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Anthro, beastly, or furry human


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Hello Yall,


This might be a stupid thing to use as my first Forum thread (at least I think it's the first one I've made...I should probably check on that) but I'm going to do it anyway as it's a conversation that I've been having with some people I know,(I wouldn't call them friends), and I was hoping to get a broader bit of information.


This is part research and part plain curiosity but I'm wonder where people stand on werewolf forms.


If you boil it down there are three basic forms.


Anthropomorphic Werewolves. Werewolves with an over all wolfish appearance but with a distinctly human shape, the ability to walk on it's hind legs, clawed fingers instead of front paws and often no tail. Think of werewolves from the movies Van Helsing and Cursed.


Beastly Werewolves. These werewolves usually look mostly like your normal wolf, sometimes larger (Think Twilight Werewolf) but more often look like a plain wolf, possibly carrying over its human hair and eye color into wolf form.


Furry Human (as I don't know the actual or appropriate term). These werewolves are a throw back to the Wolfman movies where the Werewolf usually just looks like an exceptionally hairy person with clawed fingers.


Personally I'm partial to the first two categories myself, more so the second one than the first. I've never meshed with the portrayal of werewolves in the 'evil' monster role, even though that is what the werewolf was in original mythology. Even though I can see the benefits of the Anthro form I think it's more of an attempt to make the werewolf seem more frightening and overall more imposing. After all who wouldn't wet themselves if they came face to face with a six feet tall human/wolf creature.


I know I probably sound pretty geeky but I'd really like to hear some opinions on this.


best yall


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I was never enough of a werewolf fan to have a preferred type. But since I was a big Hammer Horror fan growing up most of the wolfies I've seen are of the furry human variety.

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I've never seen a natural wolf shape done well on screen, but that's how I visualize werewolves. But since fiction is about suspending disbelief, I believe everything I read about them.

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I like all werewolves almost equally, however I associate the first two with Werewolves to the Furitized human...

I also don't actually consider them evil... Explain to me Why they'd be evil first....

Wolves aren't nessarilly hungry for human flesh, they're a preditory animal, and usually don't come after humans at all.

Humans well are humans...

Werewolves could be...Crazed all that pain would make someone crazy.... I however having read some Werewolf lore, know about the Benandanti Wolves i think it was called, who were good werewolves, saving humanity from Vampires and witchs...

However in my stories I tend to blame the Catholic Church and it's anti-anything not under it's control policies in Mideaval times, or anything different for that matter. Nothing against the Catholics just knowing their history they make a good bag guy.

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After reading the Belgariad many many times, I'm rather fond of the full transformation of Human to Wolf. But please don't mention the abomination of twilight here Posted Image


David Eddings fan?
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Just a little bit. I've lost track of how many times I've read the Belgariad, mallorean, elenium and tamuli Posted Image


So am i ^_^ The Elenium, and the Tamuli were actually the first books of his i read :)
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I think that the reason most people would consider a werewolf to be evil would be because of the misconceptions about wolves and other similar animals that were prevalent when the werewolf myth first came around. Wolves were considered to be vicious and indiscriminate killers, a creature that would kill you as soon as look at you. Logically a creature that was part man and part beast would follow the same line.


It may be childish but I've always thought of the Werewolf as a type a guardian figure. Maybe it's because of my own natural love for wolves and my own tree huger tendencies lol.


I like all werewolves almost equally, however I associate the first two with Werewolves to the Furitized human...

I also don't actually consider them evil... Explain to me Why they'd be evil first....

Wolves aren't nessarilly hungry for human flesh, they're a preditory animal, and usually don't come after humans at all.

Humans well are humans...

Werewolves could be...Crazed all that pain would make someone crazy.... I however having read some Werewolf lore, know about the Benandanti Wolves i think it was called, who were good werewolves, saving humanity from Vampires and witchs...

However in my stories I tend to blame the Catholic Church and it's anti-anything not under it's control policies in Mideaval times, or anything different for that matter. Nothing against the Catholics just knowing their history they make a good bag guy.


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The werewolf is a more sympathetic figure of lore. Except at the full moon, it's human, mourning its loss of control over its actions. Our myths are full of wolves nurturing human children, like Romulus and Remus. And wolves are so close akin to domestic dogs, our lives are entertwined.

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I'm not in love with the ideas of an oversized wolf. I always imagine my werewolf anthropomorphic (with a tail). Like Underworld and such. Those are awesome butt kicking werewolves. Which is totally Alek (whose he? Read my storu! :P)


I don't think werewolves are seen as evil. There are a lot of places where they are the good guys, especially in contemporary popular stuff like movies and books. The Underworld series. Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson series. Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. In fact, werewolves tend to be like humans where it's the character of the werewolf that denotes it as a evil or good wolf (which makes complete sense to me). Humans can be very evil too. In fact, more often than not, I often think humans are more foul and evil than any creature: real or fake. Humanity gives Satan a run for his money.

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well in the Movies underworld I kind of considered them more neutral...their leader was a good guy...

Same really went with the vampires, though their leaders were mostly totalitarian jerks.


yes Nightowl that was really my theory as well ^_^ man's fear of preditory animals...

I've always considered it up to the individual werewolf mostly whether to be good or bad, just like it is for anything else.

to me it's more the pheonix is my guardian creature....


I seem to remember reading a book from the 13th century or so about a werewolf who's wife found out he was, stole his cloths so she could have his estate, then the king found him gave him cloths and he got revenge on her and her new lover :o

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I got into this discussion with one of my co-workers last weekend after watching The Howling Two: Your sister is a werewolf (Whoever wrote/made that movie had to have had some bestiality issues). His opinion fell between the anthro and the beastly forms and actually brought to mind a good point that I hadn't considered.


He mentioned how some people had issues with the Twilight wolves because they were like the size of cars but he was actually in favor of it, at least to an extent. His point was that it wouldn't make sense to take a six foot tall, two hundred and some pound guy and reduce it to a five foot long and eighty pound (I'm averaging from wikipedia) wolf.


I've never thought about it that way but it does make sense.

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I don't know..., your thread made me think you might be interested in attending a Fur Con. My hometown's Fur Con is called Further Confusion.... LOL! My hometown is pretty geeky. Maybe you'll find some answer in there.


No, I am not into Furry. But it's kind of weird that I am out on street taking photos during Fur Con quite a bit, so I am quite aware of its existence. I always want to ask them if they can pose for me, but I am shy. I've seen one guy being leashed by another guy outside of the Fur Con in costume. Such a cool sight.

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Lol no I'm not interested in Furry (at least not in that sense of the word lol) At least not to participate. Now going and possibly being able to interview a few people on what attracts them to the culture could be cool as I am always interested in learning about people and behavior and what not.


No I created the thread more for a bit of research and bit of fun. Vampires are HUGE right now but it seems that Werewolves are only factoring in as a secondary characters/themes.


If I ever get out to Cali we can go to a Fur Con together lol. I'm brash enough to ask them to pose for you lol,Plus I can interview folks.

I don't know..., your thread made me think you might be interested in attending a Fur Con. My hometown's Fur Con is called Further Confusion.... LOL! My hometown is pretty geeky. Maybe you'll find some answer in there.


No, I am not into Furry. But it's kind of weird that I am out on street taking photos during Fur Con quite a bit, so I am quite aware of its existence. I always want to ask them if they can pose for me, but I am shy. I've seen one guy being leashed by another guy outside of the Fur Con in costume. Such a cool sight.


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If I ever get out to Cali we can go to a Fur Con together lol. I'm brash enough to ask them to pose for you lol,Plus I can interview folks.


Okay, sure. :-p I am not into furry and I am not even hairy. LOL. Maybe they'll even push me out since I am old. (okay, I am very conscious about my age.., because I am not getting younger) This year's Further Confusion is already over. Anywayz....


I thought they had those there Posted Image


There are gay people everywhere. I certainly hope that's what you mean by it. :-p

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Oh, whatever. It's one of the biggest fur cons in the nation, so I think many of them might be from out of state, like from Montana, for example. Oh, come on, I think you might be a closet furry, that's why so much furry-phobia going on. Posted Image

Edited by Ashi
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Oh, whatever. It's one of the biggest fur cons in the nation, so I think many of them might be from out of state, like from Montana, for example. Oh, come on, I think you might be a closet furry, that's why so much furry-phobia going on. Posted Image


Who say's I had furry phobia....? and I doubt that.... simply because there's almost not enough people from Montana to make up a Con... any kind of Con....Furry, Anime, Comic....lol.


I am not a closet anything, I am me pure and simple... and I am a multifacited person, kind of like a gemstone...

Read my stories...lol

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