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My Three Wishes

If I had Three Wishes, what would I do?

I have no idea, I haven’t a clue

Would it be peace or a world without war?

Where being nice and polite was actually a law.

Would it be freedom of choice? To be just who we are,

Is that too much to ask? Or is it a step too far?

No more hunger, illness, death or pain,

Where it would be a good thing to be insane

Could we have equality between man and beast?

Or everyone the world over eating a feast,

It could be sun and rain in equal parts,

And joy to the world, and in our hearts.

I could be mean and use them for me

Be totally selfish about these wishes three.

That wouldn’t be fair, it wouldn’t be right

I’m a generous person, I’ve never been tight.

So I’ll bend all the rules and give mine away

To someone who would actually say

With these three wishes what would they do?

Not five hundred words? Oh I’m so sorry Lugh.

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From my selfish heart I wish these three things:




Wish 1


I want to fit into the world as I am.


I don’t want to alter myself to suit other or get acceptance. Yet I do it every day. How different things would be if I knew I could be me in every situation, if I never again would have to put a mask on my face? If people would see the true me and still appreciate me with all my faults and quirks.


This is a tricky wish. I can affect on it to happen, I can go to therapy, I can read self help books. I can make it happen if I want enough! That is what they all promise. Yeah right!


For me the reality is different. I have so many ghosts hidden inside of me that I am not sure how to cope with them. So I dress them in colorful outfits and put them in public display with my writing and drawing. Craving for attention, scared of the dismissal and most of all praying for acceptance. I never thought I would be an exhibitionist – I guess I am.


Wish 2


I want to find someone special. I want to find the person that I could adore, look up to, cherish and feel secure with, love and be loved back. Is there someone who would help me sort out my million piece puzzle; someone who would not hurry me, someone who would not play with me like a cat with a mouse? Is there someone who would invent a totally different game together with me? We could come up with the rules that no one else would have to know. I have been wrapping myself in the blanket of skepticism for such a long time. But deep down I know that if I could magically get three wishes that came true this would be one.


Wish 3


I wish I could make things better for everyone I love, not just for myself. I am a fool like that.


It is a naïve wish, really. Happiness is a matter of perspective and it can’t be measured. I am talking about the warm and right feeling in your heart that tells you are finally home or it can be found in moment of utter darkness when a small ray of light brings hope. For me it is usually the later one. Friends are my ray of light.


That brings me to this final wish. There is a hint of selfishness in this request too. I want others to be happy and get my share of it too. Just like sorrows get smaller when they are shared, happiness grows bigger when you don’t hold it to yourself. I can only imagine how it would feel to be happy to the core. I have only experienced small fractures of true happiness –I treasure those moments in my heart.


In my deepest and darkest of moments I have found courage to move on when I have seen people that have found more or less permanent happiness in their lives. I try to remind myself and others that the low points in life are necessary. Without them, what would we have? There would really be no genuine happiness without the periods of sorrow. I don’t wish bad things for anyone, but I do wish good things to follow the setbacks. That makes life worth living.



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My Three Wishes

If I had Three Wishes, what would I do?

I have no idea, I haven’t a clue

Would it be peace or a world without war?

Where being nice and polite was actually a law.


Would it be freedom of choice? To be just who we are,

Is that too much to ask? Or is it a step too far?

No more hunger, illness, death or pain,

Where it would be a good thing to be insane


Could we have equality between man and beast?

Or everyone the world over eating a feast,

It could be sun and rain in equal parts,

And joy to the world, and in our hearts.


I could be mean and use them for me

Be totally selfish about these wishes three.

That wouldn’t be fair, it wouldn’t be right

I’m a generous person, I’ve never been tight.


So I’ll bend all the rules and give mine away

To someone who would actually say

With these three wishes what would they do?

Not five hundred words? Oh I’m so sorry Lugh.


Simple. Fundamental. Nice.

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Hey that was good reading girl. And you selfish? NEVER love ya Mars






From my selfish heart I wish these three things:




Wish 1


I want to fit into the world as I am.


I don’t want to alter myself to suit other or get acceptance. Yet I do it every day. How different things would be if I knew I could be me in every situation, if I never again would have to put a mask on my face? If people would see the true me and still appreciate me with all my faults and quirks.


This is a tricky wish. I can affect on it to happen, I can go to therapy, I can read self help books. I can make it happen if I want enough! That is what they all promise. Yeah right!


For me the reality is different. I have so many ghosts hidden inside of me that I am not sure how to cope with them. So I dress them in colorful outfits and put them in public display with my writing and drawing. Craving for attention, scared of the dismissal and most of all praying for acceptance. I never thought I would be an exhibitionist – I guess I am.


Wish 2


I want to find someone special. I want to find the person that I could adore, look up to, cherish and feel secure with, love and be loved back. Is there someone who would help me sort out my million piece puzzle; someone who would not hurry me, someone who would not play with me like a cat with a mouse? Is there someone who would invent a totally different game together with me? We could come up with the rules that no one else would have to know. I have been wrapping myself in the blanket of skepticism for such a long time. But deep down I know that if I could magically get three wishes that came true this would be one.


Wish 3


I wish I could make things better for everyone I love, not just for myself. I am a fool like that.


It is a naïve wish, really. Happiness is a matter of perspective and it can’t be measured. I am talking about the warm and right feeling in your heart that tells you are finally home or it can be found in moment of utter darkness when a small ray of light brings hope. For me it is usually the later one. Friends are my ray of light.


That brings me to this final wish. There is a hint of selfishness in this request too. I want others to be happy and get my share of it too. Just like sorrows get smaller when they are shared, happiness grows bigger when you don’t hold it to yourself. I can only imagine how it would feel to be happy to the core. I have only experienced small fractures of true happiness –I treasure those moments in my heart.


In my deepest and darkest of moments I have found courage to move on when I have seen people that have found more or less permanent happiness in their lives. I try to remind myself and others that the low points in life are necessary. Without them, what would we have? There would really be no genuine happiness without the periods of sorrow. I don’t wish bad things for anyone, but I do wish good things to follow the setbacks. That makes life worth living.




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