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Dark Princess

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I really only have 1 ex and he was my first real boyfriend. Gosh, I was crazy for him, but he was psycho. He was controlling and wanted to know where I was and what I was doing, who I was talking to at every moment. Well, that got old quick, but I put up with it because I thought he loved me…until he gave me crabs! :o Yep! I’ll admit it…as sucky as that is, it crushed me that he had been cheating on me and I was the last to know! :(


After that I swore that I would never fall in love again, and I didn’t for a few years. I’ve ran into him a few times over the years and its always awkward. He’s tried to be rude to my now husband, but hubby just laughed it off. :wub: I guess I’m thankful now that my ex was such a jackwagon because I can appreciate how wonderful my hubby is.

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Hmmmm.... I tried to think of something really psychotic about either of my exes but the best I can do is that my first husband is married to a bitch. But that's his fault for having no balls which is the reason we separated in the first place.


As far as my second husband is concerned I really don't have anything to complain about. Both he and his girlfriends are good friends of mine. Sometimes it's a bit awkward but not very often.

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My worst ex, and I don't know if he qualifies since it was an LDR (long distance relationship). Over night we went from making plans to meet and making possible plans for the 'future' to barely communicating. He ended up breaking it off after deciding that we had no real potential. We didn't talk for months before he contacted me and wanted to be friends again, after that message I agreed but he never returned my messages or attempts at contact.


Maybe not the horrible crazy psycho fair but still, talk about crass.

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I have a few EXes. Most are dead, most of the rest I never hear from. There are two that call me up at 3am when they are drunk and beg me to f**k'em.


Then I remind them they they moved 800/1500 miles away.

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two ex's: one, mother of my two boys. 10 years of hell, then the councelling kicked in and she's fine with me and my partner.


second: a bastard of the first order: a year or so after we'd split his new best friend rang to tell me that my ex had died. I was shocked and up set. when I called back to get details of funeral etc- he laughed and said to my ex that "I'd fallen for it"...... I am not sure I have ever been so angry..... really glad-we-have-gun-control angry.....

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Not all exes are horrible. I have a few, and most of them I'm still friends with. There's really only one that I don't talk to anymore and that's really only because he's kind of immature and annoying. Otherwise he would probably be on the friend list too.

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Self Esteem by Offspring


I wrote her off for the tenth time today

And practice all the things I would say

But she came over

I lost my nerve

I took her back and made her dessert

Now I know I'm being used

That's okay man cause I like the abuse

I know she's playing with me

That's okay cause I got no self esteem


We make plans to go out at night

I wait till 2 then I turn out the light

All this rejection's got me so low

If she keeps it up I just might tell her so


When she's saying that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends

When she's saying that I'm like a disease

Then I wonder how much more I can spend

Well I guess I should stick up for myself

But I really think it's better this way

The more you suffer

The more it shows you really care

Right? Yeah yeah yeah


Now I'll relate this little bit

That happens more than I'd like to admit

Late at night she knocks on my door

Drunk again and looking to score

Now I know I should say no

But that's kind of hard when she's ready to go

I may be dumb

But I'm not a dweeb

I'm just a sucker with no self esteem


When she's saying, oh, that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends

When she's saying, oh, that I'm like a disease

Then I wonder how much more I can spend

Well I guess I should stick up for myself

But I really think it's better this way

The more you suffer

The more it shows you really care

Right? Yeah-eh-eh

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I've only had 1 ex and he was the sweetest guy ever. He baked sweets and was an excellent cook. Came out to his parents well before I did (this prompted me to come out).


We broke up because I moved. >.> So..not really in keeping with the scary ex thread. My bad.



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I'd like to be bitter about my ex-wife but I can't. Sure, there is some snarkiness that pops up on both of our parts but we broke up because we couldn't have children. Actually, I couldn't have children. I'm shooting blanks.


She remarried, had kids, and while we rarely see each other, we are still friends and talk on the phone or email every month or so. We're not close but we aren't bitter.


Even worse, though, is an ex-girlfriend who now lives in my town of 350 people. We've both travelled all over the country and here we both land, a quarter of a mile away from each other. Again, we are friends. Her husband is a great guy. We joke about her and the lack of sex I got and he now gets.


I really should work on being angry with my ex's but I can't. It isn't within me.

Edited by JohnN53
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My only ex, I have nothing to say about him. Nothing bad at least :)

He was an amazing person and it's really unfortunate that things didn't work out.

I guess I was lucky, I could've date so much worse.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've only dated two other guys before my current relationship, and my first was a childhood friend, as is my present. My last ex however was a bit older than me, ended up being a deadbeat, and one day robbed me of my valuables. I had almost $700 in cash to pay the rent.

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Hehehe, I can´t really remember any bad exes. And I could blame it on fact that it´s almost seventeen years since my last, but a more honest answer would probably be that I was the bad ex - clingy, whiny, vindictive, stalkerish ... Again I´d like to think it was because of my youth, but then again probably not. Posted Image


(In my defense I have to say in my current realationship, 16 years now, I have behaved well. Posted Image )

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but a more honest answer would probably be that I was the bad ex - clingy, whiny, vindictive, stalkerish ... Again I´d like to think it was because of my youth, but then again probably not. Posted Image



Okay, except for the clingy, whiny, stalker part, I agree that I was the bad ex in the only ever relationship I had. Posted Image


It's easy to try to recollect all the bad experiences we've had, but we never really put ourselves in the negative. I had the most amazing boyfriend who cared for me a hell of a lot. The only reason I even got involved with him was that he was famous (kind of like the typical guy with a pretty face who can also sing, play the guitar and paint and who's followed by all the girls with squealing voices and flailing arms). I really am not bragging and I still wonder why he would like someone like me. I was not at all ambitious then and I didn't even have a talent or spark going for my personality.


I did care for him because he was a great guy but I never loved him. The whole dating and being in a relationship thing got to me after a certain point of time and I wanted to get out of it as soon as possible. So, while he went for a long vacation with his family after one year of a steady relationship, I changed my cell phone number and I stopped calling him altogether. He was a pass out from the college and didn't attend it anymore so it was easy avoiding him when he tried talking to me.


Since he was a famous student, nobody believed that I broke up with him for nothing. They thought he cheated on me or something and I didn't do anything to stop that line of thought either.


It's been 2 years since the messy break up and I regret having done the way I did it. He is quite a famous person now and kind of like a youth icon in the city after his band was featured on MTV. He has had some girlfriends of whom I am mildly jealous 'cause that could have been me. I sometimes wonder about how selfish I was regarding the whole thing. I'm happy he got rid of me though.


I hate myself for making him miserable these couple of years when he tried his best to get us together. Even now he does talk to me on facebook sometimes and it makes me realise what I've missed. But leaving him was a good decision 'cause I would have been dishonest about loving him.


If he were commenting in this forum, I'm sure I would be on his list of a horrible ex. Posted Image

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