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Anyone here write music as well?


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So, does anyone else here (aside from me) write music for entertainment as well as stories? :)


Just wondering, as the muse I mentioned the other day decided to hand me this track on a plate this evening. :P


So, yeah. Post something, if you have got anything. :) I'm interested to hear what some of the authors here write to go alongside their stories. :)

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You'd probably like http://fawm.org/ Posted Image Takes place every February. Great way to get the creative juices flowing. Posted Image


Neat :)


I write song lyrics mostly, but I've dabbled a little bit on the piano too. If I ever get around to recording I'll definitely put something up here.

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I've got Finale and all the Atari kit it ran on but, like so much geeky stuff I bought, I never got round to using it. Last year, however, I came across the free composition program Musescore. Reviewers claim it has much of the functionality of Sibelius. If you can notate and want some software save your cash and give this a go - it is excellent. You can playback your score as you go. You can also share your scores too. So far I've got one posted, but notating takes me a long time :)

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