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Has anyone played this game, because I just finished it and all I could say is WOW...








And of course, AMAZING!


I've never played a game before that tackles the human condition so well, for it to translate into a game. I haven't been playing any game on ps3 lately for the past 2 years because I do have my career, and my graduate school to worry about on a daily basis. I choose to play games on my PC anyway, since I can bring it anywhere and anytime. Unless I come prepared lugging a luggage, and inside a 60 inch flatscreen tv with a playstation 3 that I could plug in the airport or in a coffee shop.


One of my friends got an extra copy of The Last of Us Game, cause he was planning to give it to his brother as a birthday present (he realised that the game was not too PG-13 for his little bro), and decided to sell it to me when the disc box-set was lying around in his house last weekend when I came to visit him, and I got to play it for at least 15 minutes. Not really play it, since it was all cutscenes at first. But bloody hell, was I hooked.


He said that he pre-ordered the game for months now. Knowing myself that I'm very particular in playing a game that resonates with my emotional tugging of strings, or mentally challenging my cranial hemispheres; this game did both exceptionally well.


This story could be pretty much be based from an award winning novel for all I know (and I know it's not) because the storyline is amazingly well-put together and the narrative is fantastic.


I nearly bawled at the first 15 minutes of storytelling that happened in the game's cinematic, as I sat on my friend's couch. I screamed at him and said, "I can't believe they did that! This is so unfair. How much do you want for this? I need to play this game now!"


He said, "$50 au." as he turned off the PS3. He wanted to surprise me further and didn't want to curtail my longing to play the game. And because he knew that I might have slept at his house and sat on that couch for hours, and might have destroyed our plans for meeting our friends that night.


So I basically spent the whole weekend playing this game.


So for those who have played this, what are your insights?


I really felt like I didn't play a PS3 game. It was more like I read an amazing book, that happened to be a 17 hour film prose. . . which became a game in its own right. And the ending was so emotionally jarring that until now, I still have some questions of my own morality. I'm not saying it's in a bad way, but for me, it's a good way.

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My brother has been playing my copy while I'm out of the country. He says it's one of the best games he's ever played. Of course that just makes me jealous that I can't play it... <_< but I followed the development pretty extensively. Good to know it lived up to expectations!

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My brother has been playing my copy while I'm out of the country. He says it's one of the best games he's ever played. Of course that just makes me jealous that I can't play it... <_< but I followed the development pretty extensively. Good to know it lived up to expectations!


And to think that I didn't know that this game existed and didn't kow what to expect of it made it better. I certainly had no clue that this was the most anticipated game of 2012 to be released this year. 


Only after having played it did I realise that it was indeed a game worth mentioning. And when I looked for it online, and read the game reviews was I then comforted that I'm not alone in my appreciation of this game.


There was even a 6 hour movie marathon made on youtube made from gameplays and cutscenes, for those who doesn't have PS3 and would like to know this game. I even watched it yesterday, and only had 3 hours of sleep. It's certainly an amazing game.


You definitely have to play it once you get your hands on it.

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This story could be pretty much be based from an award winning novel for all I know (and I know it's not) because the storyline is amazingly well-put together and the narrative is fantastic.


Actually, the game was inspired by the Pulitzer Price winning novel 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy. It's about a father and his little boy fighting to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world. It's an amazing book, but I can't really recommend it. It's very dark, cruel and sad, depressing really. Just be warned ;-)


As for the 'The Last of Us' - I hate stealth games. I mean, if I play a game, I want to be able to do something I can't do in real life and I can very well sneak up on people or tiptoe around them without getting noticed in real life. Anyway, I'm sure it's a fine game, just not as original as people seem to think it is.

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Actually, the game was inspired by the Pulitzer Price winning novel 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy. It's about a father and his little boy fighting to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world. It's an amazing book, but I can't really recommend it. It's very dark, cruel and sad, depressing really. Just be warned ;-)


As for the 'The Last of Us' - I hate stealth games. I mean, if I play a game, I want to be able to do something I can't do in real life and I can very well sneak up on people or tiptoe around them without getting noticed in real life. Anyway, I'm sure it's a fine game, just not as original as people seem to think it is.


Well I've read the road and I could see some similarities in its post-apocalypse nature (for sure), and even watched the movie (the one that sucked), but there are differences in the execution. You just either need to watch the cutscenes + gameplay video on youtube or play the game itself to fully understand it. And to think that I read the book yet never mentioned the similarities with the game video. . .   because it speaks much of how the two are entirely different.


Some say its even based on The Walking dead or 28 days later, but you can't really assume to base something when it's seriously different from how the creator's viewpoint was told.


And I don't think the concept is original at all. It's just that in this action/story genre, it's rare to find a game so good at telling the story while enjoying the part where it's a video game in essence. As I've said, I wasn't expecting anything when I played it. . . and I don't even prefer 1st-person shooter games (cause I'm more of an RPG or strategy games guy) and yet having played the 1st 15 min prologue got me hooked - thanks to the awesome voice acting.


Lastly, I don't think people view the story concept as original. It's the element of how the story was woven together, which then perfectly balances the gameplay while not sacrificing the plot, thus, made it original. . . even for me.


And it's the first survival game that actually felt like you really need to survive. You're not killing enemies to get bonuses. You might be killing the next random stranger you see holding a .45 calibre pistol, not because he's shooting at you, but because you know he will kill you. And if you want to live the next day, you have to kill him before he sees you. And there's no mercy in the gore or the bloodshed either.

Edited by Henry_Henry2012
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Saw the trailer - thought it was nice.. and is that Ellen Page? lol.. apparently Ellen Page thought so too.. seriously, could they have gotten any closer? :P Not saying it was intentional.. 


I also like story lines.. and was bummed that PS3 was the only one that it is distributed for... 

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Saw the trailer - thought it was nice.. and is that Ellen Page? lol.. apparently Ellen Page thought so too.. seriously, could they have gotten any closer? :P Not saying it was intentional.. 


I also like story lines.. and was bummed that PS3 was the only one that it is distributed for... 


I know right. And to think that I was about to sell my ps3 on ebay, cause it was catching dust for some time now.


Apparently, Ellen Page made a certain comment about her likeness in the game, because she has an up-coming game that used the 3D rendering of her face, motion capture, and voice.


But I think the creators of The Last of Us shrugged the issue since they did change the last image design of Ellie. Although there were some former similarities in their earlier layout design - it was indeed impeccable that they did use of Ellen Page's face.


I think they had to change her facial features a bit. But I can't complain, for the voice actor they used for Ellie was perfect for the role. Ellen Page's voice would have made her a bit mature, since the character Ellie was emotionally mature-sounding in the first place.

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Saw the trailer - thought it was nice.. and is that Ellen Page? lol.. apparently Ellen Page thought so too.. seriously, could they have gotten any closer? :P Not saying it was intentional.. 


I also like story lines.. and was bummed that PS3 was the only one that it is distributed for... 


It was made by the same people that made the Uncharted Series, Naughty Dog.  They are one of those companies that caters typically to only one system unfortunately.

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