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Are we ready for another X-Men?


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Thank god Bryan Singer is directing. There's a chance this one will be good and not the fiasco that X-3 turned into. I will see this when it comes out, I'm sure. It will be interesting to see how they adapt this story line.

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here when i first saw this topic before i saw the "men" part attached i thought it said...

"Are we ready for another X-Box"

To which i'd have to say I am not...

however X-Men i have all the X-men... to my knowledge.... that's come out on DVD so i wouldn't mind another one.

Edited by Celethiel
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I like the X-men franchise because it is based on a body of work that is unique, large and consistently good. There is plenty of original material.


In movies today, there is a severe lack of originality. Too many of the movies being made today are that they are re-makes of remakes of remakes. Many are rehashed remakes of crap that wasn't any good to start with. Worse still are the slapped together sequels that were made for no better reason than to capitalize off a successful movie.


It all boils down to writing and there's better writing here at GA than is evident in many of Hollyweird's latest crap-taculars.

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