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Is it just me or someone else is smelling tempest too? The latest chapter was too serene to last.

Personally, I would really like to know how the situation ends with Darius.....didn't anyone except Will & JJ talk to him? And, Will and John? Shouldn't we be clamouring for details?

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Do not knock the "Facts of Life", I will come find you and you will regret it....

Did you read my post? I was commending the show and the moments of exceptional acting they had on the show, especially from Lisa Whelchel and Nancy McKeon. Tim was the one who was knocking the show, calling the writers hacks.


Plus, isn't JJ totally a male Blair Warner? The only personality difference is that JJ isn't a flirt. If Mark adds a bit of Erica Kane's trouble-making ways he could really have one fun diva character on his hands.


Is John Carullo totally gay or is he just bi? I've kind of wondered about that. So far the only actually confirmed bi characters for this gen seems to have been Gathan. John Hobart could count as bi, but he's not old enough to really make that call yet.


And do we know if he's in the same grade as Wade and Matt, or could he be a senior? I'm wonder if there's a possibility he could be back in New Jersey, and therefore around the orbit of 9/11, eleven months from now.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think the drama immediately ahead is between Wade and his family and the pending election. Mommie dearest isn't quite convinced that Wade can play in her league and we've yet to hear from her over his plans for the D.C. properties she dumped on him for the land for the ski resort.

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Is John Carullo totally gay or is he just bi? I've kind of wondered about that. So far the only actually confirmed bi characters for this gen seems to have been Gathan. John Hobart could count as bi, but he's not old enough to really make that call yet.


Seeing this made me go back and look at Bloodlines for his interaction with Matt.


Thank you, for that erm...inspiration. :D

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I think the drama immediately ahead is between Wade and his family and the pending election. Mommie dearest isn't quite convinced that Wade can play in her league and we've yet to hear from her over his plans for the D.C. properties she dumped on him for the land for the ski resort.


Actually, before that we have JJ's competition in Norway. Foreign trips are usually calm and uneventful, though. Posted Image


Seeing this made me go back and look at Bloodlines for his interaction with Matt.


Thank you, for that erm...inspiration. Posted Image


Posted Image


Is it just me or someone else is smelling tempest too? The latest chapter was too serene to last.

Personally, I would really like to know how the situation ends with Darius.....didn't anyone except Will & JJ talk to him? And, Will and John? Shouldn't we be clamouring for details?


You can clamor for a few more days, then you get some more insight into the Darius situation, but it really isn't too hard to figure out. His little brother is growing up, and Will isn't willing to be the little brother anymore.




Is John Carullo totally gay or is he just bi? I've kind of wondered about that. So far the only actually confirmed bi characters for this gen seems to have been Gathan. John Hobart could count as bi, but he's not old enough to really make that call yet.


And do we know if he's in the same grade as Wade and Matt, or could he be a senior? I'm wonder if there's a possibility he could be back in New Jersey, and therefore around the orbit of 9/11, eleven months from now.


We don't really have a firm (Posted Image ) read on Carullo's sexuality. We can probably assume that since he had his own room, and seemed to have been there for at least a year when Matt and Wade were freshmen, that Carullo is a senior and they're juniors.

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We don't really have a firm (Posted Image ) read on Carullo's sexuality. We can probably assume that since he had his own room, and seemed to have been there for at least a year when Matt and Wade were freshmen, that Carullo is a senior and they're juniors.


The closest thing to having a read on his sexuality that I could/would guess when I glanced back (yes, that is what I was looking for! :P) is that he seemed to have a preference for the male population. Whether he's into females enough to be considered bi, or not, he definitely seems skewed towards the guys.

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YES! More Will, and where there is Will , there is usually some drama Posted Image


The Norway competition is going to be a blast, I'm sure, lots of family, lots of excuses for craziness. I wonder if Shane and Will are going to hook up?

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Over in the reviews, Mark wrote:


I'm not sure it's as much JJ as the skating that's drawing Tiffany back, but they are, at this point, pretty linked.

Damn. That's kind of interesting to think that way. I mean, in some ways you do kind of figure that Tiffany's getting some vicarious thrills out of it because her own figure skating career tanked, but I didn't think that it would be the actual draw. If JJ did stop skating, or he just suddenly wasn't one of the best, would the bond between the two of them(that you could argue is stronger than the one JJ has with either of his dads) still exist?


I do wonder if Mark's going to address JJ's paternal bonds in Norway, or if we're staying strictly on Will and his two dads there. Addressing that might be better saved for if and when JJ gets a turn at narrating, instead of having it get filtered through Will's eyes.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I do wonder if Mark's going to address JJ's paternal bonds in Norway, or if we're staying strictly on Will and his two dads there. Addressing that might be better saved for if and when JJ gets a turn at narrating, instead of having it get filtered through Will's eyes.


That's a pretty interesting idea. I wonder how JJ will be as a narrator.

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Over in the reviews, Mark wrote:




Damn. That's kind of interesting to think that way. I mean, in some ways you do kind of figure that Tiffany's getting some vicarious thrills out of it because her own figure skating career tanked, but I didn't think that it would be the actual draw. If JJ did stop skating, or he just suddenly wasn't one of the best, would the bond between the two of them(that you could argue is stronger than the one JJ has with either of his dads) still exist?


I do wonder if Mark's going to address JJ's paternal bonds in Norway, or if we're staying strictly on Will and his two dads there. Addressing that might be better saved for if and when JJ gets a turn at narrating, instead of having it get filtered through Will's eyes.


Can Tiffany act in a paternal role? I wonder how that works for lesbian parents.

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Can Tiffany act in a paternal role? I wonder how that works for lesbian parents.


Probably no worse than two gay dads raising their daughter. Parenting is more than just being an obvious role model.

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I think 2 men or 2 women are perfectly capable of raising well rounded children, even if there isn't 1 man and 1 woman. I think the same of single mom's and dad's but it's much harder. The single parent doesn't get a break.


I think Tiffany could act in a paternal role but I don't really see it in her personality even with her interactions with JJ.

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Well, which Mommy likes Home Depot and which likes Nemain Marcus..... LOL...


I really agree that Tiffany seems to be a little soft to be acting in a paternal manner, Jeanine almost comes across more in that vein, except she is of course already the mother figure... I have a wonderful lesbian couple I have known for years and E.H., has taught the kids how to hunt, deal with livestock, build, etc... while her partner did more of the maternal role. I think it is just what one is comfortable with. If your personality fits that, then go with it, always play to your strengths...

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Hmm. Interesting thought there. So it really doesn't seem like JJ has all that strong of a paternal figure period. There's love between him and his fathers, obviously, but they're not that close. I kind of like that Mark showcased two different types of paternal bonds here- the strong, tight one between Will and Brad, and JJ being more bonded to his mother and to Tiffany than he is to his dads. The contrast is pretty cool, I think.

Edited by methodwriter85
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It seems to me that JJ does not have a very strong bond with anyone in his family. Sure, he loves others and is loved, but there might not be so many people he would feel too close to.

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Hmm. Interesting thought there. So it really doesn't seem like JJ has all that strong of a paternal figure period. There's love between him and his fathers, obviously, but they're not that close. I kind of like that Mark showcased two different types of paternal bonds here- the strong, tight one between Will and Brad, and JJ being more bonded to his mother and to Tiffany than he is to his dads. The contrast is pretty cool, I think.


It seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence. The is only so much room in a story. Since JJ has never been a narrator we only see glimpses of his day to day life and then they are side distractions to the main story and characters.

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It seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence. The is only so much room in a story. Since JJ has never been a narrator we only see glimpses of his day to day life and then they are side distractions to the main story and characters.


Dude, it seems like you're almost offended by the idea that JJ doesn't have some tight-knit bond with his fathers the way Will does.


It seems to me that JJ does not have a very strong bond with anyone in his family. Sure, he loves others and is loved, but there might not be so many people he would feel too close to.

Aside from a love of shopping(we know he dresses like a GQ model), what else does he really have in common with his family? JJ can't go on vacations with them, he can't just casually hang out with Will or John because he's always off into the skating rink, he can't smoke pot because he's subjected to random drug testing, etc etc.


The other thing is, the vibe I've been getting from JJ, and the vibe that has been fairly consistent, is that JJ is superficially friendly(if you haven't pissed him off), but he's not someone who puts in the work needed to maintain deep relationships and bonds. Partly because he doesn't know how, and partly because EVERYTHING is focused on skating.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think what you are trying to say is that JJ is shallow and focused on only his hopes,dreams,goals so that anything not centered around him is not even on his radar.


(I'm almost afraid Jeremy is going to hurt me now :) )


Much like , well, all teens. Darius is focused on himself too but I think he puts Ella above him. Will focuses on what he wants but is also becomes aware of others and tries to be more courteous and conscientious. It makes it kind of neat,seeing such differences in the brothers. And you can outgrow shallow. He's going to be wild as hell in college when he learns those friendship making skills ;)

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I think what you are trying to say is that JJ is shallow and focused on only his hopes,dreams,goals so that anything not centered around him is not even on his radar.

I think that you're pretty much on-target.


And you can outgrow shallow. He's going to be wild as hell in college when he learns those friendship making skills Posted Image


Well, we know going into JJ's skating career that he WON'T win Olympic gold- Evengi Plushenko wins the gold in '06, and Evan Lysacek gets the gold in 2010. That won't change. Mark doesn't re-write history like that. How JJ deals with being one of the best but not THE best seems like a prime opportunity for character growth.

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Dude, it seems like you're almost offended by the idea that JJ doesn't have some tight-knit bond with his fathers the way Will does.


Aside from a love of shopping(we know he dresses like a GQ model), what else does he really have in common with his family? JJ can't go on vacations with them, he can't just casually hang out with Will or John because he's always off into the skating rink, he can't smoke pot because he's subjected to random drug testing, etc etc.


The other thing is, the vibe I've been getting from JJ, and the vibe that has been fairly consistent, is that JJ is superficially friendly(if you haven't pissed him off), but he's not someone who puts in the work needed to maintain deep relationships and bonds. Partly because he doesn't know how, and partly because EVERYTHING is focused on skating.


What he has in common with his family is that they are his family. Kids don't just bond with family members who share common interests, they bond over all kinds of things.


But all that aside, we really haven't seen enough of JJ to know what kind of bonds he does and does not have because he has never narrated and has been a peripheral character at best.

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I'm just going off with what I've read and filling in the blanks from there. Plus, Mark wrote JJ as having a lot of similar personality traits to me, so I extrapolate from there.

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