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History of GA?


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So I wanna know how this amazing site come to life, and all the history that comes with it.

:blink: Surely it is not just magically appeared out of nowhere? :blink:


I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one curious about it.

Why no one ever asked about this topic is a mystery to me.


When is GA officially go online?

How? Is it a revamped version of an older site with a different name?

Who have the first idea about creating this site?

Who is the first author to contribute here?

What was it like, when GA first brought to life? Is it laggy? Slow awful connection?


...And so many other question I would like to ask. :read:

Edited by AnimalMorph
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Well that summed up Animal Morph's request quite quickly :P


I read through those past blog entries again, and it is nice to relive the memories of seeing some of, but not all of the changes. It is also nice that there is a chronological map of where GA once was to compare to what it is today.


Last thing I thought I would mention, one of the mid life screen shots but Myr showed that at the time of the screen shot, Naper Vic was signed in at the time. I miss him and hope that he is still looking in on all of us daily like he did for years :hug:

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Ahhhh! A stroll down memory lane. 


I remember watching the birth of the forums back in July 2003, although, I didn't become a member until December of that year. I knew Myr and a number of the early members from another forum site that is no longer in existence. ( Sometimes wish that it still was, I miss it and the people that populated it.)


Because I come here for the stories, I have never felt a need to be a prodigious poster. That is why after almost 10 years for me, my post count is a lot lower than some who have been a member for a shorter period of time than me. And that is still true.


Anyway... it has been interesting and fun watching how GA has grown over the last 10 years and sincerely hope that is still around 10 years from now even though I may not be here to see it.



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What's really interesting about this place is how people tend to form, to use an academic term, cohorts.  Those of you who have gone through a Master's or PhD program, or even an undergrad degree, know how you tend to bond with the people who came into the program when you did.  It seems to be the case here, where clumps of people, authors/readers/editors, will find this place around the same time and form a relatively cohesive support group.  I think that's a unique thing, and a good thing. 


I came here following after DomLuka, and I would count among my 'cohort' some pretty awesome people here at GA.  Vic, Sharon, and Connor are three who come to mind right off.   I find that even when the people come and go, the basic character of the place stays the same.  While this is a place to post and read stories, it is also a community.  Nothing burned that point into my brain more than Vic's death. 

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What's really interesting about this place is how people tend to form, to use an academic term, cohorts.  Those of you who have gone through a Master's or PhD program, or even an undergrad degree, know how you tend to bond with the people who came into the program when you did.  It seems to be the case here, where clumps of people, authors/readers/editors, will find this place around the same time and form a relatively cohesive support group.  I think that's a unique thing, and a good thing. 


I came here following after DomLuka, and I would count among my 'cohort' some pretty awesome people here at GA.  Vic, Sharon, and Connor are three who come to mind right off.   I find that even when the people come and go, the basic character of the place stays the same.  While this is a place to post and read stories, it is also a community.  Nothing burned that point into my brain more than Vic's death. 


I totally agree with you about the cohort-ness. My experience of GA has been shaped almost entirely by the people who either joned about the same time i did (Kitt, Wings) or those who i met in the first few weeks (Myiege, Thorn, Vv, Kiltie, Johnathan C et al)


of all the places i;ve written onthe web, GA is the only one with really allows a community to be built around the things we have in common. All hail GA

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