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I feel like I've been on a GA vacation for the last two months&#33

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Nope! You know me, always working in the shadows. Working, lurking, and jerking. Shhh!


Anyway, I loved the reviews down below! I'll have to read more of Ronyx's stuff myself. I'm still catching up on everything, but my first novel, "Empty Corners" is finally finished, and in the editing stages. So I'm working to get it right, but that won't take half as long as writing it the first time around. It's roughly about the size of....hmmm....60 "Billy Chase" chapters! That's like the first half of "GFD" almost! :o But at least I can say I did it!


Thanks so much for the poetry reviews too, and for not laughing at me too loud. LOL! I can now put this experience behind me, and let us never speak of this again. :P


Anyway, I've got Easter weekend off, and I wanna use it to get everything back to normal. Tons to do! But I'll see you guys soon! Take care!

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Guest Thank4poisio

Nope! You know me, always working in the shadows. Working, lurking, and jerking. Shhh!


Anyway, I loved the reviews down below! I'll have to read more of Ronyx's stuff myself. I'm still catching up on everything, but my first novel, "Empty Corners" is finally finished, and in the editing stages. So I'm working to get it right, but that won't take half as long as writing it the first time around. It's roughly about the size of....hmmm....60 "Billy Chase" chapters! That's like the first half of "GFD" almost! :o But at least I can say I did it!


Thanks so much for the poetry reviews too, and for not laughing at me too loud. LOL! I can now put this experience behind me, and let us never speak of this again. :P


Anyway, I've got Easter weekend off, and I wanna use it to get everything back to normal. Tons to do! But I'll see you guys soon! Take care!


You should finish Jesse-101 :D:D:D Please... *cough* -insert puppy eyes- preeeeeetttttyyyy pleasseeeee

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Guest Thank4poisio

I know how you feel. I love Jesse 101 too. Cosmie will finish it when he gets time to. I think he's been super busy working on other projects atm. :)


I know, I know. I had just discovered it yesterday and I got addicted. Stories to me are like drugs... after one chapter, I get addicted. lol

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I know, I know. I had just discovered it yesterday and I got addicted. Stories to me are like drugs... after one chapter, I get addicted. lol


There's plenty around on GA to keep you going until there's more Jesse. A great one I finished reading recently was called 'for the love of Pete' by Deweywriter. There's three parts to it with lots of chapters as well. Kept me occupied for a while and I'm an heavy reader . Not to mention loads of other comicality's classics on this site as good as Jesse is :)

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Guest Thank4poisio

There's plenty around on GA to keep you going until there's more Jesse. A great one I finished reading recently was called 'for the love of Pete' by Deweywriter. There's three parts to it with lots of chapters as well. Kept me occupied for a while and I'm an heavy reader . Not to mention loads of other comicality's classics on this site as good as Jesse is :)


Yeah... I just started "It's not easy being a tree"... I just wish I had more time to read... with college registration and all... Lol!

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