ran into him at the ski lodge, it would have been fine for them to get back together. In fact that was my interpretation of what was going to happen. I think that's why Emmett made a point of telling him that he and Ted were only there together as friends.




:o Blake was my favourite looking character too. He was just soooo cute!!!!

Yep, definitely a hottie! I don't think he was my favourite in terms of looks though. He was right up there, but I think early series Justin was more attractive.

Say around his stripper days



...oh my, now I want to start several polls about QAF

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It's funny that QAF should be dug up now... me and another guy just got about five other people hooked on it haha. Naturally me and him have seen every episode, so it's hard to discuss it with him with everyone else in the room because we don't want to give away any spoilers. I'd said enough already when he said his favorite episode was the one in which

Brian went to Justin's house in season one to discuss the situation between them with his parents and when dear old dad made a nasty remark, Brian offered refuge to Justin

and I, unsure of the exact chronological order of events, said that I thought this followed the night when

Justin's father rammed Brian's Jeep, twice, giving him a head wound and minor concussion and forced Micheal to end his weekend-in-the-country with the Doc.



I've said before and I'll say it again, Mikey is my favorite character because he is a genuine friend and is really frickin' cute! :wub:

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I don't like this show at all. It has bad dialog at times and some actors were lacking in talent. The cast wasn't diverse, but I could tell they tried to make it that way. So I'm not a fan at all, I can barely get through YouTube segments.




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Hmm, a few thoughts on this:


It's funny that QAF should be dug up now... me and another guy just got about five other people hooked on it haha. Naturally me and him have seen every episode, so it's hard to discuss it with him with everyone else in the room because we don't want to give away any spoilers.

You should hang out with the guy privately so that you can discuss this properly. I used to discuss QAF with Vancey and Matty when I was watching it. It definitely added to my enjoyment.


I'd said enough already when he said his favorite episode was the one in which

Brian went to Justin's house in season one to discuss the situation between them with his parents and when dear old dad made a nasty remark, Brian offered refuge to Justin

-I really liked this episode a lot myself. The was really sweet and it was was one of the first instances in which we see

Brian in a positive light looking out for Justin.

I also really liked watching the

evolving relationship between Brian and Justin's mom



and I, unsure of the exact chronological order of events, said that I thought this followed the night when

Justin's father rammed Brian's Jeep, twice, giving him a head wound and minor concussion and forced Micheal to end his weekend-in-the-country with the Doc.

Hmm, what did you think of this episode? Do you think it was necessary for

Mikey to cancel his weekend plans with the Doc.? Was Brian purposely trying to mess with their relationship? My opinion on this is that NO, it was not necessary for Mikey to cancel his plans because Brian did say he was fine, and that yes, on some level Brian was purposely trying to mess up their relationship. I think that overall Mikey was more culpable in their failed relationship than the Doc was.



I've said before and I'll say it again, Mikey is my favorite character because he is a genuine friend and is really frickin' cute! :wub:

Hmm, no I disagree a bit. I mean he was a genuine friend and he was cute, but he really did have a tendency to be self-absorbed and to not see the big picture. IMO, he frequently failed to understand where other people were coming from. In fact I may just argue that of all the main characters he was the one who most frequently failed in this regard. Think back to so many of his rifts with Brian, and the time he was SO

pissed at Justin for cheating on Brian even though Brian understood better about where Justin was coming from and told him to back off

or what about

all the times he failed to see his mother's perspective, or his massive insensitivity regarding Ben's feelings about his HIV status and his feelings toward Hunter

. No, I think Mikey is an excellent character and does a really wonderful job of embodying the perspective on the viewer, but he's very similar to so many other main characters in that he so frequently suffers from a tendency to be self-involved and to not see beyond the end of his nose.


He sort of reminds me of Rory from Desert Dropping, yes he's lovable and cute, and yes his feelings are usually justifiable, but sometimes you just want to shake him and say "don't you get it!" :P


Take care all and have an awesome day!


-Kevin (who's having way too much fun with the spoiler feature :boy: )

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Can anyone guess why I have a great affection for Emmitt Honeycutt? :)


Brian Kenny is my favorite character for all sorts of reasons. He has a mean, self absorbed streak but it is offset by a vulerability that he shows very rarely and usually only where Justin or Mikie are involved.


Kinny-isms: (the wisedom of Brian Kenny)


There are only two kinds of str8 people: the ones that hate you to your face and the ones that hate you behind your back.


Stupid breeders. So busy with their broods, they just can't keep up with homo averice...


I'm the most fabulous fag in Pittsburg. That is, if it's possible to be fabulous in Pittsburg.


Brian is the love child of James Dean and Ayn Rand...


What is it with Brian Kinney?"

"He doesn't give a shit"



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Oh, and for us 'old timers' did everyone realize that Debbie from QAF was Cagney from Cagney & Lacey?


And if anyone is looking for good homo music, the QAF music CD's are pretty good if you like dancey/high energy songs. Not only are they good dancey songs, but many of the lyrics are homospecific. Here are the lyrics from two of my favourites:





You Think You're A Man



Turn around

stand up like a man and look me in the eye.

Turn around

take one final look at what you've left behind.

Then walk away

from the greatest lover you have ever known.

yes walk away

you're telling me that you can make it on your own


By yourself

all alone without my help

mister you just made a big mistake.


You think you're a man

but you're only a boy


You think you're a man

you are only a toy.


you think you're a man

but you just couldn't see


You weren't man enough

to satisfy me.


Shut the door

take a look around and tell me what you find.

Shut the door

take a giant step for you and all mankind.

Then don't come back

I always gave you so much more than you deserve

Now don't come back

cause no one makes a fool of me


You've got a nerve to walk away

mark the words I'm gonna say



you just made a big mistake


You think you're a man

but you're only a boy

. . .

You think you're a man

but you're only a boy

. . .

You think you're a man

but you're only a boy

. . . You think you're a man

but you're only a boy


And this is a remake of 'High School Confidential' by Carole Pope. It was on the QAF first season CD...I think



He's a cool blond scheming trick

You want him so much

You feel sick

The boy can't help it

He really can't help it now

Teenage brandos stalk him in the halls

They tease him with cat calls

He's a combination

Tom Cruise Zack O'Tool


High School

High School Confidential

High School

High School Confidential


What's that man doin with him

It's that guy

And he's screwin with him

Can he feel the sex and sweat

He makes you cream your jeans

So you won't forget


High School

High School Confidential

High School

High School Confidential


He drives a loaded jeep

With seats in the back

If you don't do him soon

You'll have a heart attack

When he flashes you a look

You wanna burn his books

Give up high school


Well well well well

High School

High School Confidential

High School

High School Confidential

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Oh, and for us 'old timers' did everyone realize that Debbie from QAF was Cagney from Cagney & Lacey?


She also plays Michael's mom on the new show Burn Notice on USA Network. Season 1 has finished already, In quite a Knight-Rider-ish fashion too! I hope there is a season 2, It was a great show.



*Edit* :wub: Justin was my fav on QAF :wub: *Edit*

Edited by Tim the Traveller
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Can anyone guess why I have a great affection for Emmitt Honeycutt? :)

Because he's from Mississippi


Kinny-isms: (the wisedom of Brian Kenny)


There are only two kinds of str8 people: the ones that hate you to your face and the ones that hate you behind your back.

This has always been one of my favourites as well ;)


That was fun!


One of the best things about QAF is the depth of the characters. Each one has layers of complexity except for Hunter (Harris Allen). Hunter is very much sold short as the tall, handsome adoptee of Mikie and Ben. For instance- there is very little regarding his feelings about being hiv+. Being a hustler and living on the street isn't something you just walk away from. You carry it with you for a long time and it really complicates your life. Once again the writers missed a good oppertuinity to explore recovering from that world.

Hmm, I guess I mostly agree with you. I think Hunter did have some depth to his character though, like

when he turned out straight, or ran away because he didn't think Michael and Ben really wanted him

, but I definitely would have really enjoyed it if the series had explored his character a little more. In fact I remember thinking that at the time. I think the main reason it didn't happen is that there were simply too many balls in the air by that time and the best they could do was use him as a plot device.


And if anyone is looking for good homo music, the QAF music CD's are pretty good if you like dancey/high energy songs. Not only are they good dancey songs, but many of the lyrics are homospecific.

I agree! I love the soundtrack! I've been dying to get it!


And this is a remake of 'High School Confidential' by Carole Pope. It was on the QAF first season CD...I think

This is perhaps my favourite dance number of the series! Here's a (very poor quality :( ) link to a video of Justin performing it:




Another song I really enjoyed him performing was "Let's hear it for the boy". This was also first season, in fact I think it was either 2nd or 3rd episode. This song was playing while he was trying to dance with other guys to make Brian jealous.


Take care all and have a great day!


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Brian Kenny is my favorite character for all sorts of reasons. He has a mean, self absorbed streak but it is offset by a vulerability that he shows very rarely and usually only where Justin or Mikie are involved.



What is it with Brian Kinney?"

"He doesn't give a shit"


No excuses, no apologies, no regrets


WWBKD- What Would Brian Kinney Do?


I quite consciously used Brian Kinney as a role model when I first watched the show, in attitude, though certainly not in actions (going to clubs and picking up guys, etc.).


I was trying to deal professionally with an overall situation that I thought called for a certain level of detachment, determination, and I guess in retrospect, self-absorption.


Things seemed to have worked out much better than anyone could have reasonably expected, so I owe a debt of gratitude to a fictional character for his inspiration to me that got me through a challenging situation.

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