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Gee, is everyone who said there'd be consequences for Will switching the flights around disappointed that...more-or-less, there weren't any? :P


Totally called it that Jeff's attitude was all about not being able to have Wade. Speaking of which, I'll bet we switch back to Wade next chapter.


Somebody said for the previous chapter, to keep those batteries recharged while you're on vaca. Somehow...I think this chapter shows that those batteries are more-than-sufficiently, um...charged. :2thumbs:

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Gee, is everyone who said there'd be consequences for Will switching the flights around disappointed that...more-or-less, there weren't any? Posted Image


We shouldn't be surprised, though. This is Will Schluter, Mark's new Golden Boy character. He loathes to write Will having any consequences for any of his actions and anyone who calls him on his bullshit is just a big meanie who doesn't understand what it's like to be a poor, misunderstood 14-year old rich boy. I mean, the kid breaks the rules at his float trip and gets rewarded by the headmaster with a week-long trip to Norway, despite the fact that we know HW is supposed to be pretty strict about attendance, because the headmaster apparently worships JP.Posted Image (I love you, Mark, but you know I'm right on this.)


Anyway, my favorite part of the chapter was the exchange between Will and Tiffany, where she tells him that it's not being gay that's the problem in figure skating, it's being openly gay that's the problem. Daisy told me that Mark really nailed it with that line- that image is basically everything in this sport, at least for American skaters, and "gay" just doesn't fit into the "family-friendly" image of the sport. At least not in 2000. I wouldn't be surprised if they wind up getting Shane Jackson a "girlfriend", like they did for Evan Lysacek.


Given that Will's a Schluter and it's in his nature to try and fight against oppression and prejudice(see: Tonto), I can see him trying to fight against that, at least a little bit, especially if he winds up becoming more involved with the sport past this trip. What will be interesting to see as he grows up will be whether or not JJ will try to join Will in going against the USFSA, or if JJ will just accept the status quo because he doesn't want to jeopardize his career pathway towards the Olympics.

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We shouldn't be surprised, though. This is Will Schluter, Mark's new Golden Boy character. He loathes to write Will having any consequences for any of his actions and anyone who calls him on his bullshit is just a big meanie who doesn't understand what it's like to be a poor, misunderstood 14-year old rich boy. I mean, the kid breaks the rules at his float trip and gets rewarded by the headmaster with a week-long trip to Norway, despite the fact that we know HW is supposed to be pretty strict about attendance, because the headmaster apparently worships JP.Posted Image (I love you, Mark, but you know I'm right on this.)



Your inability to see the reality of the world around you is stunning. Posted Image If influence and money made no difference, explain to me how GW Bush graduated from Yale. Or got in.


To answer the questions on consequences for the flights, what harm was really done to justify anything more than a scowl? If I was Will, the question I would have asked of my parents, if they were to give me shit about it, was why the staff was allowed to treat me like crap with impunity? Jeff was out of line to vent his bad mood on Will, a member of the family, and Michael has been playing games with him for quite a while. Personally, I'd have had both of their asses fired by now.

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To answer the questions on consequences for the flights, what harm was really done to justify anything more than a scowl? If I was Will, the question I would have asked of my parents, if they were to give me shit about it, was why the staff was allowed to treat me like crap with impunity? Jeff was out of line to vent his bad mood on Will, a member of the family, and Michael has been playing games with him for quite a while. Personally, I'd have had both of their asses fired by now.


For what it's worth, I was wondering why on earth anyone thought there'd be consequences for the switched flights. Posted Image


I think Jeff did a...more than adequate job of making up for his bad behavior :D , whereas Michael is just plain unsalvageable. I am starting to wonder what's happened to Pat, though...

Edited by MJ85
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Just curious , why isn't Michael fired? Why do Brad/Robbie allow this? What does Michael look like? and did Jeff sleep with Will because of pity or because he's hot?


AND were is PAT? :)



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Just curious , why isn't Michael fired? Why do Brad/Robbie allow this? What does Michael look like? and did Jeff sleep with Will because of pity or because he's hot?


AND were is PAT? Posted Image




You are one chapter ahead of things. Hang in there.


Michael's probably around because JJ likes him, and because he probably does a good job of sucking up to Brad, Robbie, and Jeanine.

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Well, Will is certainly enjoying himself both inflight and in Norway. I was not suprised at all that Will did not really suffer any consequences for his actions on booking the flight. Honestly why should he? Micheal has never been anything but an ass to him and Jeff had earned his ire for his behaviour toward him; maybe neither really deserved the flight from hell but so what... Isn't Jeff really Stef assistant so wouldn't you think he would have checked the itinerary before hand somewhat, if nothing else just to make sure the flight wasn't screwed up in some way. I do have to say that Jeff has made up to Will rather nicely though. I do imagine that Will can arrange a better flight home for at least Jeff. Plus, I would honestly be suprised that any guard would have lasted with a family like this that one of the charges absolutely hated him and fought with him all the time, so why is Micheal still around period??? I do wonder what the deal is with Pat, I do hope we find out even if he isn't coming back...


I have a friend that graduated from Harvard School back in the early 80's before the merger with the Westlake School for Girls; both of this children have subsequently graduated from Harvard Westlake just a couple of years after the time CAP is in now. According to him back in his day the school was more strict about missing classes or time for non school related activites but there were exceptions, especially for students that excelled academically. He says by the time that his kids were attending the school there was even more leeway depending on the situation. His daughter did some modeling and the school was willing to work with her as long as she maintained her GPA and didn't abuse the situation. He said his son wasn't quite the student his sister was and was not allowed the same leeway. I think from what he says that by the 2000's as long as you kept up academically and otherwise, you were given some leeway on missing a certain amount of time throught out the school year.


I hope we alternate chaptes somewhat, I really want to see how Wade and his family are doing... I still believe there will be some battle royals there....

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Well, Will is certainly enjoying himself both inflight and in Norway. I was not suprised at all that Will did not really suffer any consequences for his actions on booking the flight. Honestly why should he? Micheal has never been anything but an ass to him and Jeff had earned his ire for his behaviour toward him; maybe neither really deserved the flight from hell but so what... Isn't Jeff really Stef assistant so wouldn't you think he would have checked the itinerary before hand somewhat, if nothing else just to make sure the flight wasn't screwed up in some way. I do have to say that Jeff has made up to Will rather nicely though. I do imagine that Will can arrange a better flight home for at least Jeff. Plus, I would honestly be suprised that any guard would have lasted with a family like this that one of the charges absolutely hated him and fought with him all the time, so why is Micheal still around period??? I do wonder what the deal is with Pat, I do hope we find out even if he isn't coming back...


I have a friend that graduated from Harvard School back in the early 80's before the merger with the Westlake School for Girls; both of this children have subsequently graduated from Harvard Westlake just a couple of years after the time CAP is in now. According to him back in his day the school was more strict about missing classes or time for non school related activites but there were exceptions, especially for students that excelled academically. He says by the time that his kids were attending the school there was even more leeway depending on the situation. His daughter did some modeling and the school was willing to work with her as long as she maintained her GPA and didn't abuse the situation. He said his son wasn't quite the student his sister was and was not allowed the same leeway. I think from what he says that by the 2000's as long as you kept up academically and otherwise, you were given some leeway on missing a certain amount of time throught out the school year.


I hope we alternate chaptes somewhat, I really want to see how Wade and his family are doing... I still believe there will be some battle royals there....


I think that the way this story needs to go is that I need to focus on Will and Norway, then switch back to Wade and the election. I thought about trying to intersperse chapters either way, but I think that would just confuse things. Once we're done, I hope you agree.

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Reason I thought we'd hear from Wade next is, if I remember correctly he's on his way home now isn't he? So with everybody else gone to Norway, he gets the chance to play "daddy" for Riley, if only for a short while (and if only seen for one chapter). I mean this is "Paternity" after all... :P

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I think from what he says that by the 2000's as long as you kept up academically and otherwise, you were given some leeway on missing a certain amount of time throught out the school year.


Interesting insight. According to Julian(who graduated in 2007), they were incredibly strict about students who wanted to pursue acting, but then again, you would probably miss more school due to being in a movie or something than you would if you were off on a modeling shoot for a couple of days.


JJ needs to miss at least 4-5 weeks of school, so I wonder if that would be pushing it, or what kind of arrangement they came up with. I'm kind of surprised JJ doesn't have a private tutor working in tandem with Harvard-Westlake. I wonder if Mark's going to clear up JJ's academic situation with HW, since these chapters should have at least some focus on JJ since he's the reason they're actually in Norway. He hasn't really said anything about what kind of student JJ is; the general impression is that he's not quite as dedicated as Will, but like Blue said, there's a lot of range there.


I really hope Mark covers that at some point during these chapters; it would make the most sense to do so while we're learning more about JJ.

Edited by methodwriter85
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you don't play fair Posted Image


but I love to be teased. I just hope Will doesn't get humiliated.


I think Will is showing that he can take care of himself just fine. Posted Image


Why is Jeff so nice to Will? Are there dirty works ahead?


Jeff is a smart guy, and he's in a job he's educationally underqualified for: in other words, he's amazingly lucky to be Stef's personal assistant. I would suspect that when he went flying all over the place to get to Norway, he realized that he was playing with fire. He had seriously pissed off his employer's (probably) favorite grandson. It would make a lot of sense for him to work hard to repair that political damage. He can probably afford to irritate members of Stef's family on occasion, if he has good reason. In this case, he's pissed off a key person, and his reasons aren't good at all. It's all about job security, IMHO.

Edited by Mark Arbour
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Jeff is a smart guy, and he's in a job he's educationally underqualified for: in other words, he's amazingly lucky to be Stef's personal assistant. I would suspect that when he went flying all over the place to get to Norway, he realized that he was playing with fire. He had seriously pissed off his employer's (probably) favorite grandson. It would make a lot of sense for him to work hard to repair that political damage. He can probably afford to irritate members of Stef's family on occasion, if he has good reason. In this case, he's pissed off a key person, and his reasons aren't good at all. It's all about job security, IMHO.


Jeff is probably also somewhat of a hustler, a guy who knows how to work people to get what he needs to survive. That's how he was able to survive on the streets before getting to the Mission. He's not an idiot- anyone with half a brain can see that the Schluters shower people they like with extravagant gifts, and people they don't like tend to wind up scorched in some way. (If not dead.) As long as Jeff keeps Will happy and doesn't rock the boat, he's golden and probably set for life.


My guess with Michael was that he grew up in a doting middle-class household, with parents who constantly puffed up how wonderful and amazing he is, and Michael became delusional enough to believe that. He got through school by kissing ass and saying the right things to the right teachers, but when the real world hit, instead of becoming some FBI agent or something, he didn't cut the mustard and now he's stuck as some body guard to some of the richest brats in the United States. His ambitions unrealized, he's become a bitter person who can play the nice guy in front of the right people, but he's just not smart enough to realize that he can't play war with Will because of his overinflated view of himself. So Michael's going to try and strike back without realizing how out of his league he is.

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JJ needs to miss at least 4-5 weeks of school, so I wonder if that would be pushing it, or what kind of arrangement they came up with.


Another point to keep in mind is that Will isn't JP's only grandson at the school. I think they'd be willing to allow JJ the chance to see if he let it bring his grades down before telling him he wasn't allowed. And maybe even let them come down a bit farther than they'd allow someone else before calling him in for a talk.


Edit: Also, it occurred to me later that Will may not be questioning Jeff's motives as much as I would be in his place. Does he realize he could be being played? I mean, sure, still sleep with him, but also wonder why the guy you just seriously annoyed and just the other day wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire suddenly is up for a good time. And also, did that one skater really not know he wsa there, or did he notice Shane wandering off, and plans to brag about his "accomplishment" with Will right when it would most screw with either JJ or Shane's attention? Even if they didn't give a damn, it'd still be worth a shot, right?


These are a couple instances where Will's physical maturity isn't going to help him much, his dick could be getting him into situations he's not mentally old enough to handle. Again.

Edited by B1ue
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Another point to keep in mind is that Will isn't JP's only grandson at the school. I think they'd be willing to allow JJ the chance to see if he let it bring his grades down before telling him he wasn't allowed. And maybe even let them come down a bit farther than they'd allow someone else before calling him in for a talk.


The impression that I get from what I've heard from Julian is that it's not the kind of private school that lets kids who can't handle the work stay in because Daddy donated a new library or something; they might let some things slide but a Dubya kind of kid doesn't seem likely to stay in. HW has 9th grade examinations in January, so if Mark covers January 2001 that might make the JJ education question clearer. Mark's been pretty vague about what JJ is like academically, but if we're going to go through the bother of getting to know JJ more through the Norway trip, that seems like a pretty important issue that needs to be covered. He could be a straight A guy like Will, or he could be someone that doesn't quite pass muster at HW. I really hope that Mark clears that up a bit as we're getting to know more about JJ.


Tiffany does seem to think JJ is a pretty smart guy, but it doesn't seem like that's something everyone else thinks. My guess is for JJ to decide that he doesn't need HW, and he drops out and gets his GED at 15. Not because I think JJ couldn't handle the work, but because he simply puts all of his effort into skating and he's just not as dedicated about school like Will.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Edit: Also, it occurred to me later that Will may not be questioning Jeff's motives as much as I would be in his place. Does he realize he could be being played? I mean, sure, still sleep with him, but also wonder why the guy you just seriously annoyed and just the other day wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire suddenly is up for a good time. And also, did that one skater really not know he wsa there, or did he notice Shane wandering off, and plans to brag about his "accomplishment" with Will right when it would most screw with either JJ or Shane's attention? Even if they didn't give a damn, it'd still be worth a shot, right?


These are a couple instances where Will's physical maturity isn't going to help him much, his dick could be getting him into situations he's not mentally old enough to handle. Again.


Shane might not take it well...probably anything gay-related will screw with his attention, just because it'll remind him of what his mother is keeping him from having.


How on earth, though, would David ("that one skater") have any idea of Will's connection to JJ? But all things considered...what young skater would brag about getting boned in the bathroom? :P


As for Jeff, I think Will could sense that Jeff was being sincere with him - and perhaps more importantly, he owned up to what he did, as opposed to Michael who probably couldn't even be paid to own up to how his attitude is pissing off those around him.

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The impression that I get from what I've heard from Julian is that it's not the kind of private school that lets kids who can't handle the work stay in because Daddy donated a new library or something; they might let some things slide but a Dubya kind of kid doesn't seem likely to stay in.


There seems to be a signficant difference between the HW in that impression and the one we're being presented with in Paternity. We've already established that the principal is quite willing to bend over backwards for Will because of whose grandson he is. Yes, Will is a straight A student and I'm sure that helped. That wasn't what made the alcohol issue go away though, nor did Brad's money. There are plenty of equally wealthy people (taken as a whole, if perhaps not individually) that probably took great exception to a loose-moraled boozehound being allowed to mingle with their precious widdle angels. But this was one instance where who he knew and more importantly who he was related to did have an impact.


JJ may well decide it isn't worth the trouble. But if the school is willing to let some things go for Will, why not JJ? JJ taking off to go skating would be far less disruptive, to everyone else in his class at least, than someone who brought alcohol to a school trip, and so provably is a potential bad influence.


How on earth, though, would David ("that one skater") have any idea of Will's connection to JJ? But all things considered...what young skater would brag about getting boned in the bathroom? Posted Image


I'd have thought it was obvious Will was JJ's brother. They are flying in their grandfather's airplane, after all, and someone would be bound to ask, "Who's the hot blond kid in the back? He's too heavy to be one of us."


And your question doesn't really compute for me. In my mind, the question is: what teenager wouldn't brag about having consensual sex with a hottie under any circumstance whatsoever? With the proviso that such bragging would take place in a safe place, of course, such as among other gay or gay friendly kids.

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I'd have thought it was obvious Will was JJ's brother. They are flying in their grandfather's airplane, after all, and someone would be bound to ask, "Who's the hot blond kid in the back? He's too heavy to be one of us."

Gah - I overlooked that for a moment there. :P


And your question doesn't really compute for me. In my mind, the question is: what teenager wouldn't brag about having consensual sex with a hottie under any circumstance whatsoever? With the proviso that such bragging would take place in a safe place, of course, such as among other gay or gay friendly kids.


With the proviso, I'd have to agree with you. Otherwise, I'd have to think he'd be more willing to brag if he was the one bone-ing instead of being boned. Keeping in mind...JJ will be 15 in December, and Will turned 14 a month before this. The only thing I can think of is that David's own escapades would rival Will's, or even put him to shame. :o Otherwise, I'm having trouble imagining him bragging about it, since...given JJ's and Will's ages, how old can David possibly be?

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There seems to be a signficant difference between the HW in that impression and the one we're being presented with in Paternity. We've already established that the principal is quite willing to bend over backwards for Will because of whose grandson he is

Trust me, I argued really hard with Mark on this one because it didn't jibe with the vibe I've gotten of the school, and I also didn't think that Will would get any kind of leeway for awhile after he got back. I'm going to go with the idea that the principal is going to be lenient, one time, because he is a good student and he does admire JP, but I don't think Will's going to be continually pushing his luck there. He seems to realize what a get out of jail free card he got, and I imagine the rest of his time at HW he'll be pretty good about following rules. Well, except for Senior Skip Day.


Across the board, from people who went there or knew of the school, HW is a strict school that takes the building of character through academic vigor and public service commitment pretty seriously, and a Dubya kind of kid who continually caused problems wouldn't last there. I think Mark has reflected that, for the most par(considering Ryan's friend Mike left because he couldn't hack it), except with the whole principal going easy on Will. But I'm assuming, again, that it's just that one time, and if Will ever becomes an actual problem he'll be booted out. But Will's not a stupid kid, and I don't think that will happen.


Of course, if I'm wrong and HW is totally the kind of school that will look the other way at a kid's bad grades and/or behavior because of who their daddy is, by all means, correct me.*looks at Tim, Matt, Tommy, and Julian.*


Otherwise, I'm having trouble imagining him bragging about it, since...given JJ's and Will's ages, how old can David possibly be?

Well, these are junior skaters, so David could be as old as 18, 19.

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Of course, if I'm wrong and HW is totally the kind of school that will look the other way at a kid's bad grades and/or behavior because of who their daddy is, by all means, correct me.*looks at Tim, Matt, Tommy, and Julian.*


I think you miss my point. It doesn't actually matter what would happen at the real Harvard-Westlake, just the one in this story, which has already proved itself different.

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Trust me, I argued really hard with Mark on this one because it didn't jibe with the vibe I've gotten of the school, and I also didn't think that Will would get any kind of leeway for awhile after he got back. I'm going to go with the idea that the principal is going to be lenient, one time, because he is a good student and he does admire JP, but I don't think Will's going to be continually pushing his luck there. He seems to realize what a get out of jail free card he got, and I imagine the rest of his time at HW he'll be pretty good about following rules. Well, except for Senior Skip Day.


Across the board, from people who went there or knew of the school, HW is a strict school that takes the building of character through academic vigor and public service commitment pretty seriously, and a Dubya kind of kid who continually caused problems wouldn't last there. I think Mark has reflected that, for the most par(considering Ryan's friend Mike left because he couldn't hack it), except with the whole principal going easy on Will. But I'm assuming, again, that it's just that one time, and if Will ever becomes an actual problem he'll be booted out. But Will's not a stupid kid, and I don't think that will happen.



You lost that argument because you were merely looking at posted rules and regulations, which offer guidelines. No competent educator is going to take a complex situation like Will's and impose maximum penalties for a first offense. No competent educator is going to review the infractions without considering all the variables, especially the two key variables, those being academic performance and influence.


This idea that private schools, even this one, operate as if they're immune from the natural forces of capitalism in our society is truly preposterous.

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Trust me, I argued really hard with Mark on this one because it didn't jibe with the vibe I've gotten of the school, and I also didn't think that Will would get any kind of leeway for awhile after he got back. I'm going to go with the idea that the principal is going to be lenient, one time, because he is a good student and he does admire JP, but I don't think Will's going to be continually pushing his luck there. He seems to realize what a get out of jail free card he got, and I imagine the rest of his time at HW he'll be pretty good about following rules. Well, except for Senior Skip Day.


Across the board, from people who went there or knew of the school, HW is a strict school that takes the building of character through academic vigor and public service commitment pretty seriously, and a Dubya kind of kid who continually caused problems wouldn't last there. I think Mark has reflected that, for the most par(considering Ryan's friend Mike left because he couldn't hack it), except with the whole principal going easy on Will. But I'm assuming, again, that it's just that one time, and if Will ever becomes an actual problem he'll be booted out. But Will's not a stupid kid, and I don't think that will happen.


Of course, if I'm wrong and HW is totally the kind of school that will look the other way at a kid's bad grades and/or behavior because of who their daddy is, by all means, correct me.*looks at Tim, Matt, Tommy, and Julian.*

Your views are way too black and white. H-W cares about it kids. It isn't some 1960's caricature of an elite prep school, it is a model 2000's elite prep school where there is a blending of high expectations and discipline with compassion and genuinely liking their kids and treating each one as an individual. They don't have to be a school with crazy black and white rules like a public school has where they'll suspend a kid who has a deli plastic knife to slice their cheese at lunch.


You also grossly underestimate the importance of personal relationships in this world. The headmaster doesn't just admire JP, he knows JP and JP knows him. His son knows JP and who knows Peter may have been a guest at Escorial for a meal or two. Yes the money and power of Stef and Brad and Robbie would be a factor too, because even the sky high tuition rates at H-W don't begin to cover all the expenses of the school. But if Will were a bad kid or perceived as a detriment to the school, he'd get the boot.


But that wasn't the case here. Will is a good student who hasn't caused the school any real problem and comes from a good family that the headmaster has personal knowledge of. All those factors make Mark's scenario beyond plausible, his are the likely outcomes given the totality of the situation.

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