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Do all of my stories have to be fiction?

Hayden L

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I know this is a fiction story site, but what I usually write about is things that happen to me. It's sort of like autobirgraphical, but I embellish a few of the details and change the names and places and whatnot. Is that going to be okay here?


Oh, yeah, how can I post a story? I mean I assume you have a utility/wizzard or something, I just haven't found it yet -__-

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Welcome, Hayden. If you look up at the title bar, just below are a handful of links, including Forums, GA Stories, Links, and the all-important one: site help. That will tell you all you need to know about how to post a story. Check it out, as our admins have put a lot of time into compiling all that good stuff. If you'd looked there first, you'd have had no need to post that question.


Yes, non-fiction is allowed. There's even a category just for that. Although this site was built first around teen fiction, there's tons more here of various genres.


As for signatures, why don't you PM the folks with the signatures you like and ask if they'll tell you who did theirs? Cailen did mine, but you'll have to ask him nicely - and he generally doesn't make someone a signature unless they've been on the site for awhile.


Good luck, and I'll be looking to see what you post first! Posted Image

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  • Site Administrator

Yes, we do allow non-fiction on the site. There are various categories to designate what your story/piece is. Dark is completely correct in pointing you to the 'Site Help' tab. There is even a topic called 'New Author Help: How to Post a Story'. Please read everything carefully. Not only does it explain the specific fields and how/what to fill in, it explains our content rules, posting guidelines regarding frequency and submission size requirements, ect... The more thorough you are, the less likely you will end up with a PM from me telling you there are problems with your submission that you must correct before I can approve it. Posted Image

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Welcome, Hayden. If you look up at the title bar, just below are a handful of links, including Forums, GA Stories, Links, and the all-important one: site help. That will tell you all you need to know about how to post a story. Check it out, as our admins have put a lot of time into compiling all that good stuff. If you'd looked there first, you'd have had no need to post that question.


Posted Image


No need to post that question? Wow.


Yeah, I did read that information. In fact, that information may even be a lil outdated because it was posted in 2011 and I am certain that this site has been updated a time or two since then. And, in the technical section, it linked me back to my profile to "uncheck the box next to Rich Text Editor." Well, my friend, there is no box for Rich Text Editor. So, yeah I did feel a need to post that question.



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From New Author Help: How to Post a Story Chapter 3:


Now you are ready to start. This first page is the welcome screen and it has a couple stories on it as well as a bunch of links in the left hand column. However, what you are interested in is the second box, labeled ‘Other Actions’. Locate the words 'Submit Story' and click. This will bring you to the Story Form.

  • Breathe. This page just looks scary.
  • You must fill out the following boxes to submit anything:

    • Title: This will display everywhere. Check your spelling.
    • Link Title: This will self-fill when you type in the title. Don’t mess with it.
    • Series: Do not put anything in the series boxes at this point. Series are for authors who have completed books which are posted and who are posting the second (or more) book of a series. Any incomplete book zero or book one series will be removed at the discretion of the administration.
    • Description: This will tell people what your story is about. You get 500 CHARACTERS (not words). Keep it short.
    • Category: Most people will fall under Fiction or Poetry.
    • Genre: What kind of story is it? You may pick more than one. Try not to pick more than three.
    • Audience Rating:

    • Everyone: no sex
    • Teen: touching
    • Mature: sex
  • Status:

    • Complete: done!
    • In Process: working on it?
    • On Hold: bleh.
  • Tags: These are optional but they make your story much easier to search. Pick up to six.
  • Authors: Your name is here.
  • Chapter Title: You may change the title of the chapter here.
  • The Story Text Box is that big box at the bottom under all the buttons. Copy your story from your processor and paste directly into the box.
  • Preview: The preview button is the third from the left in the top row of buttons below the ‘Chapter End Note’ and above the Story Text Box. When you click it a separate window pops up and your story should be visible. In most instances it will be black font on a white background. Verify your spacing is correct and any underlining, bold, or italics is in place. If you need to fix anything, find it in the Story Text Box and correct it. If everything looks like it should, close the preview window, and….
  • Click Save.

Just where did you see anything about Rich Text?

Oh, and by the way, it was Updated: 31 May 2012 - 08:11

Edited by Dark
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If you're posting from your ipad, you might want to ask for help from someone who is also using the same to post. I don't have an ipad so I can't help ya or I would give ya some suggestions. Good luck! :)

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  • Site Administrator

We do encourage questions about how to do things on the site; there is always a learning curve. Site Help topics are updated as new information for each element is upgraded, as often as we can manage. The information on how to post a story is relatively upgraded with recent information. As I've never even held an Ipad, I'm not affected by the incompatability with it and GA. I've no option to turn off the Rich Text Editor, but as an admin there are sometimes certain elements on the site I can't see, and as a non-techie ... I'm not going to try.


Posting a story is fairly straightforward, however, as long as members pay attention to the entire guideline on that topic.

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Hey, it's all good. I'll just upload it from a PC. I'm sure it's not too hard to figure out.


I'm just guessing that Dark is frustrated about something unrelated and taking it out on me, lol.


By the way, I'm posting this from my iPhone. ;)

Edited by Hayden93
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^^ LMFAO ^^


Why do you have to be like that. Let's just be cool, ok. Please?


By the way, here is what I was referring to...




Sorry about coming off like a big jerk with this reply. I was just a little annoyed about something else from earlier in the day. I hope you don't think I'm an idiot or anything. :/

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