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Loss of formatting in story content editor

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I've just posted a story (Incy, wincy spider https://www.gayauthors.org/story/northie/incy-wincy-spider/1) . When I posted the story content into the editor, I selected the not pre-formatted option. Using this option, I've lost all my italics. It's mildly irritating this time round, but the anthology story waiting for publication is about half italics and I don't know whether the italics are there. I miss being able to preview content before publication. If I use the pre-formatted option, the line spacing doubles. Word processing is either Word or Open office, using Chrome, Windows latest versions.

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If your story has huge gaps between paragraphs, it is the result of doing two carriage returns rather than one. In the new system, even if you have your formatting set to do the automatic spaces after paragraphs, the text editor will show all of the paragraphs without the spacing between them. Once you hit save though, there will be spacing between paragraphs. If you still want to be able to see the spacing between paragraphs as you're writing, you can go into paragraph settings and set the "after" spacing to Auto and it will automatically put extra spacing between paragraphs, but won't copy over into the GA editor.


(at least this worked when I tested it)


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It should be noted that when you tell it to clear formatting... it clears the formatting.  Italics is a formatting option.

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On Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:13 PM, northie said:

If I use the pre-formatted option, the line spacing doubles. Word processing is either Word or Open office, using Chrome, Windows latest versions.


I posted a story using Word for the first time. It is the latest version 1.0.1, in Chrome. I had no spacing between paragraphs in Word other than a carriage return. Pasting it into the GA editor there was no line spacing at all when published. To rectify, I had to make a carriage return at every paragraph (return key), then delete the line space with the backspace key. The text then appeared with no line spacing, but published correctly with the line space.


In brief: using Word is a problem for the format. Previously I used Polaris with no problem. 

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2 hours ago, William King said:


In brief: using Word is a problem for the format. Previously I used Polaris with no problem. 


Strange, I've always used Word without any problems with the spacing before and after the update.

Edited by Timothy M.
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36 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:


Strange, I've always used Word without any problems with the spacing before and after the update.


I played around and found the answer - simple when you know how - in Word you have to do a double carriage return (hit the return key twice). Then when you copy and paste it's fine. I think Word shows paragraph spacing for a single carriage return, but this is unique to Word. Either that or the GA editor likes a double dose 🤔

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15 minutes ago, William King said:


I played around and found the answer - simple when you know how - in Word you have to do a double carriage return (hit the return key twice). Then when you copy and paste it's fine. I think Word shows paragraph spacing for a single carriage return, but this is unique to Word. Either that or the GA editor likes a double dose 🤔


I'm not sure I understand the above, but whatever you do, never have two carriage returns in text posted in the story editor from Word.

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12 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:


I'm not sure I understand the above, but whatever you do, never have two carriage returns in text posted in the story editor from Word.


Yes, sorry, it is confusing. The answer is that in Word you need to uncheck the option in paragraph formatting that says - add space after paragraph  (unchecking the option means that it reads ADD SPACE AFTER PARAGRAPH). The same thing for - add space before paragraph.


Then every line you write in Word follows on until you hit RETURN and get a blank line.


When you copy and paste it is fine (you still need to centre text, add bold and italics).


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Personally, I search for ^p^p and replace with ^p.  This is basically required if you see spacing on Word's default setup.  If you have tweaked your settings to show spacing on a single carriage return, then you don't need to do this. 


Best way to check is to turn on the Paragraph symbols, which is that ¶ symbol.  if you see ¶¶ between groups of words, you'll get the double spacing problem.  The find and replace I mentioned above, ^p^p with ^p, fixes this issue.


It is really hard programmatically to accept every possible input type and make it correctly output... the editor does a sort of best case of that.  We have further filters on the display part of it to make sure that things look right and that the chapter controls work.  (contrast, indent, size, etc)


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