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Walking Dead

Bill W

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I'm from Atlanta, so Season One was fun to watch ... "Yeah, I've been there ... and there ... and I know where that is ... and, no, that's not the CDC, that's the new Cobb County Performing Arts Center."  Made it through most of the last season, but the unrelenting gore drove us away; I liked it much more when it was more cerebral and introspective and less about "how gruesome can we make killing zombies?"

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  • 5 months later...

Bill W

Elite Member

  • photo-thumb-40.jpg?_r=1389921192
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  • ga_hosted_author.jpg  Posted Today, 01:47 AM in the Lounge Thread: Geeky Arguments


Here's some for you.  If the walking dead are zombies and not alive, why do they need to eat?  Do they also need to drink?  Do they still poop too? 



Sorry Bill, I didn't want to hi-jack W_L's tread on the Flash! :P



Zombies eat since it is the last basic instinct left.  I don't think they need to drink since human flesh is moist with blood so I would say, No. 


Do they still poop?? I have had several debates over this, in the Walking Dead Season 3 when Milton is conducting his experiments on Michonne's armless walkers he tells the Governor that walkers can starve just at a slower rate than humans.  So that implies that their digestive system still works and therefore would still poop!!!  They eat so it has to go somewhere...if not they would eat until the exploded.


Other systems still work, they can see, hear and smell so why not poop? :lol:



Edited by KC Grim
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Oh god yes, I am so ready for this. The mid-season 4 finale was exactly what the ending of season 3 *should* have been, right down to the iconic scene from the comics with the Governor and the tank and the whole 'kill them all!' bit. It was fantastic and I cannot wait to see how they spin the second half.

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Nah you didnt hijack a thing :P it does show we're all a little geeky for different things :P


Wonder if they are going to washington now. If you read the comics, they should be going up north after the prison. They will also meet an antagonist who is like the pat robertson of walking dead.

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Bill W

Elite Member

  • photo-thumb-40.jpg?_r=1389921192
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  • ga_hosted_author.jpg  Posted Today, 01:47 AM in the Lounge Thread: Geeky Arguments


Here's some for you.  If the walking dead are zombies and not alive, why do they need to eat?  Do they also need to drink?  Do they still poop too? 



Sorry Bill, I didn't want to hi-jack W_L's tread on the Flash! :P



Zombies eat since it is the last basic instinct left.  I don't think they need to drink since human flesh is moist with blood so I would say, No. 


Do they still poop?? I have had several debates over this, in the Walking Dead Season 3 when Milton is conducting his experiments on Michonne's armless walkers he tells the Governor that walkers can starve just at a slower rate than humans.  So that implies that their digestive system still works and therefore would still poop!!!  They eat so it has to go somewhere...if not they would eat until the exploded.


Other systems still work, they can see, hear and smell so why not poop? :lol:



Okay KC - do you watch The Walking Dead ?? Are you a big fan ?? Do you like Daryl Dixon ?? :lol:


They are showing season 4 here in my country but I  haven't seen any episodes yet :( but I will catch up soon ^_^

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I imagine James Savik being Daryl Dixon inspiration :P (So which Hollywood TV writer did you bag, you old cat :o )


I watch the show, then went to the comics and have followed both on their parallel paths.


It is the best show on TV in recent years and it has creatively changed the Zombie genre forever. I emotionally am invested in the characters, but I know any of them can be dead so I just enjoy their moments on the screen. It is kind of Cathartic to fall in love with a character, watch their arc, then their unexpected deaths.

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B) .........Got to admit, I didn't watch it when it first came out, I thought why watch a blood and gore flick. But my daughter turned me on to seasons 1 & 2 and I wa hooked, the drama was more then then the mayhem in it. looking forward to the new season.

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