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Hi there everyone. I've been looking for a place like GA for a long, long time. I wonder why I didn't discover GA before?


I've read some stories here and there on GA and I like the quality I'm seeing. Posted Image

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Hey Mark nice to have you on board! :D Glad you're enjoying GA so far, if you need any help everyone here is more than happy to try and point you in the right direction :)

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Hi there everyone. I've been looking for a place like GA for a long, long time. I wonder why I didn't discover GA before?


I've read some stories here and there on GA and I like the quality I'm seeing. Posted Image



Did you try looking on the internet? :ranger: (Sorry, I couldn't resist. Heard that line too many times, myself.)


Seriously, welcome. There are lots of really fine folks here, and they're glad to help any time you have a question. Some very good writing, too.

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Hi all!


New user here. Hoping to meet some fun folks to talk to and share stories with.


My name is Jason. I am the creator/owner of the site "The Worlds of Jason Finigan," and the author of Destiny's Edge, which is my first published book.


Some of my other hobbies include Web site design and model railroading.

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Welcome, Jay. I love sharing stories :) so I'm just here if you need me :) And great job on having a published story Posted Image


Thanks for the welcome, and for the congrats on my book. I look forward to joining in the discussions and getting to know everyone.

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Hey Jay, nice to meet you and welcome to GA, I hope you have enjoyed your time here already :)

That's really cool having a published book, I hope the stories here impress you too :)

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Hey everyone just signed on to this site and so far im loving it :2thumbs:


Just thought id pop a little message to say hi


Sami <3

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Hey Sami glad to hear you're enjoying the site so far! :D everyone here is great and will try their best to make you feel welcome :)

Hope you keep enjoying :)

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Hey! This seemed like the most logical place to make my first post!! Does this count? I'm new to the site and trying to figure out the lay of the land. I've read a few stories and they are all great! Looking forward to reading more!

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Hi there. M'name is Jordan. I made an account on this site a while ago, yet never did anything with it.


But now I'm going to try and actually put some time into this site; maybe something interesting will come from it. I enjoy reading stories, as well as honing in on my own skill sets. =^__^=

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How many times have i missed the boat this time???


I''m usually on the ball to welcome newcomers... all part of my plan to take over the world.


Anyway... welcome everyone :) :)


:wub: :wub:

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Hey all! New member here, not really new the site but I just built up the nerve to actually register! Love the stories on here! All of you are so talented! I hope to be sticking around and enjoying more of all of ya'lls works of art.


But anyway, my name is James, I'm from Georgia, I'm 23, Not out (small town, pretty religious, everyone in everyone else's business, etc), Single. Just a good ol' country boy. Posted Image


I love reading and writing, I love anything to do with zombies, so if anyone knows any good Resident Evil stories I'll be all over them!


My favorite author of all time is Anne McCaffrey. Her dragonrider's of Pern series got me through many days of school. I also enjoy Doctor Who and Torchwood.


I'm currently attending College to become a Registered Nurse. Busy, Busy, Busy! I hardly ever have any free time. Posted Image


Hrmm... that's about it I think, anything else you want to ask, just post it to my profile or on here.



Thanks to all the people in the chatroom that welcomed me today.. *looks over the the clock* err... Yesterday. Hope we can be friends!


EDIT: As you can see by my set, I'm an absolute fan of Kirby! He's such a cute lil' devil.


Edit2: Actually I think I'll use my Yami no Matsuei (Decedents of Darkness) set.

Edited by Paradox87
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