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Any one celebrating Titanic 100th anniversary?


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well I saw this on FB ... nice idea ... who would you bring if you won?


who will be your ROSE?

what will she throw over board in a nigh gown?


In celebration of Titanic in 3D, Things Remembered offers you the chance to win a trip to Hollywood and create your own love story with custom-engraved gifts from Things Remembered. Visit http://www.ThingsRemembered.com/LoveStory to enter!

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Guest titaniclover

yes i am i like titanic and sadly people call me a titanic freak but i ignore them

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  • 3 weeks later...

So any one see titanic 3D?

I wonder if they redid any of how it sank


There are two good titanic docu on this

*** Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron ***

* Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard

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Dramatic moment passenger was winched off Titanic memorial cruise - after ship was forced to turn round hours into voyage retracing liner's maiden voyage

  • MS Balmoral had been carrying 1,309 passengers on same route as historic doomed liner
  • Cruise ship had to head back towards the Irish coast for passenger to receive medical treatment
  • Passenger winches from luxury liner after suffering 'non life-threatening heart condition'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2127768/Titanic-memorial-cruise-forced-turn-round-just-hours-leaving-dock.html#ixzz1rhG3KDdh
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Interesting facts in the sinking


* The key to the binocular cabinet was with the crewmen that got off the ship in ireland.

This was the vital equipment the men in the crows nested needed to sight iceburgs

* The cargo door on Deck D or E was left open during the life boat drill ... it contributed to stern sinking ...

* In most of the ship sinking ... they always roll over ... titanic didn't

Cameron Panel wondered why? Well they didn't watch Len Goodman show.

By learning what human events that contributed to the disaster besides just covering eye witness accounts from life boats.

The panel are experts about sinking and assorted details but they didn't go over the other details like what the ppl did

* The corridor aka Broadway ... brought the flood into the length of the ship ... well could it be the cargo door?

Flooding of deck E into the grand staircase and then have access to six broadway decks to flood

* Not just the architect of titanic was invited but a several of his staff. They helped keep titanic and its boilers going

This kept everything electric going ... lights, radio, and pumps going. Perhaps the pumps help keep the ship from rolling over.

The complex filling of tanks to keep the ship up right with the aid of those men.

* The survival of the Class:

Crew class...... 23.4% saved

Third class..... 25.2% saved

Second Class 41.4% saved

First Class..... 62.5% saved

Its the price of the ticket that govern's your safety. Cameron commented that on our earth in the resource crises which he equates to be much like titanic. Its the same fate of those saved vs loss.

* Since Decks below E are flooding a lot of hatch ways were lock down to prevent ship wide flooding.

Third class was in the locked down. 25.2% found their way to the life boats.

* Cameron admits his movie is an example of how they got the sinking wrong but by doing this last word show he corrects his mistake with a new computer simulation.

* Cameron doesn't talk about compartment that flooded apart from consecutive rooms that was flooding.

Some men in the next compartment thought they could help the pumps by trying to siphon off the flood until they discovered the flooded compartment.

* Cameron doesn't talk about the ship flooding in the middle that contributed to the ship breaking in the middle.

He concentrated still in the big picture but there are finer details to the sinking.


lol, I bet shows like "seconds from disaster" and curiosity ... would miss those kinds of details as well

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pictures are included



NEW YORK (AP) — Two cruise ships on opposite sides of the Atlantic have embarked on journeys to visit the spot where the Titanic sank, but one that departed after a short stop on the Irish coast returned briefly when a passenger became ill.

With the sickened passenger needing to be airlifted for medical care, the European memorial cruise on Tuesday interrupted its trip retracing the path of the Titanic's doomed maiden voyage 100 years ago.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ocean, the cruise ship Journey left from a New York pier on Tuesday night.

Both memorial cruise ships were packed with history aficionados, many dressed in period costumes, including a boy in a fake white beard on the New York ship dressed as the captain of the doomed ocean line.


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A sidelight: The current issue of Smithsonian Magazine reports that "Titanic" is the third most widely recognized word in the world. The first two? "God" and "Coca-Cola".
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I've been a huge fan of the old girl for years.


An eerie fact about the titanic's destined doom, in 1898 American writer Morgan Robertson wrote "futility" about a British superliner named the titan, which was said to be nearly unsinkable, but sank due to an iceberg with insufficient life boats in April. Creepy huh?


Also legends abound about titanic from curses due to improper launch without blessings to other things on crew members abound.


As for relaunching a sister ship, probably easier to just take whatevers left of the Rms Olympic scattered around from it demolition as a base for it.


I dub the new ship gigantic. :P

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I am amazed that Olympic survived and gave an good term of service before sinking.


here is curiosity question ...


* what wrong with a head on collision with an iceburg?

* on the show they rattle through a list of what ifs

* Why not drive the ship backwards to the nearest ship?

* Why not drive the ship to the ice sheets north 2 or 3 miles and unload the people there?

* Why not take all the life preservers of all the passengers and put it into one of the rooms so it will help the ship not sink?

or toss it over the side and let the hole suck it into the hold and give it bouncy.




Ahh cameron miss another fact by not doing is homework with these three engineers ... they were not on the show

This is something I heard in construction and I did not know that its used in ship.


Titanic wasn't mean to be out of the water like it was when it crack ...

one of the engineers discover the drawings for an expansion join ...

in the old ships .. it allow them to flex in the water when it encounter waves..

but when its out of the water like titanic it allowed the ship to prematurely crack ...

water seep in and flooded the ship causing it to breakup


Titanic has two of them and they will checked with Britanic

if the designers have changed it designed then this is a design flaw




Like why does it take 20 years to come up with all these revelations?

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It's tommorrow.... the anniversary

The Olympic was Scrapped she was never sunk....sliced into pieces and torn appart and turned into guns for someone in World War 2 probably... Might have been even Japan... It happens to all ships that don't sink, or those miraculous few that become museum/hotels...

her staircase as I recall is part of a hotel now...


what wrong with a head on collision with an iceburg?

The Idea of turning the ship is reducing damage as much as possible especially lives...unfortunately doing so did the opposite. If they had decided for a strait hit they'd have at least survived, and had a few casualities but not as many as they actually had... You must remember this is a moments reaction and years of Training telling you a head on collision would be worse then trying to avoid it.


* Why not drive the ship backwards to the nearest ship?

Whether they did or didn't it would not have made much difference to the sinking they already lost 2 boiler rooms right off the bat... not to mention movement of the ship in either direction would have flooded the ship all the faster. However they could have gone over to the Red Star Line's SS Californian which was actually within eyesight of the Titanic (Officers from both ships saw the other ship in the distance) However, at the same time ship to ship transfers are inordantly dangerious now, back then they didn't even know how... they'd have to have moved the ship the 2-3 miles or more it was to the SS Californian. Then Got them to move boats back and forth from a sinking ship to the much smaller ship...


* Why not drive the ship to the ice sheets north 2 or 3 miles and unload the people there?

The Ice sheets were much farther north then that...the ship sunk off of Newfoundland (which is farther south then Ireland, the Ice Sheets even then were around Iceland and Greenland..)... all the ice seen by other ships were floating ice...broken off you want to drop people on broken icesheets that tip over, and float off into the night...


* Why not take all the life preservers of all the passengers and put it into one of the rooms so it will help the ship not sink?

Not enough boancy of a several thousand ton ship 52,310 tons displacement filling with water, verses around 2,000 or so life perservers (not like modern ones I seem to remember back then had to be filled with air...) would not even had slowed the ship, also I seem to remember there weren't even enough Life perservers.


or toss it over the side and let the hole suck it into the hold and give it bouncy.

there were a dozen little holes not one huge one, the movie had that right....(they looked at the wreck with sonar at the parts under the mud a few years back to clear up that mystery) However there is and was no garentee that it would do that and not just float off into the night, and by the time they did, half the holes were underwater. Even giving some of the theories of the time of a huge gash that is still the problem.


The Disaster of Titanic is more then that it's the Human Tragety of the fact that there were things that could have been done that were not

The Californian ignoring this other ships distress and just plain misiterpreting it... (however the Radio operater got yelled at by Titanics Radio Operated for Warning Titanic about the Iceburgs..., and shut his off shortly before the ship struck the berg or shortly there after but before there were S.O.S signals going out...) Titanic's officers and crew not filling the lifeboats, even though they could have save probably 2-300 more people... If Smith had slowed down the ship, or not fired the boilers, they might have missed the iceberg in the vaste Atlantic all together... It was a million little things that caused all those peoples deaths it was no one thing... however Hindsight is 20:20 you and I given the situations and time period might have done different or exactly the same things...

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You know the mystery of the Californian is one of naval history's most remarkable legacies from the Titanic.


Did Capt. Stanley Lord really refuse to come to aid the Titanic after seeing her warning rockets? Was the ship really 19.5 nautical miles away?


For over 100 years, nearly every board of inquiry into Titanic has found fault with SS. Californian's Capt Stanley Lord's decisions during the night, even in his lifetime the Titanic haunted his entire career.


There's also a possible third alternative that most people disbelieve that it was not the Californian next to the Titanic during that night, but a Norwegian sealing ship, which was illegally sealing in the North Atlantic. This story is another new concept, but it seems like it would contradict eyewitness testimony from the Californian crew members who saw the rockets close by.

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You know the mystery of the Californian is one of naval history's most remarkable legacies from the Titanic.


Did Capt. Stanley Lord really refuse to come to aid the Titanic after seeing her warning rockets? Was the ship really 19.5 nautical miles away?


For over 100 years, nearly every board of inquiry into Titanic has found fault with SS. Californian's Capt Stanley Lord's decisions during the night, even in his lifetime the Titanic haunted his entire career.


There's also a possible third alternative that most people disbelieve that it was not the Californian next to the Titanic during that night, but a Norwegian sealing ship, which was illegally sealing in the North Atlantic. This story is another new concept, but it seems like it would contradict eyewitness testimony from the Californian crew members who saw the rockets close by.


hasn't been 100 years yet....well it has as of today and tommorrow....

Technically don't count the day she actually went underwater, after all it was only a number of hours, and she was already mortaly wounded before that...

There is a third option.... Ghost ship.... After all there are actually cases of even British Royalty seeing ghost ships...

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Thanks for the responses to my questions.




So far I read the cruise ship held a mass play the last know hymm that was played on titanic

on another location, someone wrote n played a 'requiem for the lost"

I tried to find it on youtube ... it sort of data'd sounding ... i've heard better requiems




lol, I found a fan made Star Trek - Hidden Frontier ... with the Titanic




One of those back in time episodes




I saw some other titanic docu and the mini-series


* Mini-Series

* The reason why kitchen staff never made it to the life boats is that they were locked in the rooms by the RMS Sailors - assuming companies orders

Those same order's is the reason why 3rd class never made it.

* Docu

* There is extreme cover up by the White Star Line regarding the sinking by ismay, the officers, and the British trade commission.

* It appears the architects could only make improvements to the weakness of the Olympic Class ships of their own accord in terms of indirect guilt.

And comply with findings by USA and UK laws.


Gosh we get so wrap up with the how it sank and the general brush strokes of the event ... but how much we understand what truly happen ... is really done by how much we investigate the disaster. If its a court case its really about covering up all the facts and make it all look like an accident when really there is much liability being hidden by the White Star Line and the architects.


There is a movie made by the Nazi which is dub the "Nazi Titanic". Its made in the 1940's. It was really about making a movie to show the german's why the British greed cause the sinking of the titanic and that the nazi party is better at everything. They sort of want the support of the public for the invasion of the UK. Imagine the greed pitch by ismay to everyone that there's money to be made than to care about the safety of the passengers.


Well I say the idea of that isn't so far off. But, we can't find out so much of the truth about the greed among the investors and officers of the company. We could bet that a lot of the company records were destroyed in case of trial. But we let the nature of the accident to really cover up the real truth of the crimes by company personnel.


Question which is worst and which should have been addressed in court?

The USA hearing established that White Star Line is liable but I not sure if any one ever collected.

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lol, do you think Queen Eliz mama was ever haunted to death? She lived 105 yrs old.


hasn't been 100 years yet....well it has as of today and tommorrow.... Technically don't count the day she actually went underwater, after all it was only a number of hours, and she was already mortaly wounded before that... There is a third option.... Ghost ship.... After all there are actually cases of even British Royalty seeing ghost ships...

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Well Germany has the famous Hindenburg air ship disaster:



The Titanic 1912 and Hindenburg 1937 both became symbols of the early 20th century that mankind is not perfect, nor are our creations.

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lol, do you think Queen Eliz mama was ever haunted to death? She lived 105 yrs old.


um what.... possibly though doubtful...

I didn't say that the ghostship was the reason that Titanic went down... I am saying maybe they saw one... besides i beleave it was Eliz's Grandfather or Great Grandfather that saw the ghost ship, I know it was before World War 1. (Red this in a book on ghost ships)

Btw Nazi Germany did a movie on Titanic.... it was a success for Freethinking :D which is amusing...

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Well I has lots to catch up on the docu that came out for this anniversary


so far there has been a complete survey of the wreck site ... 15 sq miles that covers 100% vs approx less 50% in previous surveys.

So it looks like they can reconstruct how the ship broke up.


you know when the britanica sank it was for:

* struck by a torpedo or hit a mine

* ship flooded in the double hull where there is no compartment doors to stop the incoming water

It caused it to roll over ...

* no one shut the windows ... that help poor the water in


Not sure how the Olympic sank


No one has disproved that possibly titanic ran over ice that could have made holes into the double hull.

We forgot that the ship had a smoldering coal fire ... much like how World Trade Center came down ...

The heat from the smuldering fire weaken the hold much more than the others.


In the TV series .. having hold #5 flooding made the architect calculate that the ship would not stay a float with five compartments flooded.


In the other doco .. the engineer did everything to jury rig the pumps and generators to keep on running to save the passengers.

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yes the exercise in free thinking by frustrated director ... so in doing the movie ... he made some implied meaning

calling the Nazi party like the Titanic ...

It was sinking .. their Capt Smith ... went down like a coward ... their architect ... was seeing the world breaking down the walls of their ship


um what.... possibly though doubtful...

I didn't say that the ghostship was the reason that Titanic went down... I am saying maybe they saw one... besides i beleave it was Eliz's Grandfather or Great Grandfather that saw the ghost ship, I know it was before World War 1. (Red this in a book on ghost ships)

Btw Nazi Germany did a movie on Titanic.... it was a success for Freethinking Posted Image which is amusing...


However ... Cameron is calling our earth or human race ... the next titanic ... we're lock on course with our ice burg


We has the anniversary of Titanic to remind us of the bigger issue and the fact its also 2012 ... the end of myan calendar


How much reminder do we need!!

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oi... the Olympic didn't sink she was scrapped, and the sister was just Called the Britannic

http://www.thegreatoceanliners.com/index2.html <---great link having the histories of several ocean liners, actually a pretty old site... I used it when I first started looking at ships...

However in World War 1, the Lusitainia, of the Cunard Line was sunk.... she was a member of the illeate 4 funnel club along with her sister ship the Mauretania, and both the fastest ships built of their time... (Mauretania survived, and was herself scrapped, and replaced with a second Mauretania.

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I think both countries gov't wanted to keep the breakup of the titanic quiet from the public

Imagine if we knew? The many families would be put through endless years of grief and public spectacle.

only in the last 17 years of the 27 ... has the momentum of scrutiny has accelerated

now the truth is only 83 years too late ... justice n gov't were unfair ...

perhaps it because of the rich ...


in our modern titanic universe ... our ship has shown signs ... our own smoldering coal bunker has weaken the structure of our ship

its only a matter of time before some ice berg hits us?

So the question is what is this modern day iceberg?

is it oil? is it the financial meltdown? is it something from outer space?

is it among us? the gov't .. the rich ... the greed?


- ----


Have we ever tried to raise a big ship?

Well there are two I know of.


One is a French ship during a refit ... for the war

The other is a private entreprenuer who tried to build a submarine to raise the ship that sank off of Long Island.

The funny thing is that the sub sank in the east river. Its still there ... its a piece of history that not many people know about.

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its still a mystery isn't it ... or really the stories of all the people

since its really a German ship on american air space.


don't recall how much modern investigation was done beyond the myth busters.


Well Germany has the famous Hindenburg air ship disaster:



The Titanic 1912 and Hindenburg 1937 both became symbols of the early 20th century that mankind is not perfect, nor are our creations.


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Ok the funny thing is one of the doco states that titanic based on their analysis was built strong enough for the seas

the mapping of 15 sq mi paid off as they found the missing sections of the center of titanic


they recreated the sinking n it did break apart at a low angle but they didn't site the problems of why?

like the expansion join? any way the mid-section is where that noisey engine grating every ship has


they did comment how the ship n its crew kept the ship upright which is good for life boats

titanic is the only ship that used most of its life boats


all the others couldn't ... they rolled over ... ie: that italian ship


sure there are flaws in design ... and it looks like we has to make sure captains don't sink ships!!



its just that the situation with the iceberg is a odd occurance ... the human disaster ... with human crimes

it was a crime to lock ppl from getting on life boats ...

it was a crime that the crew made the wrong decision about the filling og the life boats

the open hatch showed that the boats failed to come to it to fill the boat that weren't full

a breakdown because the british commission didn't test the crew in sinking drills


even today with the italian ship ... the crew failed

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