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Proposed Chat Guidelines.

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Females to Lugh? I don't know if I have sucked up enough to you in your forum for you to be my Captain yet...


No, it's a default thing, there are more cut guys than uncut, so I get the girls too.


Besides some teasing from Lugh (which I am fairly sure is all in good fun), I have found it to be a welcoming place despite my newbie status.


Trust me, teasing from Lugh is a good thing. Ignoring from Lugh... bad... very bad.

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Frankly if your on this site at all it should be 18+ or parental supervision should be done. If it's not.....well....it's the real world here, why dumb it down and have these youngin's be uneducated?


This is not a pornographic site or anything else that requires it to be 18+ This is a site for intelligent conversations and fun, and reading. But.... you can't really be all dirty to a minor for legal reasons.



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No, it's a default thing, there are more cut guys than uncut, so I get the girls too.




Trust me, teasing from Lugh is a good thing. Ignoring from Lugh... bad... very bad.



Ignoring! oh great. Well sadly you left me to linxe now i'll die by tomorrow. -.0!

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This is not a pornographic site or anything else that requires it to be 18+ This is a site for intelligent conversations and fun, and reading. But.... you can't really be all dirty to a minor for legal reasons.





not gona lie most of the stories here have the 18+ clause. And that's completly true for the legal reasons.....but i do not think a minor could honestly win a case due to location of the other. It's the age old topic of don't give out information don't do this don't do that. G.A is a friendly site for the most part but still, be carful as a minor....please :D

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This is not a pornographic site or anything else that requires it to be 18+ This is a site for intelligent conversations and fun, and reading. But.... you can't really be all dirty to a minor for legal reasons.



No I don't think you should ban 18 and under just keep sexual topics off and like i been told in private messaging. With more rules and restrictions it could make a place alot duller. I would be pissed if I wasn't 18 and could only go into the teen discussion were there isint very much discussion going on in that section.

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not gona lie most of the stories here have the 18+ clause. And that's completly true for the legal reasons.....but i do not think a minor could honestly win a case due to location of the other. It's the age old topic of don't give out information don't do this don't do that. G.A is a friendly site for the most part but still, be carful as a minor....please :D


Dude, honestly, I'm surprised at how careful everyone is with their minors now-a-days. Everybody behaves. I was a minor on this site once. It was a culture shock and it may have had some lasting effects on my psyche, but look how I turned out. And I did it without any stinkin' rules.

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I would be pissed if I wasn't 18 and could only go into the teen discussion were there isint very much discussion going on in that section.


I agree, I would rather argue with a foaming mouth jamessavik than be in a duller section because of my age.


Besides the teen section is more for advice. I think the soapbox is great for brain stimulation. Definitely should not be restricted by any means.

Edited by Arpeggio
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EXACTLY. So Frankly Minor or not. I think topics of disscussion should just be open to the chat, and to the members who maybe are minors who do not want to chat about the current topic, to respectfully to tell memebers shut up and state a reason as to why (IE: Uncomfortable or whatnot) It's simple and Kind at the same time! i had no rules. I liked it. i Thrived in it.

Edited by Mark M
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It's not an alternative, its how we do it currently.


It's off topic anyways. I can see Rob's first post going in a better direction, it needs some work, but I like the idea of an attitude adjustment for us "regular" chatters. XD

Edited by Arpeggio
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I agree, I would rather argue with a foaming mouth jamessavik than be in a duller section because of my age.


Besides the teen section is more for advice. I think the soapbox is great for brain stimulation. Definitely should not be restricted by any means.


"foaming mouth Jamessavik"! laugh.giflaugh.gif


I think Chase should be the moderator.

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It's not an alternative, its how we do it currently.


It's off topic anyways. I can see Rob's first post going in a better direction, it needs some work, but I like the idea of an attitude adjustment for us "regular" chatters. XD



Not saying this site is dull I'm saying it would be if more rules and restrictions come up. I was on this fan site where they were extremly strict on grammer and if you didn't spell there name right, and you couldn't miss spell you were banned. You got two warnings and that was it. I don't like sites that get that extrem over rules. Just saying relax a bit and let the place be fun and enjoyful for all members with rules that are necessary. I think the forum should be for all members that's how you get your reputation isin't it?

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Oooooor, adults can learn some responsibility and keep some of the finer details to themselves. wink.gif


Well i suppose but i doubt that will entirly happen sadly. People slip thus making it illegal. and BAM death :*(



It's not an alternative, its how we do it currently.


It's off topic anyways. I can see Rob's first post going in a better direction, it needs some work, but I like the idea of an attitude adjustment for us "regular" chatters. XD



Well i think it might work but how can you supervise a chat 24/7?

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It's not an alternative, its how we do it currently.


It's off topic anyways. I can see Rob's first post going in a better direction, it needs some work, but I like the idea of an attitude adjustment for us "regular" chatters. XD


You're right, I didn't mean to be a dick; we could afford an attitude adjustment. Personally, I could use an attitude adjustment from time to time.

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  • Site Administrator

Well leave it to you guys. Chat gets closed down and we make this forum the new chat specool.gif . Just kidding.


Rob, I read your post just after you posted it and I have to admit I was thinking of posting the same type of topic and much the same sort of ideas. I was also interested in what others had to say, and decided to see what they thought. It is interesting that you came up with some good ideas, but now when I look at them in the black and white, I can see how they may be construed as unwelcoming. I know that wasn't your intention, and I still commend you for starting this forum and broaching the subject.


After looking at others comments about your initial post, I was wondering if there would be a way to track a member to see if they have been to chat before? Then, the first time they went into chat they would be taken to a screen that would have chat specific rules (short enough not to be like the long leagalize that most webpages/programs/downloads have) and a simple I have read the rules and will abide by them. After that initial time logging into chat it would then default to the mods to police and remind certain members of the rules and there reasons.


Regarding the legal stuff of the minors, I have to say I've been very impressed with the way all members police each others on this topic. I have seen topics starting to get inappropriate and before a mod says anything, usually something is said by another member in a good way to let everyone know that maybe to rein things in (sorry about covering your eyes and ears soo much Myval laugh.gif ).


Lastly, Linxe, don't get too excited about me having to come over to your team, Lugh has used a special exemption to keep me tongue.gif .


Steve cool.gif (who looks back on this post and definitely decides he should have nothing to do with deciding the length or write up of any chat rules :( )

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This entire thread is rediculous...seriously. No one who has posted on here even has any authority (save steve), so its all moot.


Chat is open to all members, not just the 'entitled ones'

Certain topics are off limits for legal reasons (explicit sex stuff with minors around, drugs...from any age group, etc)...this is to protect the admins, who have some liability, and the site.

Most members pick up these limitations quickly and follow them...this shouldn't be a problem.

Don't like these issues...then go use MSN or whatever.


Wildone is right, members usually do a good job watching each other and giving gentle reminders. This shouldn't be necessary serisously. Why can't ya'll just be adults?! Maybe then it won't be an issue that mods arn't online 24/7.


Come on people, share chat and act appropriately. It is a priviledge, not a right....and one that is already a pain in the ass to mods and admins. Maybe it would be nice for us not to make their lives harder...for once??!


*waits to be called names*


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This entire thread is rediculous...seriously. No one who has posted on here even has any authority (save steve), so its all moot.


Please don't say that out loud. My massive ego can't handle it.biggrin.gif


*waits to be called names*



You have an advantage. You're too damn cute for people to call you names.


Here''s my prediction:


Whoever shut down chat made a smart move. It gave everyone a chance to go off into their corners, cool down, and reflect on whatever pissed them off. Plus if you're addicted to that place like some, it's like being deprived of your heroin fix.


So we can all talk about new rules and procedures, and I can whine about how we have to be nice to each other, and we can even have one of the really powerful people come in and lecture the chatters before it reopens....and then it will be all settled down again for a while. Huge flare-ups don't happen all that often.


Then everyone will try to figure out what caused this major kumbaya moment, and they'll give credit to the new rules, or the new civility, or the scary talk from powerful people...but in reality, it was simply the fact that it was shut down for a little bit that calmed it all down and set things straight again.



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  • Site Administrator



*waits to be called names*



You, you, you...........Greg tongue.gif


I agree with you that no one has the authority to speak or set rules except the Admins. I imagine they are discussing the whole chat topic among themselves as we speak.


The thing is that I think this forum is useful for those who feel an personal interest in making chat a better place so we can all get along and not get shut down again, have a place to express their frustrations and ideas.


Yeah, GA is a privately owned web site and the Admins don't need to hear about our griping about how to run their site. On the other hand, some great ideas sometimes come out of brainstorming sessions.


So if one idea or none of the ideas come out of this forum, at least I will have the feeling that I am contributing in a small way to make GA better.

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Community rules and standards are already in place. Simply put, just treat everyone with respect. No sniping or back biting is wanted nor needed.


Nor, more importantly, warranted, Eric. I take his post as somewhat tongue-in-cheek, although he's got a lot of cheek for making the suggestion considering how serious this must be to shut Chat down for days.


Look, everyone, everytime I popped in to Chat, everyone was sitting in the Chat Lobby, none of the categorized rooms was being used--these categories can be age protected so that those of us who are adults discussing highly erotic fiction (read 'close enough to be called porn by prudes') will not be accused of compromising the 'tender' intelligence of minors. Likewise, those who are 'under' legal age in their jurisdictions can have the lobby, and/or other rooms for 'underage seeking advice' which adults can visit, or 'underage chat room' which only moderators can visit/monitor, for obvious purposes. Let's face it, if they're intelligent enough to use a computer to search for a place like this, they're going to find out stuff whether or not we tell them.


Yes, cliques develop. Yes, that can be problematic. Should we have to put up with a clique getting down on anyone? No, it's not reasonable, and it's uncalled for.


Can we handle ourselves as trustable and able to deal with minors who are searching for the answers their (and our) lifestyles are demanding they find? I should hope so. Come on, people, buck up and get it together! These kids come here looking for help! What are you doing, pretending you're still in Middle School?!? If you haven't got it together then don't give them advice, but don't try to scare them away, either--that's not what this place is for.


I think a certain amount of teasing among Chat users is expected, but some may not be aware of how others tease--it's hard to put inflection into the printed word, especially in an electronic medium like our Chat. I am not bad at it, but it's an imperfect skill, and unless someone knows you personally, is difficult to interpret in an online medium; those who come here and are still closeted and seeking answers may be very put off by even the slightest of teasing--consider how much some of us got while we were in school. A guideline on this: Mine started when I was 5, I had no idea what "Gay", "Homosexual" or "Puberty" meant, no idea of what sex was, and was being teased mercilessly because of my name--don't forget, kids can be more cruel than adults--it wasn't until High School that I researched the name's origins: It means Lion Heart, which really helped me resolve that issue, too bad it took 12 years and was too late to really change anything.


We have a chance, here, to help others understand what we're all about--don't blow it!

Edited by KJames
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