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Hayden L

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sale of black polo shirts going up 

get yer iphone Colors

lsd Acid Trip cases here



Tim Cook's Black Shirt Is The Successor To Steve Jobs' Black Poloneck
For Cook, the black men's dress shirt, no tie, is the new black polo.
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even with carl icahn trying to boost apple above 465 

appl return to its 465 slump again ... so did carl lose 15 a share?


now the question will the tv, watch, or the tablets undo the slump?

maybe not if the public still thinks there's lack of innovation


so back at that apple employee on the release of mac pro 

"innovate my ass" => appl finished @ 465 as predicted during the sep 10th presentation week


I wonder if appl started its buy back yet? perhaps this is the only way to return the stock to over 600

but wouldn't that be a gamble if many someone(s) like ichan sells their position for profit 

a free 140 per share profit taken away from appl .. leaving cook to pay for the bond loan

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appl one week later from 506 to 450 ... down 56 bucks .. i bet ichan lost some unless he bet aapl losing

450.12 -14.78 (-3.18%)
After Hours: 449.94 -0.18 (-0.04%)
Sep 16, 4:03PM EDT
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  • 2 weeks later...

here we go again with Apple Maps

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Facing Criticism About Map App
Written by David Randall on September 25, 2013
Fairbanks International Airport has closed an aircraft access route on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s Maps app and told a local newspaper that two motorists had cross the runway in the past three weeks. Apple’s app guides the users towards the taxiway but does not specifically mention that they are driving on the runway.
The airport officials said it had complained to the phone-maker through the local attorney general’s office. Melissa Osborn, chief of operations at the airport, told the Alaska Dispatch newspaper that they asked them to disable the map for Fairbanks until they could fix it. Because it is better to show nothing than to take the chance that one more person would do this again.
It had been told to the airport that problem would be fixed by Wednesday. Fairbanks Airport said that the drivers involved in the incidents of 6 September and 20 September were from out of town and did not paid any attention to signposts warning that they should not be driving along the taxiway.



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I hear something like Staples is allowed for people to place pre-orders of the ipad starting oct 1 ... two weeks before the formal release

Apple is challenging Samsung and Google on their release

Retina iPad Mini reportedly delayed, Apple hires cable exec • 9:44 AM
Reuters reports the retina iPad Mini (AAPL -0.5%) "could be available in only limited quantities this year, if at all," thanks to display manufacturing challenges.
Sources say Apple's supply chain is just beginning to gear up to make displays for the table, and that Apple delayed certifying display manufacturers; LG Display (LPL), Samsung Display, and Sharp (SHCAY.PK) reportedly competed to supply panels.
Bloomberg previously reported a retina Mini and 5th-gen iPad would arrive this year, and the WSJ reported "mass production"  of a retina Mini would start in Q4. Reuters' report comes as Amazon rolls out new Kindle Fires with high-res displays, and a couple months after Google rolled out a second-gen Nexus 7 with a high-res display to good reviews.
Separately, Apple has hired Jean-Francois Mule, once an SVP for cable TV R&D consortium CableLabs, to be an engineering director. That's boosting speculation the company is working on set-tops that provide direct access to pay-TV content.
Previous: Apple/Time Warner Cable report, talks with media giants



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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, 5S is doing better than 5C but at least the 5C its available to those that can afford it

what is the grey market same as the black market??

Apple reportedly slashes 5C production in half • 7:11 PM
Chinese site C Technology, which leaked iPhone 5S/5C pictures before the devices launched, reports Apple (AAPL) has cut 5C production in half to 150K units/day (translation). The reported rate implies quarterly output of ~13.7M units.
Separately, Unwired View reports the 16GB 5C is now going for $489-$539 unsubsidized on the Chinese grey market, well below an official price of $726.
Mobile analytics firm Localytics has reported the 5S' share of active iPhones dwarfs that of the 5C, whose higher-than-expected unsubsidized prices fueled criticism. Checks indicate 5S demand has been better than expected, and the WSJ reported last month gold 5S production has been raised by 1/3.
Suppliers that could be affected by a major 5C production cut, assuming the slack isn't picked up by higher 5S



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Apple grabs top Windows feature: BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH for iPhone 5s
Twice as fast as the iPhone 5? Twice as CRASHY claims app bug watcher
The BSOD-then-reboot problem has been reported in Apple's discussion groups, MacRumors forums, and a YouTube video, among other places. Although the complaints center mostly on iWork apps, other users claim to have had the same problem with Chrome and Safari, and while using FaceTime.
Interestingly, iOS (like any system worth its salt) supposedly sandboxes apps, so you'd think that a misbehaving program couldn't take down the entire device – but perhaps Apple bent its own sandboxing rules for its iWork apps, and is now paying the price.
Some users have suggested that the BSOD issue can be fixed by disabling the iWork apps' iCloud syncing – which seems reasonable, knowing Apple's less than stellar history of cloudy offerings. To do so, launch Settings, tap iCloud, then toggle off Numbers, Pages, and Keynote in the app list that appears.


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ooo a competitor to apple phone

HTC Unveils One Max Smartphone With 5.9-Inch Screen


It's a bad day for pockets.
On the heels of Microsoft announcing Windows Phone support for bigger-screened phones or phablets, HTC has unveiled its mammoth HTC One Max with a 5.9-inch screen that is sure to stretch hands and pockets everywhere.
The phone, like the Apple's iPhone 5s, also has a fingerprint reader, though it is positioned on the back of the device.
But the first thing you are going to notice about this phone is just how massive it is. Measuring 6.5 x 3.2 x 0.4 inches, the phone's 5.9-inch, 1080p display provides a heck of a lot more space to read webpages and watch YouTube videos than 4- to 4.5-inch phones. Running Android 4.3, HTC has kept the software from its popular HTC One intact, though it has included some new camera features, including a GIF-maker capability that allows you to turn quick clips into animated photos.
The aluminum-clad phone is powered by a 1.7 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 2 GB of RAM and a has the same Ultrapixel camera as the HTC One.
HTC One Review: For Those With Smaller Hands
The fingerprint sensor on the device is unique to this HTC device, though. Positioned on the back, HTC said it is easy to swipe your index finger on the back after you hit the power button on the right edge of the phone with your thumb. (That is, if you are a righty.) However, unlike Apple's TouchID in the home button that just requires a basic tap, you have to swipe your finger quite slow for it to log you in.
When I tested the reader out on a pre-production unit it took a few tries to get logged in and because my hands are on the smaller side it was hard for me to then maneuver to then start using the phone with just one hand.


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I can't help but see the irony. iPhone 5s has a 64-bit chip and a fingerprint scanner. Less then a month later, Samsung announces their next phone will have a 64-bit chip and HTC announces THEIR next phone has a fingerprint scanner.

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gosh ... now google comes out w a smartwatch .. bad writer what apple watch?

Google smartwatch' could launch to rival Samsung and Apple

Google could announce their smartwatch alongside the launch of their Android mobile operating KitKat system, according to 9to5Google.
It is believed the Nexus watch will be codenamed Gem, and announced on October 31.
Google Now functionality is reportedly at the centre of the product and, if used, would enable the user to link their watch to their smartphone.
Information such as calendar alarms, emails and text messages could all be pushed to the watch’s display.


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apple trades lower today

peeked around 521 during presentation

dropped to 513.41 -7.95 (-1.53%)

Real-time:   2:29PM EDT
after the presentation
not a big wow factor to the market
no iwatch, no itv .. 
Mavericks os is free
the trash can starts at VVVV monitor, hard drive, keyboard?? not included
apple maps are back
thats it so far
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Tim Cooks Confused-Unfocused Campaign vs Microsoft Scroogle Campaign

“Our competition is different: They’re confused. They chased after netbooks. Now they’re trying to make PCs into tablets and tablets into PCs. Who knows what they’ll do next? I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that we’re focused.

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ooo cheap parts used :-(

so anyone get motion sick with the new phone?

There were two significant errors in Apple's AAPL +0.61% first release of iOS 7. The first was that there’s a minority of the population subject to motion sickness. The new design with flowing animations and so on could set this off in that segment of the population. So that rather needed to change as no one really wants to be made ill to the point of vomiting by their new piece of shiny shiny tech kit. The second was a problem with the accelerometer: Apple had switched manufacturer for the part itself and the new part was markedly less accurate than the old. This needed to be fixed as well. And as part of yesterday’s announcements of new iPads and so on we also got the latest release of iOS 7, that’s the iOS 7.03 release. In which both problems are indeed fixed.
Here’s the first one, about the design and thus the motion sickness:
Apple has released an update for its iOS 7 software to deal with a raft of complaints from users about motion sickness, problems with iMessage and poor calibration of level sensors on the iPhone 5S.
The update, available on phones or through iTunes, also adds the “iCloud keychain” feature to randomise passwords used on different sites.
The release of iOS 7 in mid-September was a radical remodelling of Apple’s interface. But the animations when apps were launched and when messages were sent led to complaints from a number of users who suffer from forms of motion sickness that it literally made them feel ill.
Now Apple has enhanced an option to “Reduce Motion” in its Accessibility setting which stops the zooming transitions when changing between apps or starting them. The screen simply changes to the new app. Users of older devices such as the iPhone 4 who have found that the animations tax its processing power may also benefit from using it. (The setting is found at Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

“Vodafone store evacuated as iPad Air demo model catches fire”


Air, fire… where’s water and earth?

I think the water may have arrived with the fire brigade

Yes! +1

Rare earths are already inside the iPad.

I don’t know how many have seen the mess of wires in these stores, but it is a fire waiting to happen…!!! And normally there is so much stuff plugged into so many sockets on extensions that you really have no idea what plugs are in there if even original, it is quite possible that when the staff install the new stuff they simply use the old leads, meaning the under powering of units which could be a fir risk in itself ads the socket would overheat very quickly…!!!


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  • 2 months later...

just saw on the news that the iphone pre-orders was disappointing n weak with CHL

but 816 million dollars isn't too little to cry over


China Mobile (CHL) received 1.2M pre-orders for iPhone devices by Monday, indicating the level of demand for the product ahead of its sales launch by the carrier on Friday.



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