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Opinion: Top 5 Most Important Websites


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'Google' as a website is the search site

whether you go to .com, .co.uk, or any other domain ending, you get their search site/interface


all their other sites are as Google the company


When you go to Google.com or Google.co.uk or any other ending you go to their website that gives you the choices of, +You, Search, Images, Maps, Play, YouTube, News, Gmail, Drive, Calendar and them More, under More you have Translate, Blogger, etc. It is all right there on one website. You don't go to anyother website.


Goggle Maps has gotten so scary good now you can window shop stores on Melrose Ave to decide if you want to bother going down to the store or you can walk through a Hawaiian resort to decide if it has the ambiance you want.


You can even check the live traffic or average traffic pattern on an LA freeway before you make plans on when to go someplace.


That is content beyond belief.

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I visit reddit a lot, but have customized it to get rid of all the noise and weirdness (the reddit.com/r/askhistorians subreddit is a spectacular resource if yo're into history). Also Metafilter. And Google. BBC for news, Being a techie, I really like stackexchange and serverfault.

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some interesting data from 2011 that puts that into context;

Just in point of fact, your data is from 2011. This is the future for Google Glass, and I have a feeling that it is going to make a whole lot of current trends seem insignificant in future years.


New context perhaps?



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1. Google


2. Wikipedia


3. Facebook


4. Ebay


5. Amazon


This is not my own personal list. It's just derived from what people around me and on the net seem to like/use most and I'm betting some of these are the sites that have most changed the way people do things as diverse as chatting, shopping and research.

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When you go to Google.com or Google.co.uk or any other ending you go to their website that gives you the choices of, +You, Search, Images, Maps, Play, YouTube, News, Gmail, Drive, Calendar and them More, under More you have Translate, Blogger, etc. It is all right there on one website. You don't go to anyother website.


Goggle Maps has gotten so scary good now you can window shop stores on Melrose Ave to decide if you want to bother going down to the store or you can walk through a Hawaiian resort to decide if it has the ambiance you want.


You can even check the live traffic or average traffic pattern on an LA freeway before you make plans on when to go someplace.


That is content beyond belief.


Wow the live traffic works with London as well! That is really COOL! :D


I saw you can now go inside several shops on Google Maps of Paris and now I see it's a new feature...

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  • 1 month later...

That is really COOL! :D


I saw you can now go inside several shops on Google Maps of Paris and now I see it's a new feature...


The next version will include CaseTheJoint - virtual tours of people's homes where you can wander around and rummage through their drawers ...


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