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Welcome To Night Vale

Thorn Wilde

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Anyone other than myself and Cassie Q ever listened to this marvellously surreal and wonderful podcast?


For those who haven't, Welcome To Night Vale is a podcast based around a fictional town called Night Vale, somewhere in the United States, in which every conspiracy theory and supernatural idea seems to be true. When you listen to the podcast, you're listening to Night Vale Community Radio, presented by Cecil Gershwin Palmer, who is defined almost from the first moment as gay (the voice actor who plays him, Cecil Baldwin, is also gay, I believe), as he waxes poetic about the beautiful Carlos, a scientist who has recently moved to Night Vale in order to study the strange occurrences that take place there. 


The description on their website goes thusly:



WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.

Turn on your radio and hide.


The 'local weather' is actually music by independent artists, a new tune every week. Artists such as Jason Webley, Tom Milsom and Rachel Kann have been featured on the show. I've discovered a lot of really awesome music this way.


The podcast can be subscribed to on iTunes and Stitcher, there's an RSS feed, mp3 downloads of individual episodes, and they can be streamed on Soundcloud, so there are lots of options for lots of different devices and what-not. Their website is located here.

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I am beyond obsessed.  Right now, I have made my sister, my beta and a few of my coworkers listen to an episode.  I think I've gotten one of my younger coworkers hooked….she is going to made her fiancé listen too  :D


It is fantastic.

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I am beyond obsessed.  Right now, I have made my sister, my beta and a few of my coworkers listen to an episode.  I think I've gotten one of my younger coworkers hooked….she is going to made her fiancé listen too   :D


It is fantastic.

Dammit, now I have to go check it out.  Sheesh:P

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Some days I SWEAR I would rather work for Station Management.  How long do the interns usually last?  I think I would AT LEAST make it a week, maybe two  :P

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When I started listening to Welcome To Nightvale I fell in love with the music and went and downloaded the band's albums. However I learned a valuable lesson... When listening to the music don't be half asleep on a train because it looks like the hooded figures from the dog park are right outside the window...

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Disparition is really awesome. We used them as a soundtrack for our dinner party last Thursday. :P

Yea they are... it's a very mellow beat and makes it easy to fade into the background and not be overwhelming...

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I made a playlist for the weather…I think Disparition is on there 3 times.  Not my usual type of music, but I like the way it sounds, kind of haunting and soothing at the same time.  

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