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Trebs raised a great issue in a chapter thread, and I wanted to expand on it a bit. :)


One thing I don't think anyone has posted about, is the title of the chapter. CJames is always very careful with his titles. Sometimes they are a diversion, such as "The Kiss" which wasn't Brandon/Chase but instead was Scar's gay kiss. But they still have relevance to the chapter.



SO - what was it that was miscommunicated? We saw tons of calls with things coming out into the open finally - so you would think the chapter title would be just the opposite.


The title was "Miscommunications", and you're right; it's very relevant. :)


For chapter naming in the story, I try to be sure that the chapter title is always relevant in some way. In some cases, it will be obvious. "Charter" would be one that was obvious; it was about a charter. In other cases, it's not obvious, and in those cases it is often more significant.


"Rage Sea", chapter 8, would be an example of dual meanings; it's literal in that there was indeed a rage sea, but there was also rage (between Trevor and Dirk).


Chapter 10, Launch, was also dual; a shuttle launch, but also the launch of Trevor's attempt to circumnavigate the earth.


Chapter 16, Ignorance is Bliss, was also a dual-meaning chapter.


In other cases, such as "Setups" (Chapter 2) it was dual, in that it was an attempt at a setup (setting someone up with a date) but also it gave us a tour of Atlantis, setting things up for coming chapters.


Sometimes, the chapter title is a bit of a spoiler, but sometimes, it can only be understood after seeing the chapter. When it's a bit of a spoiler, I'm putting myself if grave risk; if anyone figures it out in advance, than it is indeed a spoiler, and a certain anti-spoiler echidna will be on the warpath... :ph34r:


If anyone has any questions, please ask! If there is a past chapter title (of any story) that you're curious about, ask here, and I'll explain.

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