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Warehouse 13: Campy fun for gay sci-fi fans


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Okay, Am I the only gay man who loves this show?


I just read the review from After Elton and wondered what others thought about the show:




Probably not the only fan, but I haven't notice many fans of the series.


I mean you have a fun gay friendly science fiction/fantasy show, campy objects with magical properties, and lots of Indiana Jones-esque action.


While the fact that they had or still have (If the watch does what fans are hoping for by turning back time) a gay main character with so much untapped potential and character development is awesome and great to see on TV.


I also love the subtext lesbianism between Myka and HG (yes, it was there even in season 2). I love strong women in science fiction along with strong gay men; this show at its best has a combination of both in the season finale.

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I'm sorry but I hate that show.


Compared to the stuff that the Sy-Fried network has canceled, it sucks balls.


They canceled Eureka and SGU because of their production costs- not because they had low ratings.


Whorehouse 13 has shitty ratings and stayed because its cheap to make.


That's how we get must puke TV.

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Well I loved it, maybe a bit silly but, I love the concept there is a warehouse somewhere with all that stuff in.

As believable as Dr Who? Which a hate with a passion LOL

I'm really into myths and legends, dragons and fairies, and all the magic that surrounds them.

So Warehouse 13 gets the thumbs up from me. Posted Image

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I'm sorry but I hate that show.


Compared to the stuff that the Sy-Fried network has canceled, it sucks balls.


They canceled Eureka and SGU because of their production costs- not because they had low ratings.


Whorehouse 13 has shitty ratings and stayed because its cheap to make.


That's how we get must puke TV.


Try it out again James the last season was really fun to watch (Arcs are where science fiction and fantasy shows improve), besides, there are a few crossovers with Eureka that makes the shows kind of part one universe :P


Even after Eureka goes into the sunset, we still have Warehouse 13 and the Alphas (a blatant Heroes rip-off, but still quite fun to watch).


SGU is another story, liked it, but thought it was a little too far outside the stargate universe. At least Atlantis still had stargate stories with alien cultures we can understand (They speak English in the pegasus galaxy, too :P ).By the end, the show had gone down in ratings dramatically, because many of the old Stargate fans had jumped ship.


Caprica for me was the show that shouldn't have been canceled, I really loved how the story was evolving between the AI robots, Cylons, and humans of the twelve colonies. It was interesting. Again, BSG fans jumped off, because there was just not enough tension (BSG had the gall to nearly kill off the main male lead in season 1 finale and install a military dictatorship, name a show that could do that and still look great on TV)

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Don't get me started on Alphas. God that's a suck-fest. Everything they do now turns into a shitty soap opera.


Craprica was the Sy-Fried Network trying desperately to get some extra cash out of the Battlestar Galactica franchise and creating another puke-fest of a soap opera.


I didn't leave the Sci-Fi network. They left me.


Now they have the ghost-hunters garbage and professional wrestling.


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Big fan of torchwood. That is gay/bi scifi at its best. I mean cmon, who wouldn't have hot sweaty mansex with Captain Jack Harkness? And it's actually good! Now if Firefly were a little gay, it would be even better.

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  • 1 month later...

I like Warehouse 13, even with all of it's recent diversions. It's strayed from it's original cheesiness but they even decided to introduce a gay character (even if he did end up a bit misguided). The rest of SyFy, however, sucks as of late.

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I like those shows too ... Caprica felt less of leading towards Original Galactica ... but it did plant the idea of the consious of the newer Galactica


Whats wrong with Dr Who?

Well the original series was good. Then came the remake that was good until they changed the Doctor

But I haven't kept track with it ... always it has to have a bazzar alternate timeline feeling


oh u also got those other shows ... that miami spy guy ... that NYC FBI guy ... that Phsyic Detective Dual ... that Witness protection program ... the female ... spy show ... the doctor in the Long island Hamptons


Yeah I forgot all their names ... but I gave their gist ... lol

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Big fan of torchwood. That is gay/bi scifi at its best. I mean cmon, who wouldn't have hot sweaty mansex with Captain Jack Harkness? And it's actually good! Now if Firefly were a little gay, it would be even better.


oh yeah ... i still didn't get past watch 1st epis of series 4 lol

firefly ... i think i watch one episode


but you forgot Santuary ... with amanda tappings ...

i only watch two episodes


Hey anyone watch Haven??

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