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Health Risk: eyeball licking


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As someone who has visited the country twice and spent most of their teens as a Japanophile, I can say that Japanese culture is beautiful, exciting, stimulating and completely bonkers from a Western perspective. It's a culture of extremes. There is no middle ground. Traditional cultural expressions are fascinating and beautiful, but when they take a Western expression (be it our art, food or porn) they make it their own in a completely unique and mostly incomprehensible way. They take all the sweets we make and make them sweeter. They take extreme forms of culture and make them more extreme (from pop music to heavy metal, high fashion to subculture). It has resulted in some of the weirdest and some of the best art and entertainment on the planet, IMO. This is in no way a bad thing. It is simply a true thing.

I agree with you on most parts, as I should, otherwise I would have a very um... animated discussion at home. ;) It's just that I don't like talking in general about whole nations, groups etc. I'm quite sure in some people's eyes Germans are completely bonkers too, although I can't think of a thing atm. :P

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Aww come on! I'm sure we can find something in every culture. We won't judge a whole nation here, right?


There IS something in every culture.  I agree with Thorn up top that Japan is a culture of extremes, but it has some amazing things a part of it too.  I just find their sexual practices really weird.  XDD  That doesn't mean they're wrong though.  Just not my cup of tea.

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I know a lot of navy people that have been stationed in Japan and Okinawa.


According to people who should know, the sex industry in Japan offers more kink than even squids can stomach.

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Anyone tried to lick my eyes would end up licking the ground.   I think those people gotta be stuck in stupid.  How else could they think up something so....deranged. 


I'm with GB in the "i hit first and ask idiots why later" camp. ewww

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I'm with GB in the "i hit first and ask idiots why later" camp. ewww

I'm more like the "hit, kick, scratch, bite, what ever it takes and forget asking why" sort.

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Totally glad I haven't had breakfast yet...  the thought of chewing on contacts is NASTY.  My cousin used to put her contacts in her mouth if they were too dry.   :puke:


See, that just isn't sanitary. Ew...

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