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I reckon you might be reading a little bit too much into it, Yang XD


Annnnnd Rachel and Finn are finally together and in love. JESUS. Only took a whole season and about a million sing songs.

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I reckon you might be reading a little bit too much into it, Yang XD


Annnnnd Rachel and Finn are finally together and in love. JESUS. Only took a whole season and about a million sing songs.



Lies. Clearly Finn succumbed to Kurt and they are now in lust. Rachel is a cover. I reckon you didn't read between the lines Posted Image

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The finale was great, but some parts were a little quirky.


What I didn't get was how judging was determined if there were only 4 judges. Since Sue voted New Directions, then how could it get third? It should at least have tied for second right? Because if all three judges voted Vocal Adrenaline, then Oral w/e would have been last and if two voted for VA and one for Oral, then Oral and ND would have tied for second.


If you noticed the Voting card at the end of the episode, it gave Sue the option to choose who she felt for 1st place, who for 2nd, and who for 3rd. So, if everyone voted Aural Intensity for second(most likely), then they would receive second. Since everyone except Sue voted for Vocal Adrenaline for 1st place, they got 1st. And since everyone voted New Directions as last except Sue, they came out as last. At least that's what I figured from it; it's the best scenario I could think of.

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  • 5 months later...

W00 @ posting on a dead thread.


I'd just like to say the Umbrella/Singin' In The Rain performance last night was fantastic.


I've watched it several times since it aired last night, and I even saw a girl watching it in the TV lounge today.




Ok, I loved that song!

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There are only 4 things in the world more evil than Glee


4. Garden Peas

3. Tomatoes

2. Dominos Pizza

1. My Cat


Three out of the four of those are amazing, and thus your entire argument is defunct. HOORAH.

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While Umbrella/Singing in the Rain was alright, I don't really like as much as others. I think it's because Schu gave himself the male lead. Again. I'm really starting to dislike the character. And while I'm meant to, it's starting to stretch my credulity with this show. Why would the kids continue to show up to Glee if he treats them like crap all the time?


"Forget You," however, I really like. A clearer example of someone just having fun with a song we haven't been treated to in a bit.

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  • Site Administrator

There are only 4 things in the world more evil than Glee


4. Garden Peas

3. Tomatoes

2. Dominos Pizza

1. My Cat



Amen to that Ara! Posted Image



:o :o :o Blasphemy :o :o :o



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W00 @ posting on a dead thread.


I'd just like to say the Umbrella/Singin' In The Rain performance last night was fantastic.


I've watched it several times since it aired last night, and I even saw a girl watching it in the TV lounge today.




George Sampson did his version two years ago on britain got talent

but any way ... its a lot of water on the stage ... on glee ... suprise no one gets an electical shock


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I've been watching since day one, having never missed a new episode. What initially got me interested in the show was the Journey number, "Don't Stop Believing". I had seen the promo for the show way back in May of 2009.


I don't want to sound like a hypocrite, but Kurt is really starting to get on my nerves. Yes, I know he is gay in the show and in real life, but does his character have to be so nelly? There are gay guys out there that don't act like flaming queens; I am living proof that they do exist.


Adding Chord Overstreet (Sam the blond guy) to the cast sure was a huge plus. I have heard that the show is very popular with the gay community, so adding a bit of eye candy surely can't hurt. He is easily the hottest guy on the show.


And for those of you who wonder how the show is doing ratings-wise, it's doing very well for FOX on Tuesday night. Well enough in fact that FOX has already picked up the show for a third season. Posted Image

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The show is built around stereotypes and extremes; the whole point is to show an extreme, a stereotype, and delve into it; show that it's not just a stereotype, that you can't just label people. Everyone has a story; that sort of thing. In that sense, Kurt is the perfect character. And I actually love the story the show is taking him through right now; it's showing real problems that real gay teenagers really face everyday.


Plus, Chris Colfer is a hawty.


And Sam's character isn't going to be gay and/or bi anymore. He was originally going to be but the actor ended up having real offstage chemistry with the actress that plays Quinn, so they put him as her love interest instead. Blaine is apparently supposed to be Sam's replacement.


On a complete random note, Mr. Schuester is really starting to piss me off. Although I knew it wasn't going to happen, I actually spent the entire episode hoping it would end with him remaining fired.

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I never realised how much Schu was stifling the group till Gwen came along. Honestly, Never Been Kissed and Substitute have been superb episodes, Plus loved the musical numbers this episode. In regards to Kurts attitude, I dunno, between him and Blaine, Mercedes was the most masculine. I'm curious to how Karofsky's going to develop...I find him rather attractive but thats just my type...minus...the complete douchery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hihihi sorry, but thanks for your quick reply ^___________^




I think I'd like Glee more if it weren't so filled with cliche roles. Like I would have cast Kurt as the football jock with his overwhelming sense of fashion. Then, I would have made Finn pine after Kurt but he would want nothing to do with him because he's not nerdy enough for him. I would have had extremely feminine women in the role of coaches so that if they got struck with balls or things like that they complained and checked their nails and always wore dresses to practice. I would have the "butch" women in very dainty roles.


Of course, my "Glee" would have lasted two episodes if that and got canceled. People in America love their gender stereotypes.

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The latest episode was so good! Quite short though and the events were all a bit obvious. I felt like a mind reader afterwards. BUT STILL, very good.


B)..............I'm amazed at this one


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