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I loved this story. It was a fresh vampire love story. One that was original enough to hold my attention and keep me reading at a fast pace so I could get to the end, too bad it was only one chapter! You could just sense Jeremiah's loneliness, even though you don't have him languishing with it, it was there. Cale seemed to bring something out in him, a spark and a vulnerability. Once he started to 'live' again it brought happiness but also fear. I was on tenterhooks wondering if Cale was going to go with Jeremiah, though I figured he would, one never knows with the twists some writers do. Great story.


btw.. Love the name Cale ;) it's the name of one of my main characters too, lol. Aliens, not vamps though!

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I've left a review that tells you how I feel about the story generally. I wanted to ask you a question... what was it that made you think about writing this kind of a story about vampires... with the vamps as 'real' people instead of the the usual blood thirsty monsters?

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I loved this story. It was a fresh vampire love story. One that was original enough to hold my attention and keep me reading at a fast pace so I could get to the end, too bad it was only one chapter! You could just sense Jeremiah's loneliness, even though you don't have him languishing with it, it was there. Cale seemed to bring something out in him, a spark and a vulnerability. Once he started to 'live' again it brought happiness but also fear. I was on tenterhooks wondering if Cale was going to go with Jeremiah, though I figured he would, one never knows with the twists some writers do. Great story.


btw.. Love the name Cale ;) it's the name of one of my main characters too, lol. Aliens, not vamps though!


Hey Cia~


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am considering doing a major revision of this story into a much longer Novella. If I do decide to do that though, it may go to a publisher, I'm not sure yet! This story was originally slated to be a much longer story, but in the end I decided to shorten it. I've kicked myself a few times for that decision as there is so much more to the story of Cale and Jeremiah. Will have to see what happens!




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I've left a review that tells you how I feel about the story generally. I wanted to ask you a question... what was it that made you think about writing this kind of a story about vampires... with the vamps as 'real' people instead of the the usual blood thirsty monsters?


Hey Nephy~


Honestly, I'm not really sure what made me decide to write this story. I love reading Vampire stories, but I got so tired of reading about ripped throats and blah blah blah. I guess I just kind of figured that just like people, there could be good vampires and bad vampires, which I incorporated into the story as best as I could. As I was writing it, I tried to think of different twists that I couldn't remember being done before, and some that would specify who was good and who was not. I don't know if I explained that very good, lol, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell!




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  • 8 months later...

Title: Night Walker Reviewer: bugeye


Enjoyed your story. Liked the soul thing. Would love to hear how J was turned, and the history of his last name.



Title: Night Walker Reviewer: taina1959


This was so doggone sweet!!! Jeremiah and Cale make such a wonderful couple!

Thank You for Sharing dear!


Author's Response: Hey Taina!!! Sorry it took so long to answer!! I'm glad to hear that you

enjoyed the story Night Walker.. It was my first try at writing a

vampire story, and I wasn't sure how it would do, not only because it

was a first, but because it's not what my readers were used to getting

from me. Thank you so much for the review!



Title: Night Walker Reviewer: Cia


oooh! That was wonderful! You spun a great love tale between two immortal beings. Well done!


Author's Response: Thank you Cia!! I hope to write more like this, we'll see...



Title: Night Walker Reviewer: mcnc1966


AWESOME! I have to admit that the fantasy genre isn't usually my

thing, but I was captivated from the start. Thanks for sharing your

talent and writing about true love. :-)


Author's Response: Thank you so much for the review!! I'm glad that I was able to get you

interested in something that wasn't usually your forte!!



Title: Night Walker Reviewer: Nephylim


That was a wonderful story. I have a great affinity with

vampires and that was a gentle touching story instead of the usual blood

and gore. Thank you. I would like to see more of these two and the

world they live in


Author's Response: Hey Nephylim~

Thanks so much for the review. When I wrote this, I wanted my

vampire to be a little bit different, and so I added a few twists. I'm

glad to know that they worked well with the story! I may decide at a

later time to expand this story into an actual Novel, I haven't decided

for sure yet!


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