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Board shorts or speedos?


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   Aren't Canadians in general a lot more health-concious than Americans? Like they don't have the same kind of fast-food culture that America has?


In general, yes. But its not like it is that hard to beat Americans in being more health-conscious. :P

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hmm, from what I've read US school male swim teams traditionally swam nude - which kinda runs counter to the current prevalent Victorian attitudes in the US :P


Yes, I remember reading when the original YMCA closed down in Calgary that it was a men's only club up until the late sixties and the pool was a nude swimming pool. Gender equality put a end to that :P .


B) ......................Humm, interesting question, I was raised in an era that only board shorts were in. Speedos was a European thing, and we didn't have a swim team at my school. We did have gymnastics and I was one, but I wouldn't of have the guts to wear a speedo back then! :*)


Sorry Benji, I know you aren't that old...but I think of the pictures I have seen in the old high schools of the basketball teams and their lack of shorts :P




   Aren't Canadians in general a lot more health-concious than Americans? Like they don't have the same kind of fast-food culture that America has?




Um, no, sadly Canada's obesity rates are as bad as the US's and continue to climb. Heard on the news today while Canada's is climbing, the US is actually stagnant for the past five years :(


Here is an example, here is me in my Speedo's taken last summer....



Yeah right :P Not gonna happen :D


Edited by wildone
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B) ..........Nope, I'm not that old and that is not me 4th in line with my clearly offended teammate in front of me!!  :rofl:




Sorry Benji, I know you aren't that old...but I think of the pictures I have seen in the old high schools of the basketball teams and their lack of shorts :P



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B) ..........Nope, I'm not that old and that is not me 4th in line with my clearly offended teammate in front of me!!  :rofl:




Sorry Benji, I know you aren't that old...but I think of the pictures I have seen in the old high schools of the basketball teams and their lack of shorts :P



actually i don't know that that picture is of that long ago, i think i've seen pictures of when my dad was in highschool and they were in black and white and had similar clothing (and he would be less than 10 years older than you Benji... just so you know.)


as for obesisity and such in america or Canada, the northern climate may have a little to do with Canada's problems there. Why i say this is Montana is a state with very few fast food Joints being as it has very few big cities (big by our standards is considered a normal town in other states... but are still cities by the standards of people pre 1800s). And yet this state has a very HIGH obsessity rate...

-_- also has a high suicide rate from what the radeo makes it sound. (which is something i actually never see or hear about, suicides in Montana or even people young enough to have died very few other ways being in the obituary pages)

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    Apparently it is becoming more popular to ditch baggy shorts in favor of tailored shorts...


    Definitely glad for that...it's a great look as long as you don't have completely stick legs:



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